I'm not looking for a culprit; I'm just doing the math.
Our country is run on income and payroll taxes. The investment class is paying 15% on investment income, and little or no payroll taxes because such a small % of their income is from salary.The salaried classes are paying 25, 30% and more, with substantially fewer tax reduction opportunities. So yes, the people who go to jobs every day are pulling much of the weight of the people whose income comes from investments. Now, America can re-think the progressive system, fantasize about squeezing significant revenue out of the bottom; we can even discuss alternatives to the income tax-based system. But as long as we've got that system, based on % of income, and one type of income, work, is taxed at twice the rate of other type, capital gains, then the middle is pulling the weight of the top.
Personally, I think progressive income tax is the simplest, best method for getting the revenue, and I think an argument can be made that it comes closest to charging proportionately for services rendered. That's a rather nuanced discussion, but let's let it suffice to say that we don't spend billions every year on wars, nation-building and diplomacy around the world protecting the economic interests of Wal Mart greeters. But it really doesn't matter if you buy into the argument or not. We can't fund the country without a progressive tax system. Personally, I think we need a system of 3 or 4 brackets from around 25% down, with no shelters or deductions. None. Not even mortgage interest. A simple progressive tax system.
It'll never happen, though. It would render far too many lawyers, consultants, brokers, bankers, lobbyists and accountants obsolete. And that sentence just broke down the demographics of the influential in Washington.
And don't worry so much about the 42%. That number will shrink substantially as the economy and job market recovers, like water seeking its own level. It will get back to where it came from -- the working poor, often giving up a higher % of their income in payroll, state, local, sales taxes and fees than we do, simply because they have so little in the first place. Google the salary of the old guy who bagged your groceries last Saturday. Calculate his payroll taxes. Apply the local sales tax to every dime left because he spends it all and its still not enough. Now see what % of his income he's paying in taxes. Life will seem much fairer when you're finished. Or you'll feel fortunate as hell. One of the two.