Best we keep SDM out of this as really this discussion is about transparency converting between DSD and PCM, and the aspect you raise regarding SDM and what is native PCM or DSD products/solutions has been discussed at length in other threads that keep on growingHi Orb,
DXD is 24 bit 352KHz PCM. In all instances, it is derived from a Sigma-Delta Modulator operating either 1-bit, or multi-bit Pulse Density Modulation (PDM) as the front end of an A/D converter unit.
DXD is currently the best option for highest quality post processing sweetening, mixing, and track balance, of which the vast majority of deliverable media is produced. But it's not a A/D converted format per se, it's a processed/processing format. With availability of today's hardware, it's far better to record (track) in the highest available DSD bit rate (256fs with Merging's Horus/Hapi), and if required for post processing, convert off line one time to DXD, mix, sweeten, and balance.
That accomplished (edited master), the choice(s) of delivery format is market driven, with the best being DXD itself. Converting it back to DSD is just one more detail robbing function. Converting it to lower sampling rate PCM imposes the same decimation filtering (but to a lesser degree) than the decimation filtering necessary to convert the original PDM bit stream to DXD. The best fidelity is no conversions. This can/is done with either session analog mixing/balancing, or depending on the size of the musician group and venue purest microphone technique, then DSD recording and editing with no conversions.
Yeah agree it has implications as discussed at length on those massive threads .
Thanks for clarifying DXD, I think some of it is technical semantics because I would say Philips and some of the DAW manufacturers mention transparency for transcoding-decimation or editing DSD to PCM is using DXD specified internally to the DAW at 32-bit fp (still technically PCM and I notice Bruce mentions using 32fp within the DAW as well); this is what I have seen mentioned by Bruno and Merging Technologies in the past *shrug*.
I agree with what you say as I did mention it is limited to 24-bit for ADC and DACs, and historically posted my views on being dubious regarding decimation-downsampling/upsampling/etc done by studios and labels; would be great to always be able to have the native resolution recording.
On your last point I am only going what was reported by Bruno when he was at Philips Research and they were looking at editing solutions for DSD, and in the past what Merging Technologies also said.
OK maybe they wrongly lumped the 32-bit requirement in theory for the transparency of DSD editing/converting to PCM format with that of DXD to simplify the situation.
With you now on DXD being only 24-bit, which means reducing the reported "ideal" 32bit criteria for transparency if really comparing DXD and DSD.
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