American Sound, "The Absolute Nothing"

David found someone to design a true air bearing for him.
I don't think anyone said this. The AS-2000 is an upsized AS-1000. David had nothing to do with the development of the AS-1000.
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The quickest way to reveal a secret is to register for a patent.
Potentially , however *IF* a design and implementation are so complex , so technically advanced , so expensive to bother replicating … then one most likely still secures one's design via a patent .
I dont have an answer for that .
Since Plato was a student of socrates i suppose he agrees
I don't know if you ever heard the saying: The student becomes the master . It is actually used for the situation between Socrates, Platon and Aristoteles. So, he (Platon) may not agree.
I don't know if you ever heard the saying: The student becomes the master . It is actually used for the situation between Socrates, Platon and Aristoteles. So, he (Platon) may not agree.

One quick look around the world and you know the answer ;).

Example :
I install high dollar machinery all over the world and by far the most problems occur when i deal with managers / engineers who " know everything" ... ( ...... but never read a manual ) :cool:.

Same with this TT speculation ,unless people have seen the CAD drawings / witnessed the workshop manufacturing , its merely guessing / useless
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Potentially , however *IF* a design and implementation are so complex , so technically advanced , so expensive to bother replicating … then one most likely still secures one's design via a patent .
Peter had also commented on that as well. The design is actually very simple. AS 1000, (as is AS2000) are incredibly robust and reliable in part due to the simplicity of the design. All AS 1000 in existence have been working in the field for decades now without a need for any repairs, as far as i know.
And BTW, David has never claimed to be the inventor of the design.
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It is feigned incredulity, not genuine. Life in the salon. There is an ignore button for a reason.
Couldn’t agree more. Salon indeed. My self-control button malfunctioned for a brief moment.
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I don't think anyone said this. The AS-2000 is an upsized AS-1000. David had nothing to do with the development of the AS-1000.

Ron, that is true that David did not hire someone to design the bearing for him. However, the AS 2000 is more than a simple upsized AS 1000. There are design changes that address some issues and improve performance and sound quality.

The Absolute Nothing takes aspects of the design to an extreme level and the result is an even bigger delta in presentation or listening experience.
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Peter had also commented on that as well. The design is actually very simple. AS 1000, (as is AS2000) are incredibly robust and reliable in part due to the simplicity of the design. All AS 1000 in existence have been working in the field for decades now without a need for any repairs, as far as i know.
And BTW, David has never claimed to be the inventor of the design.
Why are you making reference to the AS1000 ? I and most other respondents are referring to the AS2000 , and Karmeli’s involvement or otherwise in the design of the latter , PP seems to be indicating that the AS2000 is a re - design in some respects to the original AS1000 , ergo I refer back to my earlier point regarding protecting proprietary design via USPTO .
Why are you making reference to the AS1000 ? I and most other respondents are referring to the AS2000 , and Karmeli’s involvement or otherwise in the design of the latter , PP seems to be indicating that the AS2000 is a re - design in some respects to the original AS1000 , ergo I refer back to my earlier point regarding protecting proprietary design via USPTO .
How many patents has the designer of the VYGER turntable filed ? ;) They all steal a little here and there.
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The quickest way to reveal a secret is to register for a patent.
So true. A patent is only as good as your ability to detect infringement and then pursue legal remedy. The financial stakes have to be high enough to warrant diving into that nuisance value for the legal fight. I doubt very much that the financial stakes in high end turntable manufacturing reach that.
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Why are you making reference to the AS1000 ? I and most other respondents are referring to the AS2000 , and Karmeli’s involvement or otherwise in the design of the latter , PP seems to be indicating that the AS2000 is a re - design in some respects to the original AS1000 , ergo I refer back to my earlier point regarding protecting proprietary design via USPTO .
Because AS1000 and 2000 differ only in details and not in the concept.
Not sure what point are you trying to make?
Ron, that is true that David did not hire someone to design the bearing for him.
This was always my understanding because the existence of the AS-1000 long pre-dated David's AS-2000 project.
However, the AS 2000 is more than a simple upsized AS 1000. There are design changes that address some issues and improve performance and sound quality.
Of course. I never said the motor controller is the same, or that all elements are identical except enlarged.

The Absolute Nothing takes aspects of the design to an extreme level and the result is an even bigger delta in presentation or listening experience.
How is this relevant to my comment that the air bearing in question was not designed for David?

You seem never to miss an opportunity to engage in marketing of the Absolute Nothing turntable on behalf of Vintage Audio Specialties.
This was always my understanding because the existence of the AS-1000 long pre-dated David's AS-2000 project.

Of course. I never said the motor controller is the same, or that all elements are identical except enlarged.

How is this relevant to my comment that the air bearing in question was not designed for David?

You seem never to miss an opportunity to engage in marketing of the Absolute Nothing turntable on behalf of Vintage Audio Specialties.

Here is your post:

I don't think anyone said this. The AS-2000 is an upsized AS-1000. David had nothing to do with the development of the AS-1000.

I am disputing your very direct claim that the AS2000 is an upsized AS1000. That is simply not true and I try to correct misinformation and mischaracterization on these threads about the American Sound turntable because David is not here to do so. I have direct experience with these turntables, listening and assembling. Are you now retracting or changing your earlier comment?

I started this thread about the new turntable in my excitement after hearing it and learning something about it . I thought the membership would be interested in reading about it. You can refer to it as marketing if you want, but surely you understand that this forum is very much about marketing, right? You market every new product that comes to the café and the people involved.

This thread is where information about the new turntable is being discussed on this forum. Your mischaracterization about the AS2000 is wrong and it presented an opportunity to explain that the new turntable is more of a departure from the earlier designs.

I don’t know why you like to argue so much about something you know very little about.
Here is your post:

I am disputing your very direct claim that the AS2000 is an upsized AS1000. That is simply not true and I try to correct misinformation and mischaracterization on these threads about the American Sound turntable because David is not here to do so. I have direct experience with these turntables, listening and assembling. Are you now retracting or changing your earlier comment?

I started this thread about the new turntable in my excitement after hearing it and learning something about it . I thought the membership would be interested in reading about it. You can refer to it as marketing if you want, but surely you understand that this forum is very much about marketing, right? You market every new product that comes to the café and the people involved.

This thread is where information about the new turntable is being discussed on this forum. Your mischaracterization about the AS2000 is wrong and it presented an opportunity to explain that the new turntable is more of a departure from the earlier designs.

I don’t know why you like to argue so much about something you know very little about.
As Ron was one of the first owners of the AS 2000 i hope he knows a thing or two about it, he probably heard it before buying it too. :)
As Ron was one of the first owners of the AS 2000 i hope he knows a thing or two about it, he probably heard it before buying it too. :)

IIRC he didn’t hear the 2000 before he bought it, but he did listen to it on a visit to David a few weeks before David left the forum. Not saying Ron’s listening had anything to do with David leaving lol, just kind of giving you a time reference for when it happened

Of the people who ordered, Mike had heard it, and of course Peter heard it at length.

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