Best audiophile switch

While the Reiki was an uptic out of the box, it took a couple of weeks for it to sing. So shootouts with switches need to take some time I think. I considered trying other switches before I decided but did not have the mental energy for trying more switches. I’m sure there are other legit choices.

Yes. I had a huge improvement in sound from the Ansuz switch. There was a noticeable improvement in clarity, soundstage, and bass on my system. But it did even better over time.
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This is all based on your system. The same switches you tested may sound totally different in my system. So really as far as switches are concerned you really need to try them yourself. How about a bunch of us get together split the cost and send them along for testing like the cable company does.

I’m not entirely sure about this. If the switches lower noise, which is my experience, then they should work in everyone’s system. The only difference is the amount of resolution in each system which will vary and with more you hear more of the difference.
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Don't agree they are doing more than just lowering noise. Some switches I've tried made the system cleaner and leaner and others have gone the other way.
for sure the Reiki did more than lower noise; although maybe lower noise is a component of other gains. it also improved the 'life' and 'jump factor' where the music is now lighter on it's feet and more propulsive. more musical flow and less processed sounding. slightly more separation and layering. all quite small things but add up to a more engaging experience.

it certainly does not strangle, filter or tamp down the noise, it frees up the music.
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