Entreq Tellus grounding

I just received confirmation from my dealer (who has really been super accommodating through this process) that a pair of Atlantis XLR ground cables is on its way: I will compare these to the Atlantis RCAs that I am currently using in order to make a final choice of grounding cables for my line stage.

So, feedback would be very useful as to what should be the next step: Atlantis Tellus, Cleanus or grounding of additional components? I know that Chris (rockitman) decided to ground his amps using a second Silver Tellus, but this is not an option for me (unless I resort to chassis grounding), since my amps have only one input.

Also, I have a question regarding the Cleanus, although this might be too specific to my system. Power to my audio system goes through a subpanel with a 10kVA balanced transformer from which ten separate dedicated lines are run. Does anybody know if plugging the Cleanus in one line is likely to produce benefits for the equipment plugged in the other lines too? I would expect the benefits to extend to anything that is plugged in a power distributor on the same line, but I am not sure about other lines fed by the same transformer.
I just received confirmation from my dealer (who has really been super accommodating through this process) that a pair of Atlantis XLR ground cables is on its way: I will compare these to the Atlantis RCAs that I am currently using in order to make a final choice of grounding cables for my line stage.

So, feedback would be very useful as to what should be the next step: Atlantis Tellus, Cleanus or grounding of additional components? I know that Chris (rockitman) decided to ground his amps using a second Silver Tellus, but this is not an option for me (unless I resort to chassis grounding), since my amps have only one input.

Also, I have a question regarding the Cleanus, although this might be too specific to my system. Power to my audio system goes through a subpanel with a 10kVA balanced transformer from which ten separate dedicated lines are run. Does anybody know if plugging the Cleanus in one line is likely to produce benefits for the equipment plugged in the other lines too? I would expect the benefits to extend to anything that is plugged in a power distributor on the same line, but I am not sure about other lines fed by the same transformer.

I'm still in the fog with regard to Cleanus. I was hoping it was a chassis grounding component like tripoint yet there is only one post for spade connections. I may consider the Atlantis box to boost capacity for the source components I have plugged into my one tellus. At some point I may disconnect the amp's tellus and determine if there is an immediate drop in fidelity. If not, I may try my amp's tellus in series with my source component tellus to see if there is more improvement. If so, then maybe that will be my time to try the Atlantis box with the source tellus box.
I'm still in the fog with regard to Cleanus. I was hoping it was a chassis grounding component like tripoint yet there is only one post for spade connections. I may consider the Atlantis box to boost capacity for the source components I have plugged into my one tellus. At some point I may disconnect the amp's tellus and determine if there is an immediate drop in fidelity. If not, I may try my amp's tellus in series with my source component tellus to see if there is more improvement. If so, then maybe that will be my time to try the Atlantis box with the source tellus box.

I am also at this point leaning toward the Atlantis Tellus over the Cleanus, even with only the line stage grounded. When I had the Apollo cables, I thought it could not possibly get any better, but it did get better with the Atlantis cables. I am hoping the Atlantis Tellus will be as significant.
BTW, my understanding is that the single binding post on the Cleanus is for connecting to a Tellus, not for chassis grounding.
BTW, my understanding is that the single binding post on the Cleanus is for connecting to a Tellus, not for chassis grounding.

Actually, that makes sense to me...connect to a main grounding unit.
Guys, it's so good to hear that you're getting the Entreq experience (or are planning to) "Over The Pond". I do believe the Entreq system has always been biased twds signal grounding, Troy twds chassis grounding. But now both companies say that they can accommodate both facets. It seems like I may end up w/a mixture of both (signal grounding to cdp and dual mono preamps, chassis grounding to Straingauge cart energiser, SET monos and Zu sub amps).
I gather in the Far East there is multiple grounding of each component, both signal and chassis, w/some preamps sporting 4 ground cables. Surely this is overkill, only dual mono components like my 4-chassis Audion Quattro preamp benefitting from a possible 6 leads (1 per chassis, and 1 per channel) - I'm sticking w/signal-only here, hence 2 Apollos, akin to Christian's dual mono pre.
Re Cleanus, what I gather from the Entreq UK rep is that it acts as a highly sophisticated filter, but works on different principles to standard filters/conditioners/multiway sockets, being passive and in parallel w/the system (no components connected to it other than the mains distribution product chosen). So like S. Tellus, it doesn't get in the way of the signal. I believe by grounding it back to a Silver Tellus means that the Cleanus in effect grounds the mains product it feeds (in my case a Westwick 8kVA 10 socket balanced power transformer), and may replicate what the Troy does when you plug it's PC into the mains.
Re Cleanus, what I gather from the Entreq UK rep is that it acts as a highly sophisticated filter, but works on different principles to standard filters/conditioners/multiway sockets, being passive and in parallel w/the system (no components connected to it other than the mains distribution product chosen). So like S. Tellus, it doesn't get in the way of the signal. I believe by grounding it back to a Silver Tellus means that the Cleanus in effect grounds the mains product it feeds (in my case a Westwick 8kVA 10 socket balanced power transformer), and may replicate what the Troy does when you plug it's PC into the mains.

So, there is a benefit from just plugging in a Troy without any ground cables? Lloyd, can you comment on how significant is this effect relative to chassis grounding to the Troy?
So, there is a benefit from just plugging in a Troy without any ground cables? Lloyd, can you comment on how significant is this effect relative to chassis grounding to the Troy?

Hi there...sorry, i have tried a fair few iterations...but i have never tried just plugging in the Troy Signature without hooking up grounding wires. And i have not unhooked the Troy either. Cannot help there. Do i think it adds benefit by obviously connecting (thru my Power Conditioner) to my system generally? I would imagine so given that Cleanus and Troy both do this...but i unfortunately cannot say what the precise effect is.

What i CAN say is that each time i have connected something new...the effect is similar...with an improvement in natural tone/clarity, a removal of grunge i had not thought was there...and an increased ability to understand words during deep house, or choral which had previously been obscured. i also notice a much, much improved ability to effortlessly realize that there are syncopated rhythms in deep house...or contrapuntal themes in classical which i never realized were there...and now seem obvious.

i have to guess then that hooking up to power conditioner is probably a similar effect? just a guess...
Thanks, Lloyd.
Thanks, Lloyd.

anytime...happy to be helpful. i have no claim to particularly significant experience nor judgment...but happy to share my two cents.
So Cleanus plugged into a wall outlet, connected to a tellus is akin to a chassis ground setup like tripoint ? In other words you would use spade to spade eartha cables connected to component chassis and tellus ?
Have you seen John's post 372?

Hi Barry,
Yes I saw his post.
In an Email to me this A.M. he stated that the Olympus was new,and was intended to be connected to a pre-amp.He didn't mention that he had a demo.He did say I should contact a dealer listed on the Stillpoint site.If I am correct the Olympus is priced close to Silver Tellus so i'll decide which to try.
Thanks again for your help
So Cleanus plugged into a wall outlet, connected to a tellus is akin to a chassis ground setup like tripoint ?

Not according to the earlier posts by catcando, who uses a Cleanus in addition to chassis grounding.

In other words you would use spade to spade eartha cables connected to component chassis and tellus ?

Apparently, it is best not to mix signal and chassis grounding to the same Tellus. Catcando uses two separate units.
Not according to the earlier posts by catcando, who uses a Cleanus in addition to chassis grounding.

Apparently, it is best not to mix signal and chassis grounding to the same Tellus. Catcando uses two separate units.

I am suggesting a Cleanus and dedicated tellus for chassis grounding...in affect doing what tripoint does...
I am suggesting a Cleanus and dedicated tellus for chassis grounding...in affect doing what tripoint does...

That would be my understanding.
I am suggesting a Cleanus and dedicated tellus for chassis grounding...in affect doing what tripoint does...

Cleanus is a passive power conditioner and I cannot recall reading anywhere of it being suitable for chassis grounding purposes and I guess you need advice from Entreq before going down that road.
Atlantis box boosts the effectiveness and capacity of up to two Silver Tellus and it serves those roles very well in my system.
Cleanus is a passive power conditioner and I cannot recall reading anywhere of it being suitable for chassis grounding purposes and I guess you need advice from Entreq before going down that road.
Atlantis box boosts the effectiveness and capacity of up to two Silver Tellus and it serves those roles very well in my system.

What Chris is saying is to use a separate Tellus for chassis grounding and connect a Cleanus to that same Tellus.
I'm planning to audition a Cleanus which will plug into an unused socket on my 10 o/l balanced power transformer, and via an Apollo back to my S. Tellus. I could alt install it into the spare o/l on my unswitched wall socket (the other socket feeding my transformer). Will a-b the effects. I suspect this will complete a system ground effect that enables the mains to be "Entreqed" i.e. power degrunged before it gets to my components, removing a lot of noise at the point of origin, resulting in less hash swirling back into the system and possibly reducing the sum total of nasties that my S. Tellus/7 Apollos has to contend with.
It seems that mains- and component-borne nasties are swirling from the mains into the audio system, from components back and forth, looking for paths of least resistance. I suspect this is all a 2-way process, from the mains into the system, then back to the mains. if Entreq can provide this ground/drain at both the mains end and the components end, in effect a common ground, some interesting results may be "heard".

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