Interesting note, especially for the dCS fans whose feelings were hurt by some mis-incentivized "audio journalists" no longer calling dCS the "best" dac:
I ran into an acquaintance mine. He's a customer of Goodwin audio in Boston. The sonic preference / taste of the social network of the Goodwin people and their customers kinda goes like Rockport and dcs is the best, magico is alright (and very "accurate" with spectral), and Wilson sucks. This guys owns Rockports, d'Agostino, and dcs Vivaldi stack. Very traditional audiophile taste.
Late last year, this guy heard the non-Acme version of dcs vivalidi against the Wadax. Although he admired the "spatial tricks and presentation" of the Wadax, he preferred the older vivaldi overall!
dCS sounds more like real music in his imagination - he knows , he goes to concerts.(Or he's just used to that sound and associates it with "reality" in his mind.)
So when he gets his Vivaldi upgraded to this new Acne level, he will like it even better than the reference wadax dac he heard at the dealer. No doubt!
Moral of the story (from a rational perspective): different social networks of audiophiles have different preferences and tastes, what good high end audio should be, and what's "state of the art". Unless this is all fantasy and intellectual masturbation for you, don't trust anyone, especially the mis-incentivized "audio journalists", but also guys who are part of social networks that don't share your tastes and preferences.
"State of the art" gear for one social network is utter dreck to another. (Personally, I'd take an entry level TotalDAC over any dCS or MSB regardless of price, due to tonal and dynamic realism the popular hifi products don't currently match.) So it could be a waste of time and money for you, as my Rockport friend has bliss already, even with the non-Acne dCS model of Vivaldi.
Yet I'm sure the audio oligarchs in the traditional hifi sound media will market and elevate the dCS Acme model to the level of BEST, for those who want to see it as such, or need to see it as such. After all, who wants to admit that their taste or imagination of realism / accuracy is not the best?![]()
The usual narrative built upon an unknown friend who innocently feeds your hate towards the dCS sound ... You are a good writer, it is enjoyable read for those who ignore what really makes the difference with dCS gear and excellence in the high-end or simply do not like it.
As far as I see it, no one (with a perhaps a few exceptions) in WBF "trusts" any one - we are mature enough to enjoy ourselves reading and exchanging posts about our preferences without blind acceptance.
But you have a point - some people need the support of others to feed their reports. Also the high-end is a social activity that many times share common brands, common dealers and as a consequence some common preferences.
BTW, naming APEX the wrong way was the icing on the cake. Congratulations!