@skinnyfla An audio friend has tested high-resolution local and streaming albums and slightly prefers the local ones. He has taken care in mitigating network noise. He played in a band many years ago, thus has trained ears.
In my own setup, 44/16 files played via the streamer/server's internal SSD, attached USB and streaming via Roon/Qobuz sound the same to me. I don't typically listen for small differences and pay more attention to whether I gravitate toward listening to specific alternatives (= ability to engage with the music).
As one might expect, a streamed high-resolution version compared with the local 44/16 sounds much more realistic nearly every time (some 44/16 are exceptionally well engineered and therefore compare well with a higher-resolution version; some streamed high-resolution must have used a degraded "master" because they can sound pretty poor).
Your question made me realize that I've never disconnected the ethernet cable after starting an album via SSD or USB to see if it makes a difference. That would be seem to be the equivalent of stand-alone mode and perhaps that was specifically your question.