I don't know if he has any darTZeel gear on the showroom... But a call would fix that

And if you do the math, either the integrated or pre+power combo are not that expensive, given what they offer (phono pre, no need for expensive interconnects). If your speakers are compatible, I'd go for it. There was a pair of the separates a while ago on Audiogon for half price, and the integrated comes up from time to time too.
Regarding the other amps, I haven't found yet a match for darTZeel in my set up, but the Pass XA was decent, and even though I only heard the Gryphon Colosseum in a hi end show, it was mighty impressive, very fast, clean and detailed. As Joe realised, the problem is not with the other amps, they're mostly good and decent while you have them on. The problem arises when you put the darTZeel back in. Then you start finding faults with the other amps...
So, I suppose Joe could give a good listen to these Gryphons, they're good quality stuff. But don't expect them to beat the 108s.
And Joe, good to see you're moving to the 18NS preamp

Don't forget to get the Zeel cables with it.