Visit to Marc C.'s (SpiritOfMusic's) House in England


Why did you get the giant balanced transformer in the first place?

I am sure you were raving about it at the time. What has changed?

My old London apartment had a very bad dose of great SQ after hours, cranky earlier in the day. A function of poor power I diagnosed.
My first attempt at a solution was the Burmester 948 which was a fix, but dynamics suffered. Moving to a much cheaper, balanced transformer solution with an Airlink upped the ante again, but some different reservations now.
The big Westwick that I settled on a decade ago seemed to have the advantages of the first two solutions with none of their disadvantages.
Seemed like a one box, somewhat overkill solution, but wholly positive.
And Mike Lavigne running balanced seemed like a good role model.
However, things are so different out here in the country, mainly much more stable power coming into the chapel, likely less polluted as well.
Right now I can't deny the evidence of what I'm hearing.
Either my diagnosis for my original woes was wrong, or my solution was not the best, or things have moved on and previous conclusions are invalid.
Either my diagnosis for my original woes was wrong, or my solution was not the best, or things have moved on and previous conclusions are invalid.
This is good analysis!

It doesn't matter which of these is correct; I'm just glad you're making new progress!
Hmm, progress in circles. Like relying on a malfunctioning SatNav.
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‘However, things are so different out here in the country, mainly much more stable power coming into the chapel, likely less polluted as well.”

Marc can you tell me how your voltage changes over the day?
Actual voltage say during the evening and fluctuation variance.
Level of noise on the mains in mv
Total power requirement of your system.
Power outages per year approximately.

Thank you
It doesn't matter which of these is correct; I'm just glad you're making new progress!
Change is progress.

Even though it does not cost chump change.
‘However, things are so different out here in the country, mainly much more stable power coming into the chapel, likely less polluted as well.”

Marc can you tell me how your voltage changes over the day?
Actual voltage say during the evening and fluctuation variance.
Level of noise on the mains in mv
Total power requirement of your system.
Power outages per year approximately.

Thank you
This is pure conjecture on my part. The only time I had objective evidence of power issues was back in London, where my Burmester 948 conditioner registered significant fluctuations in voltage moment to moment. Which pushed me down the balanced transformer route, and subsequently a guest measured my power, and indeed those variations had smoothed out.
If and when my electrician returns to likely install audiophile grade MCBs and RCB, I guess I can ask him to check the things on your list.
My conjecture is purely based on the fact that music playing now unadulterated by balanced power or any other conditioner sounds extremely open and consistent at any time of the day. That was absolutely not the case in London before I got the Burmester.
The only thing I can confirm is semi regularity of outtages, normally bird strike on overhead lines, one or two monthly. And the odd longer blackout.
Well, out goes the Westwick 8kVA balanced power transformer, to be replaced by Doepke RCCD and MCBs. Recently I just had the transformer switched off, now it's been physically removed.
After three days of slightly mixed results, the fourth and fifth day are showing a lot of progress.
Critically there's a real boost to image density, and with the stage now being also wider and deeper, I'm likening this to the analogue of greater pixellation.
This feels like a real step change to a much more realistic sound, no hypeing up of any aspect of the frequency balance, just a much more resolute sound in terms of tangibility and substance.
A greater foundation, and more stable presentation.
As my last serious system-wide change, it's proving to be really beneficial.
I also know there's likely more positive changes to be had in the next several weeks.
As things stand, all that's left for me to concentrate on is a CDP service/clock upgrade and mods package, and allocating funds for future tubes and stylii purchases, I have my eye on Audio Note molybdenum 211s.
Ridding myself of the Westwick is the only time I've seriously gone back on a major system-wide change/optimisation, and together with the Burmester 948 conditioner that I used to run that I also fell out of love with, I'm fully aware that these units have been blind alleys for my sound, any positives they brought indeed came with more negatives.
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Well, out goes the Westwick 8kVA balanced power transformer, to be replaced by Doepke RCCD and MCBs. Recently I just had the transformer switched off, now it's been physically removed.
After three days of slightly mixed results, the fourth and fifth day are showing a lot of progress.
Critically there's a real boost to image density, and with the stage now being also wider and deeper, I'm likening this to the analogue of greater pixellation.
This feels like a real step change to a much more realistic sound, no hypeing up of any aspect of the frequency balance, just a much more resolute sound in terms of tangibility and substance.
A greater foundation, and more stable presentation.
As my last serious system-wide change, it's proving to be really beneficial.
I also know there's likely more positive changes to be had in the next several weeks.
As things stand, all that's left for me to concentrate on is a CDP service/clock upgrade and mods package, and allocating funds for future tubes and stylii purchases, I have my eye on Audio Note molybdenum 211s.
Ridding myself of the Westwick is the only time I've seriously gone back on a major system-wide change/optimisation, and together with the Burmester 948 conditioner that I used to run that I also fell out of love with, I'm fully aware that these units have been blind alleys for my sound, any positives they brought indeed came with more negatives.
What was wrong with the Burmester? I heard it was quite good.
I made the mistake of plugging my power amp into it (Hovland Radia if I recall), leading to serious truncating of dynamics.
Had I restricted it just to sources and preamp, I'd have done better.
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Well, it looks like I'm on a roll of stripping stuff out.
After much ribbing I should divorce from by balanced power transformer, I've gone ahead by replacing with specialist Doepke RCCD and MCBs, to truly amazing effect.
Now a long-term Entreq skeptic in my circle has strongly pushed me to trying my system with the grounding boxes disconnected.
And yes, I'm hearing the benefit.
Not as radical night and day as the Doepkes, but another step closer to reality.
I'm using the newly arrived DG remastered Bruckner's symphonies box set to gauge the changes, and after a couple of hours they're plain to hear.
Well, it looks like I'm on a roll of stripping stuff out.
After much ribbing I should divorce from by balanced power transformer, I've gone ahead by replacing with specialist Doepke RCCD and MCBs, to truly amazing effect.
Now a long-term Entreq skeptic in my circle has strongly pushed me to trying my system with the grounding boxes disconnected.
And yes, I'm hearing the benefit.
Not as radical night and day as the Doepkes, but another step closer to reality.
I'm using the newly arrived DG remastered Bruckner's symphonies box set to gauge the changes, and after a couple of hours they're plain to hear.
You had us for years hooked on to how you were adding power stuff, cables, isolation, grounding, etc. It will be amazing if the next few years you can have us hooked onto how you are taking out power stuff, cables, isolation, grounding, etc
Well, it looks like I'm on a roll of stripping stuff out.
After much ribbing I should divorce from by balanced power transformer, I've gone ahead by replacing with specialist Doepke RCCD and MCBs, to truly amazing effect.
Now a long-term Entreq skeptic in my circle has strongly pushed me to trying my system with the grounding boxes disconnected.
And yes, I'm hearing the benefit.
Not as radical night and day as the Doepkes, but another step closer to reality.
I'm using the newly arrived DG remastered Bruckner's symphonies box set to gauge the changes, and after a couple of hours they're plain to hear.

Just ask yourself if it sounds more natural with or without and use live acoustic music as your reference.
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You had us for years hooked on to how you were adding power stuff, cables, isolation, grounding, etc. It will be amazing if the next few years you can have us hooked onto how you are taking out power stuff, cables, isolation, grounding, etc
I can't do this to you guys. The Grand Old Duke of York, marching his 10,000 men to the top of the hill, and then marching them back down again.
trying my system with the grounding boxes disconnected.
And yes, I'm hearing the benefit.
Not as radical night and day as the Doepkes, but another step
Hello Marc,

What sonic improvement did you hear from removing the Entreq?
Hello Marc,

What sonic improvement did you hear from removing the Equi-Tech?
The whole lot.
Nothing Less.
Check post #1968
NB Not MikeL's Equitech, but a UK alternative.
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The whole lot.
Nothing Less.
Check post #1968
NB Not MikeL's Equitech, but a UK alternative.
Yes, sorry, I forgot it was not an Equi-Tech product.

I'm sorry I missed seeing your prior post number 1968.

Did you hear on both digital playback and analog playback an improvement from its removal? Or did you hear the improvement mainly on analog playback?
The differences contrast a bit on analog v digital.
First of all, LP really has been boosted.
After a couple of decades where I could never get vinyl to consistently outperform CD, analog has really jumped in performance.
I still love my digital, but my analog now rules supreme.
If I was to sum up the differences, CD is showing greater space and depth.
LP is showing hitherto unheard levels of heft, texture, bass articulation.
Critically for both mediums, there is an amazing sense of solid foundation and substance, that the rest is built upon.
Very much closer to the illusion of live music.
Last but not least, a big part of this phenomenal uptick is a major reduction in noise.
I'd say this plus a much less impeded current flow to my amps, allowing the Zus to truly demonstrate their high efficiency, are the keys.
Remember, I've replaced three stock RCCDs and three MCBs, plus a daisy chained 80kg transformer coil, with one specialised RCCD and three specialised MCBs.
So WAY less "stuff" in the way.
The whole lot.
Nothing Less.
Check post #1968
NB Not MikeL's Equitech, but a UK alternative.

And you thought when you installed it that it was an improvement. Do you attribute this change of opinion to more exposure to live music or to something else?

What other stuff can you remove from your system or set up?

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