Entreq Tellus grounding

I'm hardly skeptical about Ultra 5s having put my whole system up on 30 of them but I have to admit I seriously doubt the notion of polishing them for improved clarity. Not saying that its not possible but rather it's just not a fit with their design approach but look forward to any comment from Stillpoints USA - but I fear with these kind of claims that the flat earthers may well eat us alive!

On the Entreq Silver Tellus I found similarly variable results from component to component with some outcomes as John from Stillpoints found with his Berning pre. In context of my system I found great results with that wonderfully fluid signature Entreq musicality when applied to my Shindo pre but then not so beneficially for my amp gaining additional fluidity but also losing some structure and sense of attack. Another example how variable these kinds of things can be and the importance of a home trial.

I have implemented both Shunyata and Stillpoints products comprehensively throughout so also going into Entreq for a grounding approach could be just over cooking the duck a bit (to lovingly quote my grandmother). I loved Entreqs effect on the preamp but everyone's mileage is gonna vary given how powerfully yin it is in nature and also how a mix of Shunyata and Stillpoints might be sufficient to the task of mechanical and electrical isolation without Entreq. I could well imagine had I not used Shunyata and Stillpoints quite so intensively then clearly a different but cost effective noise minimization approach could have been just using Entreq alone. A mate with the amazing Tune Audio Anima horns with SET amps runs a Typhon with Shunyata Anaconda cables and also the Silver Tellus and this sounds brilliant with the Entreq in the mix. Clearly Shunyata, Stillpoints and Entreq do similar things in terms of lowering the noise floor but they still manage to sound quite different to each other so the mileage with each mix is as usual going to vary.

I certainly agree that it made little sense, but long ago with power cords, tubes, resisters, etc., I learned that much does make much sense, but if it sounds better it must be.

You know, don't you, that all Stillpoints are cryogenically treated. Does that make any sense?
A mate with the amazing Tune Audio Anima horns with SET amps runs a Typhon with Shunyata Anaconda cables and also the Silver Tellus and this sounds brilliant with the Entreq in the mix. Clearly Shunyata, Stillpoints and Entreq do similar things in terms of lowering the noise floor but they still manage to sound quite different to each other so the mileage with each mix is as usual going to vary.

The Tune Audio Anima is one of the top 3 speakers I have ever heard. In some cases, the top. Jazz is the best on it, nothing I have heard comes close
which makes the notion even more unbelievable. Glad it works for you.

We've not experimented to know either way. I can, maybe, understand it if the surface of the Ultra is touching the component but under ideal implementation circumstances, this is not the case. This is beyond the scope of my experience to explain why this occurs.


Here is an interesting 'technical article' (at for a non-techie like me) that i have only just begun to read...but it specifically goes through chassis ground vs signal ground...
Question...I assume that the grd on an RCA jack is bonded to the case grd. If so and the component has no dedicated chassis grd screw could you not use that outer ring on an unused RCA jack to attach to the Tripoint or a grounded buss bar?
hi guys,

what have you observed if using 1 eartha cables for the left and right channel input of the pre-amp and connectboth to silver minimus ? vs single eartha cable connected to the Silver minimus ? is two cables better than one ?
Also, any experience using these on the integrated amplifier ?


Here is an interesting 'technical article' (at for a non-techie like me) that i have only just begun to read...but it specifically goes through chassis ground vs signal ground...
Yes that Stephen R. Macatee of Rane Corp. paper was published in the same ASE Journal as the Neil A. Muncy Pin 1 problem paper.

A reprint of this journal with 7 great papers is available for $15 USD including postage.


The June 1995 issue of the Journal was a definitive and comprehensive collection of information on this important topic. The seven papers by Neil Muncy and other experts in the field have been reprinted into a convenient guide for designers and practitioners.


Note that now almost 20 years later some hi-fi equipment manufactures still get the shield connections wrong.
hi guys--- tried minimus and silver minimus into my pre-amp and can hear the difference between these two boxes using the challenger eartha cable.

i also tried apollo eartha cable but find it too detailed and lighter sounding in my system. Challenger was a better compromise for me.

Just wondering--would replacing silver minimus to a silver tellus improve the sound further ? granting i would just use the challenger for now....

thanks for advice.

also, have you guys tried using pre-amp + digital source (dac) or USb computer w/ silver tellus ? is it ok also ?
Sounds, the common verdict seems to be Silver Tellus ALWAYS beats Silver Minimus, even when grounding only a single component.
Hi Sounds.
Thanks for the update.
Agree with Spirit that the Silver Tellus would be a good buy. The extra capacity would make a difference. I only use my Silver Minimus to ground my Challenger biwire speaker cables and whilst it works very well in that role components really need the Tellus.
Thanks Barry, Spirit. Currently using Tellus with the digital front end (usb, cd player and usb cable)-- using the 3 binding post for each of those.

Pre-amp using the silver minimus by itself.

Thinking of doing: silver tellus grounding all of the above ?

wonder if that would yield a better result ?

If to replace silver minimus with silver tellus & just ground the pre-amp, that might be overkill... however along those lines, thinking of trying receivus and using silver tellus with it and the pre-amp.

what you guys reckon ????
I started off with Silver Tellus in much the same way and it worked for me. Other members have reported benefits of separating digital and analogue components to two Silver Tellus but I would expect that grounding all to the Silver Tellus would be a good move. I started with a Tellus which certainly improved the sound compared with no ground box but it's a bit of a false economy and the upgrade to Silver Tellus really was cost effective. With the benefit of hindsight the Tellus was a mistake and I should have started with the Silver Tellus but experience is how you learn and I got a very good trade in deal for the upgrade to Silver Tellus.
The Silver Tellus will benefit all more than a Receivus so would be my first priority and if you traded in the Tellus and Silver Minimus for a Silver Tellus it should not be too costly.

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