Entreq Tellus grounding

FF - great story, and nearly exactly what happened to me. Woke up to flip on the system...and found myself repeatedly going over to change CDs, turn up volume...albums with bass suddenly has less wallop...needed volume to create wallop but then it still wasnt balanced. Bit stiff. Uh - oh...time to change tubes? Something? Anything?

After ignoring it for a while, i got up and looked around...a little worried, and then discovered one of the cables had come undone and fallen to floor. 20 minutes after re-hooking it back on...back to normal! And 3 hours later, nicely seasoned.
FF, Barry, Spirit,

Yes, thank you everyone for the continuing, detailed, civil discussion. I appreciate all aspects, especially that of building a database of shared knowledge. This is great and as I mentioned previously, your experiments and patience are rewarded and my own experimentation is consistent with many of your conclusions and results.


Hi John,

I know for my own part my experience with Entreq has been somewhat fortuitous in one major respect: I had read all the reviews prior to purchasing and plummed straight for a Minimus Silver box with the cheapest cable. The distributer had just sold his last silver boxes and cables only 3 days before and was out of absolutely everything bar plain Minimus copper boxes and Konstantin copper cables. I honestly think that had he had the stock I originally ordered, my summation of Entreq products - purely based on my own experience - would have read something along the lines of: "Will work great if you already have a top notch mains power conditioner and a high-end DAC. Or otherwise, it will also work great, but only if you have left the hifi on for a whole day, listen only at 2.00 am so you have the most beautiful electricity following out from your wall and pick your very best recordings. Then it is mind blowing. In all other case, you might want to beware of what you wish for!!".

Of course it did not turn out like that and I am happy for it. I think I remember reading something similar on another forum - someone had to "settle" for the lesser cable, originally ordering a silver one. But they found the lesser copper cable worked better. They even went on to say that they likely would not have wanted to use Entreq products had they only tried the silver cable. But I do at least now have the knowledge that if - one day - I do happen to own a really good system (and by that I mean that amongst other things, it will have a proper power conditioner so that I don't have to wait until the middle of the night for maximum goodness), then the better Entreq will more likely produce better results.

Just before packing up the demo silver to send back, I did one last experiment last night. I produced a CD-R from my 24 bit files with an ever-so-slightly shallower low-pass filter applied during resampling than I had used with the Minimus Copper. I then left the system on the entire day (playing into the night) and then only listened properly at 3.00 am. Then the silver box showed it's worth over the copper box - but only in these circumstances. So this is the thing. It is obvious to me that you really have to have significantly better gear than what I own in order to get the benefit of the better boxes (knowledgeable and experienced audiophiles will usually agree that the difference between the electricity supply at 4.00 PM in the afternoon versus 3.00 am in the morning is worth a pretty hefty component upgrade if you do not own a high end power conditioner).

So I've had a taste of what is possible, but for practical purposes I obviously can't really keep duplicating those circumstances time after time which is why I settled for polite all the time versus "cranky or wonderful". So I am very happy that Entreq cater to the budget end where people simply do not possess equipment of sufficient quality to justify the higher end stuff. For my own part, I would actually be very surprised if the sort of audiophile who owns midrange stuff like Musical Fidelity and NAIM gear and all that sort of solid middle of the road stuff would not get a noticeable improvement from the basic copper box and the best copper cable. I honestly think that with the most basic Entreq gear, it is impossible to go wrong or "overdo" things.
More as it settles in .....image.jpg
Nice one Jazzhead...enjoy!
Nice one Jazzhead...enjoy!

There is something to be said, not only about the aesthetically appealing construction of all Entreq boxes (mine makes a nice little piece of furniture), but the fact that nearly all models come in quaint wooden crates. With lids held down by screws no less.
Pardon my impatience Jazzhead, but how is the Poseidon performing?

Barry sorry to have kept you waiting, you better be putting in an order for the P box . It has been a wholly successful insertion for me . That it brings about such a meaningful change , in a system which has ready been extensively ground to start with , underlines its effectiveness . Yes , it does enhance HiFi attributes like separation , depth and stage width ..... But what's special is the life it infuses in the picture to my sound . Not so much the grand gestures , but the minutiae that bubbles to the surface which help you hear and understand deeper into the musical message . Tonal inflections , subtle hues and tonal shadings to instruments , that help better communicate a musical phrase and the musicians intent .

From ECM Tomas Stanko ' s " Suspended Night " ... A free improv set , rather sparse and some might even term it bloodless . The addition of the Poseidon helps better understand their feints , jabs and thrusts , how one feeds of another , creating time and space .... Maybe these Poles are not so not so bloodless after all . Using Eartha Apollo now , very tempted to step up to and try the Eartha Atlantis . I did prefer the Eartha spade after the speaker spade , in the final scheme of things . Don't ask me how it works , it just does . Happy Listening .
Jazzhead, how are you using the Poseidon? It's obv in addition to standard grounding boxes like S. Tellus and Atlantis. What is connected to it?
Jazzhead, how are you using the Poseidon? It's obv in addition to standard grounding boxes like S. Tellus and Atlantis. What is connected to it?

Spirit my ground chain ... Olympic Tellus + Atlantis Tellus + Atlantis Cleanus + Posiedon ( mix of Eartha Atlantis plus Eartha Apollo ) + 4x Receivus + Tripoint Troy SE ( standard cables) ........ P box connected to the Vitus SS101 via Eartha Apollo .... Three isolated chambers , so one each to the neg. terminal . The third post has an Eartha Atlantis to my Stahl Tek Opus transport. Will you be having another go at amp grounding via the Posiedon ?
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Thanks Jazzhead.
That is very helpful and I will try to organise an audition of the Poseidon to replace the two Silver Minimus currently grounding the Vitus 025 speaker terminals with two Apollo earth leads.
Will be interested to hear how Atlantis work. I have some but I am also very pleased with the Apollos rounded quality.
Spirit my ground chain ... Olympic Tellus + Atlantis Tellus + Atlantis Cleanus + Posiedon ( mix of Eartha Atlantis plus Eattha Apollo ) + 4x Receivus + Tripoint Troy SE ( standard cables) ........ P box connected to the Vitus SS101 via Eartha Apollo .... Three isolated chambers , so on each to the neg. terminal . The third post has an Eartha Atlantis to my Stahl Tek Opus transport. Will you be having another go at amp grounding via the Posiedon ?

would love to see a pic of your setup.
Thanks Jazzhead.
That is very helpful and I will try to organise an audition of the Poseidon to replace the two Silver Minimus currently grounding the Vitus 025 speaker terminals with two Apollo earth leads.
Will be interested to hear how Atlantis work. I have some but I am also very pleased with the Apollos rounded quality.

I'd like to know what the Atlantis Cleanus brings to the, already very well grounded, system. I think about it myself. Could you tell us in a few words. Does it worth the expanse ?
Spirit my ground chain ... Olympic Tellus + Atlantis Tellus + Atlantis Cleanus + Posiedon ( mix of Eartha Atlantis plus Eattha Apollo ) + 4x Receivus + Tripoint Troy SE ( standard cables) ........ P box connected to the Vitus SS101 via Eartha Apollo .... Three isolated chambers , so on each to the neg. terminal . The third post has an Eartha Atlantis to my Stahl Tek Opus transport. Will you be having another go at amp grounding via the Posiedon ?

Hey Jazzhead, so you are using Tripoint Troy SE with which components? And Poseiden with amp and Transport? And presumably the Tripoint and Poseiden themselves are not connected to each other. Is Poseiden connected to any other Entreq boxes?

Sorry...thanks for any clarification here. Enjoy!!!
I'd like to know what the Atlantis Cleanus brings to the, already very well grounded, system. I think about it myself. Could you tell us in a few words. Does it worth the expanse ?

cuntigh ... Absolutely . The Cleanus in my case , brought about a dynamic jump to the sound along with filtering digital hash in the highs . I have mine grounded back to the Olympus Tellus via its ground post and also via the AC wrap around its PC . Substantial gains to be had , do try get a piece in to demo , it won't be leaving . I can promise you .....
Hey Jazzhead, so you are using Tripoint Troy SE with which components? And Poseiden with amp and Transport? And presumably the Tripoint and Poseiden themselves are not connected to each other. Is Poseiden connected to any other Entreq boxes?

Sorry...thanks for any clarification here. Enjoy!!!

LL , TP to chassis ... Entreq to signal and in some cases chassis ;) ... So some components double , even triple tagged . Works for me , like I have said no brick wall in sight . Grounding just keeps on giving !!

Posiedon Stands alone , amongst my Grounding Pantheon :)
Jazzhead, we may be the only two providing feedback on Cleanus. I have the second up in the range, Silver Cleanus, you have the 4x pricier top of the range Atlantis Cleanus.
In my case, I have it passively filtering my distribution block, and it just liberates the higher frequencies from all the hash that's about. It's grounded by it's own Olympus Minimus box.
In due course I'm going to try Poseidon and Olympus Tellus, and have another go at grounding options that didn't sell themselves to me first time round (grounding via Atlantis cables, pwr amp -ve spkr termnl grounding).

Have you tried Powerus passive filtering distribution block?
LL , TP to chassis ... Entreq to signal and in some cases chassis ;) ... So some components double , even triple tagged . Works for me , like I have said no brick wall in sight . Grounding just keeps on giving !!

Posiedon Stands alone , amongst my Grounding Pantheon :)

That makes perfect sense to me and is consistent with what other i know have done. I use only one grounding box, but have separate chassis vs signal grounding in terms of connections to the back of the Tripoint.

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