Entreq Tellus grounding

Both the wall and a Tellus (through the binding post).
What Chris is saying is to use a separate Tellus for chassis grounding and connect a Cleanus to that same Tellus.

Yes I appreciate that but I have not heard or read of that being effective or suitable for chassis grounding hence my note of caution and need for advice before going down that road
Yes I appreciate that but I have not heard or read of that being effective or suitable for chassis grounding hence my note of caution and need for advice before going down that road

This is from the Entreq web site:

Ertha Spade to Spade : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
These are used to connect to equipment that have additional or specialist ground points, even chassis locations. The most common application is for RIAA phono stages or grounding to a turntable itself. * Please note that where possible always use an Ertha RCA or XLR cable, invariably they will always perform better *

[emphasis added]
This is from the Entreq web site:

Ertha Spade to Spade : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
These are used to connect to equipment that have additional or specialist ground points, even chassis locations. The most common application is for RIAA phono stages or grounding to a turntable itself. * Please note that where possible always use an Ertha RCA or XLR cable, invariably they will always perform better *

[emphasis added]
Yes I can see that for phono stages and turntables with specialist ground points but I don't think that answers the question about chassis grounding more generally.
Yes I can see that for phono stages and turntables with specialist ground points but I don't think that answers the question about chassis grounding more generally.

It explicitly says ground points or chassis. And phono stages and TTs are just the most common application.

In any case, an explicit confirmation would be nice.
It explicitly says ground points or chassis. And phono stages and TTs are just the most common application.

In any case, an explicit confirmation would be nice.

I also have chassis ground posts on my amps. I wonder if doing both signal and chassis significantly exceeds just one approach ?
I'm planning to audition a Cleanus which will plug into an unused socket on my 10 o/l balanced power transformer, and via an Apollo back to my S. Tellus. I could alt install it into the spare o/l on my unswitched wall socket (the other socket feeding my transformer). Will a-b the effects. I suspect this will complete a system ground effect that enables the mains to be "Entreqed" i.e. power degrunged before it gets to my components, removing a lot of noise at the point of origin, resulting in less hash swirling back into the system and possibly reducing the sum total of nasties that my S. Tellus/7 Apollos has to contend with.
It seems that mains- and component-borne nasties are swirling from the mains into the audio system, from components back and forth, looking for paths of least resistance. I suspect this is all a 2-way process, from the mains into the system, then back to the mains. if Entreq can provide this ground/drain at both the mains end and the components end, in effect a common ground, some interesting results may be "heard".

So you feel this is a more effective path than adding an Atlantis Tellus? You have quite a few components hooked up to your Silver Tellus.
I also have chassis ground posts on my amps. I wonder if doing both signal and chassis significantly exceeds just one approach ?

I would try the experiment you mentioned earlier and disconnect the signal grounding from the amps. If the sonic loss is minimal, I would be very surprised if you gain much by adding chassis grounding.
I also have chassis ground posts on my amps. I wonder if doing both signal and chassis significantly exceeds just one approach ?

Yes we are all agreed that clear advice on this is needed and hopefully John will pickup on this and clarify it for us all.
I actually had a rel poor experience w/add on Atlantis box. In my system, there was some introduction of unwanted warmth which seemed to affect timing. But I realise this is at odds w/the wholly positive experiences of Lloyd, Barry et al. A major case of YMMV. I actually got a more positive boost reintroducing my Burmester 948. Now I have my tt psu/Straingauge energiser/cdp/dual mono preamps/AV system, i.e. non power components, routed thru my Burmester. This unit goes into my balanced power transformer, the latter directly feeding the SET monos and Zu sub amps, i.e. power components.
One can go just a little crazy w/upgrades to grounding, and the synergy I'm getting w/my current configuration makes me extremely happy, and I'm content to stop here.
My final decision will be to go/or not, re Cleanus. If I do go w.it, my S. Tellus will have to support 9 Apollos, right at the limit of it's capacity.
I actually had a rel poor experience w/add on Atlantis box. In my system, there was some introduction of unwanted warmth which seemed to affect timing. But I realise this is at odds w/the wholly positive experiences of Lloyd, Barry et al. A major case of YMMV. I actually got a more positive boost reintroducing my Burmester 948. Now I have my tt psu/Straingauge energiser/cdp/dual mono preamps/AV system, i.e. non power components, routed thru my Burmester. This unit goes into my balanced power transformer, the latter directly feeding the SET monos and Zu sub amps, i.e. power components.
One can go just a little crazy w/upgrades to grounding, and the synergy I'm getting w/my current configuration makes me extremely happy, and I'm content to stop here.
My final decision will be to go/or not, re Cleanus. If I do go w.it, my S. Tellus will have to support 9 Apollos, right at the limit of it's capacity.

Sorry, you mentioned this somewhere else (probably earlier in this thread), but I had forgotten.
Sure. I realise I may be pushing the S. Tellus grounding capacity to the limit w/9 Apollos, but I'll see how things go. I need to rationalise my l/t audio purchasing ahead of a big lifestyle change in a couple of years (any cash spent from then on will be for building a dedicated audio listening space), and the synergy of Westwick balanced transformer, Entreq grounding and Burmester conditioning works a treat. The Cleanus is piquing my curiosity, and will likely be my last power-related purchase if I go for it. It may be that if my trial of Cleanus/Apollo, and Apollos to Zu sub amps aren't decisive, I'll pass on them and stick w/my current total of 6 Apollos which the S. Tellus is having no probs re sufficient grounding capacity.
Sure. I realise I may be pushing the S. Tellus grounding capacity to the limit w/9 Apollos, but I'll see how things go. I need to rationalise my l/t audio purchasing ahead of a big lifestyle change in a couple of years (any cash spent from then on will be for building a dedicated audio listening space), and the synergy of Westwick balanced transformer, Entreq grounding and Burmester conditioning works a treat. The Cleanus is piquing my curiosity, and will likely be my last power-related purchase if I go for it. It may be that if my trial of Cleanus/Apollo, and Apollos to Zu sub amps aren't decisive, I'll pass on them and stick w/my current total of 6 Apollos which the S. Tellus is having no probs re sufficient grounding capacity.

I look forward to your impressions of the Cleanus.
Olympos vs. Siver Tellus

The Olympos is Entreq's newest grounding box. Yes, it is intended for the preamp only and has one connection post. Entreq recommends its use with a Atlantis cable. Olympos retail is $2429. We currently have only one and it is our demo unit, but we intend to order some number for stock. Interested users can contact one our dealers or distributors. See our website for a list of US dealers:

One last thought: we are learning from market demand which products will need to be stocked all the time. Please be patient as we ramp up stock.


Hi John,
I have a question about Olympos-
It is half the size of Silver Tellus,
It has only one ground post vs. 4 on Tellus
It can only be used with preamplifier
At the same time, it costs roughly the same, as Silver Tellus- $ 2,430 for Olympos, vs. $ 2,700 for Silver Tellus
What is the advantage of using Olympos in place of Silver Tellus? Does it offer a higher level of performance
in this particular (preamp) application, inherent to it's design objective?
Appreciate your help
Interesting. Thank you for posting.
Excellent, well balanced article. Right on the money. My main message to those who might be dithering is that if you're happy w/the general voicing of your system and want to max out it's potential, Entreq grounding is a no brainer. It does nothing to change the voice/character (i.e. it's effects are not additive), but everything to eliminate those distortions and barriers that stop it getting from 60% to 90%.

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