However those very ears are flawed by age and other health factors. Causes me to wonder do any of us really hear the exact same thing? Maybe we need to present an audiologist report before our comments so people can get a gist of where we're at in our ability to perceive sonics?
Late to this thread, came across it looking for something tangentially related.
Ron's quote caught my eye and made me smile (thanks Ron). Said a bit differently, "Broad generalizations virtually guarantee their inaccuracy" can be applied to so much in our world including politics, religion, sports, our Constitution and of course, audio.
As I tell my kids, coworkers, managers and mentees - the devil is always in the details. Chose your words appropriately integrating them.
In my opinion the Tannoy Westminster Royal GR competes (on sonics, not on contemporary visual design) with much more expensive loudspeakers. Thanks to JimFord here I have come to have enormous respect for this speaker.
I think the entire WBF Long Beach Audio Group agrees with this view.
not only was Jim’s system excellent but he is a foodie, his wife is Japanese and he has a Japanese friend who is a sushi chef and runs the restaurant Dakara sushi. The chef Jason’s wife is cooking in the kitchen as Jason rolls out the goodies
Ron, Jim, and I went there for lunch and Jim requested the chef to “do his thing”. We had one after the other sashimi, sushi, hand rolls, roll out and with each bite the hifi search paid off.
in London Yashin was excellent pre pandemic and Umu is very good, Nobu is average, and Dakara in comparison was stellar
strongly recommend to anyone visiting LA. Thought I would put it on this thread as Jim was mentioned and the thread title will ensure all regular readers see it