CH Precision new 10 Series product in 2024 : C10 DAC


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
Hong Kong
The HighEnd Munich show is the most important hifi show in Europe.
Most brands will take this opportunity to debut their new products.

I get info that CH Precision will launch their new flagship C10 DAC at the Munich Show this year (9-12 May).
This will not be only a silent display but a real demo.

Here is the new C10 DAC taking photos for marketing/brochures.


Very attractive!!! :D
I get info that CH Precision will launch their new flagship C10 DAC at the Munich Show this year (9-12 May).
Thanks for sharing, any technical info?
Good morning, yes I saw the big news on Facebook yesterday as well which was confirmed by the HK distributor. I really look forward to listen to it how much improvements and character compared to the present 1-series it will be. Same as P10 or L10? The sound and performance of my present D1.5 / X1 and C1.2 / X1 - both with Nordost X1 umbilical cable - and T1 is already so good that it's almost on the same analogue P10 level. Lets wait for the first impressions during Munich HighEnd and later on HK Audio Show.
From what I've heard, CH Precision will stick with PCM 1704 chips to do the actual D/A conversion, and not relying on more fancy(?) discrete resistors or FPGA methods etc. This will surely spark more debates and ridicules, but ultimately, we will let the market decide if C10 will be a winner.
From what I've heard, CH Precision will stick with PCM 1704 chips to do the actual D/A conversion, and not relying on more fancy(?) discrete resistors or FPGA methods etc. This will surely spark more debates and ridicules, but ultimately, we will let the market decide if C10 will be a winner.
This may not be bad. I personally like the resistor-array mechanism most.

There may be some new ideas on the filtering & analog stage.
And I'm sure that the psu is with tech & experience from L10 & P10.
OMG it looks like…. All the other components
Yes looks fantastic. Plus a T1 in T10 outer case design will be launched as well... Looking forward to the first audit and listening impressions...
Full details of CH C10 on the CH’s web site:

Yes it looks and specs sounds excellent and very existing. Interesting that there are no images of the full rear panel yet available... So we need to be patient until Munich.
This may not be bad. I personally like the resistor-array mechanism most.

There may be some new ideas on the filtering & analog stage.
And I'm sure that the psu is with tech & experience from L10 & P10.
Indeed this is a smart design choice in implementation of filtrering. IF They Are doing what I think They Are doing…
The output signal is devoid of filtrering artifacts and by output buffer design and bandwith for all sakes and purposes it will behave as no filter at all.
Because, you can mathematicallychoose the ringing to be outside any analog area of reproduction. Its old math, ca 1954 actually.
CH is not the first tech company to do this… I’ve seen it before. But that timing accuracy of 2 femtoseconds They Are claiming. That, must be a first!
How woul it rate I wonder? Or would it multirate .. nudge nudge wink wink.
Here's a picture of the rear panel of the new C10 from Munich.
Wow excellent. Many thanks for sharing. Really interesting mono channel configuration. According to the HK distributor " C10 sound so natural and effortless". Looking forward to listen to it myself during the summer.
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Hello! Today I had the big pleasure and honor to listen to the new C10 converter for the first time at the HK distributor's showroom. It's a prototype which had just been returned from a testing at HK's renewed Hifi magazine "AudioTechnique". The final version will have some modifications such as retractable umbilical power cords at Converter and PC (for easier usage of mono versions with 2 PS).
What shall I say: just unbelievable. We started the listening session with the C1.2 Mono (!!!) before switching to the C10. The difference in performance is just staggering, the C10 pulverized the C1.2 Monos. The whole sound picture is on a different level, much more space and 3 dimensional stage, better dynamics and bass and micro details. The whole sound stage is so real and three dimensional, piano in particular so direct and precise though so natural. We listened mainly to classic (eg Piano & Cello Concertos) and some trio jazz albums. I was sitting there 2 hours with an open mouth.
I placed my order directly and hope this wonderful instrument can be delivered around Christmas. If one of you have the chance to listen to it - preferable with a whole CH Precision gear (and in our case Stenheim alumine 5se speakers) please go ahead and fasten your seat-belt!
What a wonderful machine they have created surpassing the already great C1.2 by miles!


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Might one ask. CH has no plans on updating the Word Clock?
This is all circuit and esoteric iteration around analog updates, (dac side... aside...)right?
I asked the same question and CH is not planing any upgrade / new version of the T1 clock, except a possible exchange of the front-panel for the T1 to match the front with other 10 series units. Their next project is a top loading CD transport / player.
Hello! Today I had the big pleasure and honor to listen to the new C10 converter for the first time at the HK distributor's showroom. It's a prototype which had just been returned from a testing at HK's renewed Hifi magazine "AudioTechnique". The final version will have some modifications such as retractable umbilical power cords at Converter and PC (for easier usage of mono versions with 2 PS).
What shall I say: just unbelievable. We started the listening session with the C1.2 Mono (!!!) before switching to the C10. The difference in performance is just staggering, the C10 pulverized the C1.2 Monos. The whole sound picture is on a different level, much more space and 3 dimensional stage, better dynamics and bass and micro details. The whole sound stage is so real and three dimensional, piano in particular so direct and precise though so natural. We listened mainly to classic (eg Piano & Cello Concertos) and some trio jazz albums. I was sitting there 2 hours with an open mouth.
I placed my order directly and hope this wonderful instrument can be delivered around Christmas. If one of you have the chance to listen to it - preferable with a whole CH Precision gear (and in our case Stenheim alumine 5se speakers) please go ahead and fasten your seat-belt!
What a wonderful machine they have created surpassing the already great C1.2 by miles!
Many thanks for sharing your impression. May I ask if you were playing discs or streaming and if latter, what was the streaming source? Many thanks and congrats on your wonderful new DAC.
Thanks a lot, however I am not into streaming and we played CDs & SACDs only with one exception: Misty /TBM label as the piano is so so clear. The CH distributor uses in his showroom a notebook computer with SSD hard-disk as source through network going with additional streaming HD board into C10/C1.2 mono.
Thanks a lot, however I am not into streaming and we played CDs & SACDs only with one exception: Misty /TBM label as the piano is so so clear. The CH distributor uses in his showroom a notebook computer with SSD hard-disk as source through network going with additional streaming HD board into C10/C1.2 mono.
Many thanks for the feedback.

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