It’s hard to make sense Al (when it’s clearly out of perspective and not reflective of any top end experience) when you get ott melodramatic comments like all digital recordings are as harsh AFIf you find digital dull, lifeless and artifical, then you have a problem with digital implementation in your system. It's not a problem of digital per se.
When I read the more extreme posts I’m left wondering if people’s systems are broken or something else is at play in their perceptions or hearing?? It’s hard to reconcile these extremes as understandable experiences. It would help if the more intractable at the extremes always shared their gear details to provide additional perspective. When I read of many people’s setups here I completely get their great passion and the various format championing. There’s some fairly amazing examples of gears and setups here across both sides of the great divide.
I just figure most all of us have a preference out of experience or our need for analogue or digital formats and most of us seem confident of getting good sound and involving music (and this certainly hasn’t always been the case) from their chosen formats. It’s not just about the format but also supporting it with well chosen system matching throughout to optimise their various sources. Even the best of gear can be turned mundane with a bit of poor management.
But given how much expertise, effort and budget so many put in it’s hard to understand people getting genuinely unbearably or completely unlistenable results in the formats they work with. Sure some are clearly likely to be better at one or the other than perhaps others but there is just no excuse for being stuck with harsh af sound these days. It strikes me more as just bad management.
These format debates are always eventually infused with a minority melodrama from an unrelenting loud few. But it’s a distraction that doesn’t help any of us in finding solutions about why there are clear preferences or in our building better understanding of anything… it’s just that disproportionate insistent predictable unreasonable noise that always winds up and forever fans the eternal format flame and powers the audiophile angst ad infinitum
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