Introducing My System

Very clean downscaling of your system. I have a feeling that Quintet is coming for that new space...
It’s indeed a serious consideration. The biggest questionmark is the downfiring port vs. the rear firing passive woofers. However, I am very happy with the sound of my Orchestra, so much so that I am not really considering any changes.

That said, I did buy myself a fully refurbished Apogee Duetta to “scratch an old itch” if you will, which I plan to at least try in my new listening space for a few audiophile sessions with friends. It will not be replacing the Orchestra however, I just want to hear strings on an Apogee again :)


what is the sound difference between Weiss Helios vs Lampizator Horizon and which sound do you prefer?


what is the sound difference between Weiss Helios vs Lampizator Horizon and which sound do you prefer?
From this vanatage point definitely prefer the sound of the Horizon. Having no op amps in the signal path is the clear winner no matter how good Weiss’ op amps may be.

However, at this point I am still unsure whether I’ll reintroduce Horizon into the system. One big reason is the convenience of having the streamer integrated with the DAC. My intention is not to keep stacking boxes like I used to but instead having a more streamlined and lifestyle oriented setup than before.
Z tohto uhla pohľadu určite uprednostnite zvuk Horizon. Neexistencia operačných zosilňovačov v signálovej ceste je jasným víťazom bez ohľadu na to, aké dobré môžu byť Weissove operačné zosilňovače.

V tejto chvíli si však stále nie som istý, či znovu zavediem Horizon do systému. Jedným z veľkých dôvodov je pohodlie integrovaného streamera s DAC. Mojím zámerom nie je skladovať škatule tak, ako som zvykol, ale namiesto toho mať jednoduchšie a na životný štýl orientované nastavenie ako predtým.
takže preferujete pohodlie pred zvukom?
If the above means — as well as I can translate it — you too prefer tubes in the sound — then yes, I do :)
New things on the Horizon!

Well two things really — the completely refurbished Apogee Duetta speakers have arrived from Italy. I’ve plugged them in and I’m basking in the incredible midrange tones of this speaker. Sure there are some drawbacks (doesn’t have the extension of the diamonds), but what this speaker does right, it does so tremendously! I made a video and looking back it doesn’t accurately reflect how good the in room sound is, but you can at least get the general idea (not even sure about that). Anyway, Horizon is also back in the lineup and rightfully so. With the bass issues out of the way, I was able to reintroduce it into the system. It’s just so much more organic than Weiss Helios. Don’t get me wrong, Helios is an excellent DAC, but it’s just not on the level of Lampizator Horizon. I guess not having those op amps in the signal (no matter how good they may be) is where the magic comes from (among other things).


Whats the recording being played ..?
Listening "L'incoronazione di Poppea, SV 308, Act 3: "Pur ti miro" (Nerone, Poppea)" track from "Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore" by "Núria Rial" on JPLAY app.1722082685949.png
Listening "L'incoronazione di Poppea, SV 308, Act 3: "Pur ti miro" (Nerone, Poppea)" track from "Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore" by "Núria Rial" on JPLAY app.View attachment 134170

You should try recording a single speaker (possibly with your microphone closer to your speaker) to get better sound.
You should try recording a single speaker (possibly with your microphone closer to your speaker) to get better sound.
Will give it a shot. Thanks.
It's worth a try, especially when you hear the room a lot in a recording.
I hear it also in the recording but not live. I guess good for me, less good for the recording :) This space is weird for recordings.
A quick update: myself and a bunch of my hi fi buddies have been evaluating the refurbished Apogee Duetta and the Marten Mingus Orchestra in a direct head to head duel.

As things stand now, Marten is tucked away at my storage and I’m immensly enjoying the completely refurbished Apogee Duetta. To be perfectly honest, I was reluctant for many reasons — price, prestige, the build quality of Marten Mingus Orchestra vs. the wiffs of DIY in the Apogee Build, etc. However, with all its faults what the Duetta does right, Marten cannot achieve. The directness, the emotional involvement with the music, the almost analogue tone (not quite sure why) with the same digital front end on both speakers caused this change in the system.

The Rel 31 is now paired with the Duetta quite successfully, adding just the fundamentals without taking away anything from the pureness of the sound.

Down the road, I think the Clarysis Studio Plus, along with Alsyvox Boticelli are the only true contenders.

Great! Keep the updates coming!
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The directness, the emotional involvement with the music, the almost analogue tone (not quite sure why) with the same digital front end on both speakers caused this change in the system.

View attachment 134306

I am totally delighted that you have discovered the wonders of planar dipole loudspeakers!
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Wait a second, where are the Magmas?

And when did the Lara join the family?
Wait a second, where are the Magmas?

And when did the Lara join the family?
These are the brand new NAT Symbiosis New. Comparably similar sound to Magmas but with way less heat disippation. So happy with the sound AND ergonomics.

Also, Lara is here temporarily until my very dear (and near to my heart) Tara 30A joins the fold :)

Lara is a fantastic preamp by the way. Stellar build and fantastic signal to noise ratio resulting in extraordinary deliniation of elements on the sound stage as well as its size — tremendeous match with the Apogees, but the slight impendance mismatch with the amps means that Tara will do wonders once it arrives.
A quick update: myself and a bunch of my hi fi buddies have been evaluating the refurbished Apogee Duetta and the Marten Mingus Orchestra in a direct head to head duel.

As things stand now, Marten is tucked away at my storage and I’m immensly enjoying the completely refurbished Apogee Duetta. To be perfectly honest, I was reluctant for many reasons — price, prestige, the build quality of Marten Mingus Orchestra vs. the wiffs of DIY in the Apogee Build, etc. However, with all its faults what the Duetta does right, Marten cannot achieve. The directness, the emotional involvement with the music, the almost analogue tone (not quite sure why) with the same digital front end on both speakers caused this change in the system.

The Rel 31 is now paired with the Duetta quite successfully, adding just the fundamentals without taking away anything from the pureness of the sound.

Down the road, I think the Clarysis Studio Plus, along with Alsyvox Boticelli are the only true contenders.

View attachment 134306
Yes, Apogee Duettas (are these signatures?) are a very very good speaker and more natural sounding than nearly all box speakers. I found them quite superior to the equivalent priced Magnepans. I had Caliper Signatures for many years and basically could have stayed with them and been perfectly happy forever more. I moved on to horns about a decade ago and have stayed there ever since; however, I could still happily go back to something like your Duettas and never think twice about missing something.

IMO, you are not missing anything in the planar world from the likes of Alsyvox or Clarisys beyond better build quality. From what I have heard, they are not significantly better sounding. One to look at for reasonable money though is Diptyque from France...those have impressed me at Munich two years in a row.

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