Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

I don't use port forwarding but for the past few days Ed and Todd have been using XDMS and my library to test a new scanner and I have been using Roon exclusively. . I have done the Roon updated I have had no connectivity issues or power issues.I am running XDMS 2.4.7+1/Server version 1+1.19 Beta 240530/Player version 1.3.11 240315 and have had no issues since installing the update.
I thought that the Olympus will not be delivered with XDMS for the first 3 months until it is completed. I also seem to recall that XDMS is a different control app for Olympus than with the Extreme
I'm not that bright with this stuff. Marty updated XDMS and that was when he had network failure. Just curious if XDMS remote has a correlation "somehow" within network structure. Or as David suggested a corrupted Roon Port Forwarding. I just found it odd that it occurred in the same time fame with two different people/situations...
I don't use port forwarding but for the past few days Ed and Todd have been using XDMS and my library to test a new scanner and I have been using Roon exclusively. . I have done the Roon updated I have had no connectivity issues or power issues.I am running XDMS 2.4.7+1/Server version 1+1.19 Beta 240530/Player version 1.3.11 240315 and have had no issues since installing the update.
Interesting, and I'm not versed enough to understand all of this...
I'm not that bright with this stuff. Marty updated XDMS and that was when he had network failure. Just curious if XDMS remote has a correlation "somehow" within network structure. Or as David suggested a corrupted Roon Port Forwarding. I just found it odd that it occurred in the same time fame with two different people/situations...
I think Marty's issue was the Taiko router dropping taikoaudio network and David's was a power issue using port forwarding and his home network
I think Marty's issue was the Taiko router dropping taikoaudio network and David's was a power issue using port forwarding and his home network
Agreed, (2 different situations) just unusual that Marty's network drop, happened after doing the XDMS update...Before that he had a rock solid Taiko Network..
I don't use port forwarding but for the past few days Ed and Todd have been using XDMS and my library to test a new scanner and I have been using Roon exclusively. . I have done the Roon updated I have had no connectivity issues or power issues.I am running XDMS 2.4.7+1/Server version 1+1.19 Beta 240530/Player version 1.3.11 240315 and have had no issues since installing the update.

Steve, if you are connecting to the extreme via the Taiko router wifi then your use case doesn’t match mine since you are not using port forwarding.
Bottom line I just want to get everything up and running without issue and call it a day!
Steve, if you are connecting to the extreme via the Taiko router wifi then your use case doesn’t match mine since you are not using port forwarding.
I said I am not using port forwarding.I agree. I also think your issue and Marty's issue is totally different
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Taiko support suggested the following additional port forwarding rules and this restored my ability to run Roon via my home network wifi:

Port 9159 with TCP protocol
Port 9003 with UDP protocol

These should be added in the port forwarding section of the router configuration.
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Taiko support suggested the following additional port forwarding rules and this restored my ability to run Roon via my home network wifi:

Port 9159 with TCP protocol
Port 9003 with UDP protocol

These should be added in the port forwarding section of the router configuration.
So in fact was it the Roon update that changed Port Forwarding Protocol? Or something else that I don't comprehend?
So in fact was it the Roon update that changed Port Forwarding Protocol? Or something else that I don't comprehend?

Taiko support believes it may be due to the Roon update.
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Do most Extreme owners leave their units on always, or is it ok to turn it off until listening to music?
The Extreme runs rather warm, and in Texas it's already hot.
Do most Extreme owners leave their units on always, or is it ok to turn it off until listening to music?
The Extreme runs rather warm, and in Texas it's already hot.
Leave it on!
Mine is always on unless i go away on vacation for more than a week.
Do most Extreme owners leave their units on always, or is it ok to turn it off until listening to music?
The Extreme runs rather warm, and in Texas it's already hot.
Its a good practice to do a soft reboot once per week. I do this along with my home router as well, keeps the evil spirits away. With the Olympus this will no longer be the case!! Which is a very good thing...
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Its a good practice to do a soft reboot once per week. I do this along with my home router as well, keeps the evil spirits away. With the Olympus this will no longer be the case!! Which is a very good thing...

John, how do you know the Olympus won’t benefit from a periodic reboot? It is still a computer running Windows software.
John, how do you know the Olympus won’t benefit from a periodic reboot? It is still a computer running Windows software.
I believe that question was addressed by Emile...I would wager on it...
Do most Extreme owners leave their units on always, or is it ok to turn it off until listening to music?
The Extreme runs rather warm, and in Texas it's already hot.
The Extreme needs a few days to get on song after it has been shut down, so leaving it on is almost mandatory. It sucks in the summer, due to the ~100w of constant power use and heat, but SQ....
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I do leave on all my (transistor) stuff.
You will loose quite some sq with starting it from cold.

Footers for T router and T switch: mandatory, too, as Steve Williams stated recently.
While the Original copper footers are quite ok, there is much more sq with decent aftermarket footers.

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