I actually don’t think it’s a big deal. We disagree on many aspects about audio. It’s a subjective hobby based on preference and we make our choices for what we want in our own rooms.
For me, a black background is always a negative based on my own set of values. I distinctly remember hearing a system present instruments popping like fireworks against a black sky. It was a very cool effect but it did not resemble the sound of instruments in a concert hall. I laid or heard the same recording on a different system and that effect was gone. The instruments were now up on a stage in proportion presenting music reminiscent of the live experience, performing in a realistic context.
You are right, it is never a big deal when it comes to audio.
I had the same feeling listening to a Magico S3 demo last weekend. The speakers project a very large sound, it is impressive and gives the impression of high resolution, but there is something missing - in my opinion - which make it all sound a bit "artificial". To relate back to Salvatore's post about the subject, the system got to step 2 but never made it to step 3. Step 2 remains a necessary step, but it is not sufficient...