It’s part of our product development process. When we come out with a new product, it needs to beat whatever is considered the industry leader at twice its price, or more. The cornerstone of our marketing program is to make our products available to qualified customers through our authorized dealers and distributors. If you’re interested, I invite you make these comparisons for yourself. You will be extremely surprised. Extremely.
Ted Denney
Lead designer, CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
Your point about considering recurring themes is well taken. We’re exploring options for third-party testing that don’t compromise our proprietary technologies.
I’ve aimed to avoid playing the victim, but to highlight the intellectual dishonesty in holding Synergistic Research to standards rarely applied to our peers. Claims that our products are “expensive” ignore competitors’ offerings at multiples of our prices. The idea that we somehow lack credible scientific evidence, in an industry that doesn’t provide objective proof of performance, is odd. Suggestions that our marketing is uniquely fanciful disregard industry norms.
Much of this criticism seems to come from non-audiophiles or potential industry proxies, perhaps struggling to match our innovation pace. However, repeating these points to unreceptive audiences is not productive.
I’ve presented our perspective. People can consider it, or not.
Ted Denney
Lead designer, CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
Tom our super moderator said don’t blame this forum for what comes next.
It seems you don’t know who is criticizing your company, what they are criticizing, why they are criticizing it and when the uptick in criticism of your company began.
Tom our super moderator said don’t blame this forum for what comes next.
It seems you don’t know who is criticizing your company, what they are criticizing, why they are criticizing it and when the uptick in criticism of your company began.
Tom our super moderator said don’t blame this forum for what comes next.
It seems you don’t know who is criticizing your company, what they are criticizing, why they are criticizing it and when the uptick in criticism of your company began.
And wait until you see the videos we have coming, where I compare SR products to our major competitors’ products that are multiples more expensive. With high-resolution downloadable files, people can hear the overwhelming performance advantage Synergistic Research holds over our competition. Shock and awe are incoming, and there’s not a damn thing our competitors, or their proxies in the paid high-end audio press, can do to slow our momentum. The stranglehold on the narrative is coming to an end. And the best part? Anytime anyone reads a review from one of these paid hacks, the first thing they’re going to want to know is how that compares to a Synergistic Research product that costs less. Fortunately, we have a dealer and distributor network that will make that happen. Enjoy!
Ted Denney
Lead designer CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
Tom say what you like. Your observations, objective or ad hominem opens your perspective to debate. But no one can say Synergistic Research is less valid than any other company in our space.
There are no cable or accessory companies offering conclusive scientific white papers to prove why their products should sound better than anything else. There are no cable or accessory manufacturers, submitting their products for scientific scrutiny or peer review that proves subjective performance. And there are no consumers purchasing High End Audio cables or accessories based on measurements they take at home.
The entire High End cable and accessory industry is based on subjective performance. That’s how consumers analyze whether or not they want to keep something, if they’re allowed to even take something home at all. Again, consumers are not basing their High End Audio purchases based on measurements they take at home. So either consumers can try something at home before they buy, or they must listen at the dealer, and if it doesn’t work out at home, too bad, so sad.
The entire High End audio industry is based on subjective performance. That’s how consumers analyze whether or not they want to keep something. Facilitating in-home auditions, with the option to return SR to your dealer is the ultimate proof of performance. And while most of my competitors are going backwards in sales, our sales are accelerating almost exponentially at this point.
From what I can tell EVERYONE receives some kind of criticism here on WBF. Different types of components, different types of criticism. In the case of cables/tweeks the criticisms typically revolve around price of materials/retail price ratio or unverifiable claims made to justify extraordinary IP pricing. Speakers and electronics can and are measured and the materials and schematics are generally known. Ultimately purchase decisions are made on subjective grounds but the objective data and a good idea about why something sounds the way it does helps inform these decisions. A typical cost of materials/retail price ratio might be 5-7x. I'm not picking on cables/tweeks because they do make a difference but great skepticism develops when it seems high end cables/tweeks exceed this by on order of magnitude and true schematics are frequently not shared to "protect IP". I wonder why as would any other sentient being. My questions are always about the opportunity cost. Would the 50k for this cable/tweek be better spent elsewhere in my system? When a cable/tweek does make a difference is it because it is more linear, truer to source with better tonality or is it pleasingly altering the signal in way that is not truer to source and may make certain recordings "better" and others worse? I see no evidence that your company takes any more criticism than any other in your industry. It is inherent in the pricing structure, the lack of objective data and the marketing claims of your industry. I am not a skeptic about the importance of cables but I am a passionate consumer who spends his (not unlimited funds) in ways that adds the most benefit/$ possible.
...that's nice, but my point was the photo shows a bazillion cables run in parallel, and in close proximity to each other, which has always been ill-advised.
And wait until you see the videos we have coming, where I compare SR products to our major competitors’ products that are multiples more expensive. With high-resolution downloadable files, people can hear the overwhelming performance advantage Synergistic Research holds over our competition. Shock and awe are incoming, and there’s not a damn thing our competitors, or their proxies in the paid high-end audio press, can do to slow our momentum. The stranglehold on the narrative is coming to an end. And the best part? Anytime anyone reads a review from one of these paid hacks, the first thing they’re going to want to know is how that compares to a Synergistic Research product that costs less. Fortunately, we have a dealer and distributor network that will make that happen. Enjoy!
Ted Denney
Lead designer CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
I’m glad you edited your response it was foolish otherwise.
High resolution audio really? There were a lot of true believers until they met me. One Mark Waldrep wrote a book Music and Audio: A user guide to better sound. His chapters on high resolution audio are now obsolete.
The stranglehold on the narrative was broken about eight years ago. Where have you been?
Marcus was referring to the the organization of aligned Synergistic audiophile cables, you where referring to the cables behind Davids rack.
"..that's nice, but my point was the photo shows a bazillion cables run in parallel, and in close proximity to each other, which has always been ill-advised"
...yeah, we have multiple cable concepts bouncing around, which sometimes happens when the posts are coming in fast.
There were two cable oddities to me:
--One with many cables running in parallel.
--One with a jumble of cables.
It was stated both sounded good. They are connected (in my mind) in that both circumstances have been considered "bad" practice, in audio lore. Perhaps cable hygiene is more theoretical than practical? And we don't need all these lifters, and filters and junk. Plug em up and let em rip.
The mechanism by which we transcend seemingly non-related fields is proprietary, however, we have developed a resonator that responds to sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and ULF and VLF frequencies. By universally applying UEF Tech— a blanket term for a suite of proprietary technologies, throughout the system and listening room, we integrate every aspect of the system and room acoustics.
Theodore Walton Denney III
Lead designer, CEO, Synergistic Research Inc.
Marcus was referring to the the organization of aligned Synergistic audiophile cables, you where referring to the cables behind Davids rack.
"..that's nice, but my point was the photo shows a bazillion cables run in parallel, and in close proximity to each other, which has always been ill-advised"
Honestly, I think you are mistaken. He might’ve been talking about both systems, but he and I are only discussing one of the systems and it is the one about which I posted the photo of the black industrial wires.
...I would be embarrassed if my system looked like this. Two concepts come to mind:
1) cable choice and management make no difference in sound quality.
2) something unseen/not described in the referenced pic mitigates this snakenest.
I suppose a third aspect could be in play: we have different ideas regarding what "the best system" might mean. I recognize you wrote that you "have ever heard," and hearing a great outcome is the key goal, I imagine.
I guess your point is: your cable system can look like complete s**t and still sound great? OK by me. I don't have to look at it.
And wait until you see the videos we have coming, where I compare SR products to our major competitors’ products that are multiples more expensive. With high-resolution downloadable files, people can hear the overwhelming performance advantage Synergistic Research holds over our competition. Shock and awe are incoming, and there’s not a damn thing our competitors, or their proxies in the paid high-end audio press, can do to slow our momentum. The stranglehold on the narrative is coming to an end. And the best part? Anytime anyone reads a review from one of these paid hacks, the first thing they’re going to want to know is how that compares to a Synergistic Research product that costs less. Fortunately, we have a dealer and distributor network that will make that happen. Enjoy!
Ted Denney
Lead designer CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
Honestly, I think you are mistaken. He might’ve been talking about both systems, but he and I are only discussing one of the systems and it is the one about which I posted the photo of the black industrial wires.
But if you think he’s saying that he would be embarrassed by the cable management in the synergistic research system, that’s fine.
Peter look at your own quote, that i reposted from your post. He was referring to the parallel cables from the Synergistic photo.
"..that's nice, but my point was the photo shows a bazillion cables run in parallel, and in close proximity to each other, which has always been ill-advised" you will be hard pressed to find any parallel cables behind Davids rack. You should have quoted post #63, about the picture of Davids cables, not his post about the Synergistic setup.
And wait until you see the videos we have coming, where I compare SR products to our major competitors’ products that are multiples more expensive. With high-resolution downloadable files, people can hear the overwhelming performance advantage Synergistic Research holds over our competition. Shock and awe are incoming, and there’s not a damn thing our competitors, or their proxies in the paid high-end audio press, can do to slow our momentum. The stranglehold on the narrative is coming to an end. And the best part? Anytime anyone reads a review from one of these paid hacks, the first thing they’re going to want to know is how that compares to a Synergistic Research product that costs less. Fortunately, we have a dealer and distributor network that will make that happen. Enjoy!
Ted Denney
Lead designer CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
and now back to the regularly scheduled programming. If one is so sure why not pay to have a full loom shootout at a show where the gear and system is set up by an independant that both parties agree to?
This mine is better than yours without proof is really old.
Maybe a magazine will cough up and sponser it LMAO
I believe I’ve been respectful. This should be interesting, especially for those considering products in the audio categories we occupy. It will certainly be interesting enough to warrant an audition of the Synergistic Research products we will be highlighting. Then, customers can make up their own minds based on the performance of our products in their systems. This seems fair to me.
Ted Denney
Lead designer, CEO, synergistic Research Inc.