I have decided to surpass Caesar in thread started … Seriously, his threads are very inquisitive and often suggest one to re-think hi or her positions. Do not lose your sleep Caesar your crown is not in jeopardy: I willl not start a new thread just revive this one
This post was inspired by a gear Amir posted about: the DTS-20 by Danley Labs. I don’t know Tom Danley personally but had the opportunity to listen two of his designs: One was a hard Disk mechanism driven subwoofer the other was a commercial subwoofer with output to destroy most normal houses and quality to raise goosebumps on any card-carrying audiophile. Yet Danley’s name would never come to me in any discussion about great subs…
I do believe we get into a groove, an audiophile groove. One of Audiophile-cred gear and concepts. It seems to me that we reject almost automatically some gear. For example I am certain no audiophile worth his or her grain of salt would consider a Pro amp in any part of his system … Yet Crown , Peavey, QSC make amps that are superb… I have been fooled by a Crown once so I know this for a fact.
We would not use DACs from the Pro world either. We shun them. Yet, several surpass our DACs in all aspects that we care about and this for a fraction of the price… Lavry, Korg, DAD, Apogee and many others are the real deal and make superb DACs…
I would surmise that several digital DAW (Digital Audio Workstations) are superior to any Audiophile branded music server out there .. I suppose also the interfaces (both electrical and human) may not be friendly but …
Then there are speakers where my personal experience is that it’s a toss-up .. Some Pro speakers would give a run for the money to many audiophiles speakers.. I would also say that the better audiophile speakers hold their own and IMO surpass the best studio “monitor” I have heard to date. I am not in the pro world , I haven’t heard that many, so my perspective may be limited.. Still, we, audiophiles, are reluctant to accept the idea of Pro speakers superior to our own –loved and in Steinway piano black clad or Emerald green Zlaveck (a brand I ijust made-up) epoxy that requires an Helium cooled lathe to machine…
As for cables … Sorry wrong thread …
Yet there are those components that surpass audiophiles-certified ones in all aspects but price and they exist both in the consumer and Pro world and would be a very serious addition to many audiophile systems , regardless of price. Audiophiles on a budget in particular would be wise to look for these products which would elevate their systems to a different level while making the littlest dent to their finances. I do have some in mind, I will name a few and invite you to the debate: The spectacularly flexible Behringer DCX-2496 for Bass management., the well-known by audiophiles Weiss DAC-2. ATC line of superlative speakers, Genelec or Dynaudio pro speakers ( I had the BM-5 in my office for a long time) . I recently heard the Mackie HR-824 speaker and frankly believe that with a few inexpensive mods this would challenge several audiophile mini-monitor … as it is it could satisfy quite a few open-minded ones. One more thing I sincerely believe the Integra DTR40 has one of the best surround steering in Pre/pro regardless of price. Its DACs are simply astounding , so neutral they are and the sound out of the Pre output is surprisingly good, the best I have heard in any pre/pro .. it recently replaced an audiophile branded pre-Pro in a friend system… I don’t think we will look back…
Thoughts? opinions? Experiences?