Ron, can you please start a thread, Do acoustically coupled videos help you suspend disbelief
Thats very condecending of you!
As usual for me you have very little ( being kind) to add to any thread I have read. What the heck its a risk to my status and approach LMAO
I really feel sorry now for those who have never experienced this. My number 1 audio objective rather than argue about wordsthis morning spent a few hours listening to 4 Classical Lp's, over 3+ hours 'in the zone' switched between 4 tonearms on three tt's each side rotated. i was flying high and it all was working. constant suspension of disbelief (my preferred way of saying it) where the system/room/time of day/life stuff retreated into the background. i was participating in the musical sphere.
now taking a break.......reading this thread......hate to lose my music buzz to think too much. but suspension of disbelief = degree of music not sounding reproduced. these days it's always very good, this morning exceptional. this past week lots of sports + system website maintenance. decks and my mind were clear this morning so i was ready to get immersed.
and your reply confirms you status as well. Thank you for confirming it!As could be expected your answer confirms my main point - we are a very diverse community. Thanks.
completely agree. AI or ChatGPT are not things i want to be a part of the forum posting other than maybe a thread with that as a topic i can choose to ignore.I accept that some people main interest is not high-end knowledge or discussion and are bothered for any argument that presents a risk to their status or approaches. I simply object to the methodology of having just ChatGPT to start a thread without any added value by the poster. Probably because I sometimes use it professionally and I know the risks.
Ron, can you please start a thread, Do acoustically coupled videos help you suspend disbelief
I simply object to the methodology of having just ChatGPT to start a thread without any added value by the poster.
Always happy to talk with an human.
Ron, can you please start a thread, Do acoustically coupled videos help you suspend disbelief
And Pete and Timy do their Masters BiddingThe State of the Forum today:
Microstrip continues to quote Toole.
Ron starts quoting ChatGBT.
I am baffled by this overwrought reaction. In this context ChatGPT is nothing more than a high-order on-line dictionary.
I would've thought that somebody with your academic sophistication and technical prowess would not be intimidated by a dictionary.
Lee, I think Jim Smith talks about EE, Emotional Engagement. He does not refer to his goal as Sonic Heaven or Suspension of Disbelief.
I see no reason to bring up the whole SET + Horns subject in this thread. Andro did it for effect, but it is a diversion from the thread's topic and allows others to pontificate.
I am astonished by your answer - you seem to ignore completely what is AI and ChatGPT.
A student at Harvard gave her Professors 10 papers for them to grade. Five, she said she wrote and the others were written by Chat yet in reality they were all written by Chat GPT. The average grade given to her alleged authorship was a B+. Not bad!
I see no reason to bring up the whole SET + Horns subject in this thread. Andro did it for effect, but it is a diversion from the thread's topic and allows others to pontificate.
one cant ask someone to change thier whole attitude but the degree at which it is carried out here over such a simple thing as a definition of a term is rediculous. You did not ask the Chat to review something or tell you the best speakere to purtchase.The few here that IMO ruin every discussion by insisting to change the entire thread to fit their own personal narrative is just absurd.Easy, easy. No reason to get yourself triggered. I am well aware of the potential AI bogeyman behind the curtain.
But that is irrelevant to using ChatGPT to get a definition, instead of thumbing through The American Heritage Dictionary.
Nope, I'm not ignoring anything. I think you are ignoring my limitation to "in this [dictionary] context."
Maybe when your system already defaults you into a deep focus on engagement in the music and not thinking about the gear or the sound that you’re not surprised when you notice that’s what’s always going on. If it’s inconsistent I figure then you might feel the need to come up with a term for it as some kind of threshold objective. It’s like when people do a system change and suddenly feel a surprising emotional connection to the music… like emotional engagement with music isn’t what they experience normally when they are playing good music.This is exactly it. When someone writes that he suspends disbelief in any high end system, I see a noob who is just enthralled by seeing big speakers and big sound. Like wow, this is 7 feet tall and speaker to speaker is 15 feet wide so that is closer to the length and breadth of the orchestra as compared to a soundbar.
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