Entreq Tellus grounding

Jazzhead, we may be the only two providing feedback on Cleanus. I have the second up in the range, Silver Cleanus, you have the 4x pricier top of the range Atlantis Cleanus.
In my case, I have it passively filtering my distribution block, and it just liberates the higher frequencies from all the hash that's about. It's grounded by it's own Olympus Minimus box.
In due course I'm going to try Poseidon and Olympus Tellus, and have another go at grounding options that didn't sell themselves to me first time round (grounding via Atlantis cables, pwr amp -ve spkr termnl grounding).

Have you tried Powerus passive filtering distribution block?

Spirit , no experience with the Powerus as yet . Have you tried the AC wraps , they work very well in helping tame the nasties to give you a more organic flow . However not so much fit and forget , more try and see . You have to find the right combination that works for you . They generally work well tightly wrapped around your Power Cord , as close to the inlet as is possible . LL put me on to these , maybe he will chime in as well .
have any of you Entreq's fellows tried to ground the negative terminals of Amplifier using 2 Olympus?
I already have one Olympus used to ground, through 1 Eartha Atlantis cable, my Totaldac D1 dual.
CaliariP, the Poseidon is in effect 3 Olympus Mini's, fully separated, in the same case, at in effect the price for 2 separate Olympus Minis.
Jazzhead is getting amazing results w/Poseidon, and hence it makes no sense, esp financial, to buy 2 O. Minis, when for c.the same price you can get in effect a "third" O. Mini.
Agree with Spirit CP.
Providing you can physically accommodate the Poseidon I can't see any advantage in using two Olympos Minimus.
Not purposely wanting to throw a spanner into the already multifarious options open to anyone experimenting with Entreq, but I bought an Akiko AC tuning stick a few days ago.

People will recall that I ended up buying two Minimus Copper boxes because in my system and to my ears, they worked better with orchestral music - especially mass violins - than the silver boxes did. But the silver boxes had some redeeming qualities that I had to sacrifice when going back to the copper boxes, including more detail and better imaging amongst other things.

Well it turns out that having attached the Akiko AC stick to my Gigawatt PF1 power board (and also into the PS Audio Dectet of my audio workstation), I've now gotten the best of both worlds in terms of sound - the best characteristics of the Entreq copper and the best of the Entreq silver, but without the excessive hardness, steeliness and grunge in violin sound. Basically I have the sound I thought I was going to get with the silvers, but didn't.

So this is another possible aspect to Entreq tuning - adding an Akiko stick here and there. Obviously the Akiko sticks plug directly into a mains socket (ground only), but in the end like the Entreq boxes the grounding should be common to everything in the system with the differences being where in the ground they are situated.

Sorry to add another layer of complexity here. It seems that fine tuning audio systems these days is getting as complex as getting the most out of a Formula 1 engine!
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Thanks CP.
I have exactly the same problem and will probably do the same

waiting for the Poseidon and a second Silver Minimus (to compare both configurations) with 2 Apollo eartha spade to spade in order to ground the negative terminals of my Spectral DMA 260.
Another interesting test may be to supercharge the DAC with Atlantis RCA eartha cable, using the 2 spades connected to 2 different terminals of of Poseidon.
Gosh, there's no doubt Entreq grounding is NOT plug and play, unless you're prepared to stick at simple grounding of one component eg the preamp.
waiting for the Poseidon and a second Silver Minimus (to compare both configurations) with 2 Apollo eartha spade to spade in order to ground the negative terminals of my Spectral DMA 260.
Another interesting test may be to supercharge the DAC with Atlantis RCA eartha cable, using the 2 spades connected to 2 different terminals of of Poseidon.

Just Arrived!!!!

Good Move , worked well for me . Eartha Atlantis , replaced the Apollos on my Poseidon today . Will post as it settles.
Great news CP!
Look forward to reading how it goes and Jazzhead's reactions to using the Atlantis.
I've asked for a Poseidon demo so will let you know how it goes once it arrives.
Good Move , worked well for me . Eartha Atlantis , replaced the Apollos on my Poseidon today . Will post as it settles.

look forward to hearing how that works...should be good.
Great news CP!
Look forward to reading how it goes and Jazzhead's reactions to using the Atlantis.
I've asked for a Poseidon demo so will let you know how it goes once it arrives.

+1...congrats Caliaripaolo
+1...congrats Caliaripaolo

thanks Llyod, Barry and Jazzhead,
I will install the Poseidon during the WE, and I will test it vs a couple of Silver Minimus.
I have to test an Apollo Eartha USB to ground my MacMini too.
I will post my experiences soon.
thanks Llyod, Barry and Jazzhead,
I will install the Poseidon during the WE, and I will test it vs a couple of Silver Minimus.
I have to test an Apollo Eartha USB to ground my MacMini too.
I will post my experiences soon.

Yesterday I remembered having read somewhere that Entreq connection to the router can be a good thing and I disconnected the CAT for connecting the router with my Apollo eartha to USB. I did it after the listenning and today as I wanted to hear if it did something I began listenning with Digital (I listen about 80% on vinyl).
I've been hooked for 3 hours and didn't change digital for vinyl tonight !
Everything more clear. As fresh crystalline water with über precision. Music flowed in the room. Music ! Great.
Just my 2 cents
Hi Cuntigh,

How did you connect the entreq to the router?

Was it grounded to the router (but body is plastic) or via entreq's Rj45 ertha.

A normal snipped off lan cable?
Hi Cuntigh,

How did you connect the entreq to the router?

Was it grounded to the router (but body is plastic) or via entreq's Rj45 ertha.

A normal snipped off lan cable?

Spade side of the Apollo connected to Entreq USB side in a router's unused input.
Spirit my ground chain ... Olympic Tellus + Atlantis Tellus + Atlantis Cleanus + Posiedon ( mix of Eartha Atlantis plus Eartha Apollo ) + 4x Receivus + Tripoint Troy SE ( standard cables) ........ P box connected to the Vitus SS101 via Eartha Apollo .... Three isolated chambers , so one each to the neg. terminal . The third post has an Eartha Atlantis to my Stahl Tek Opus transport. Will you be having another go at amp grounding via the Posiedon ?

Hi Jazzhead,

With your extensive grounding experience, discussion previously as to the Entreq especially with the new Olympus / Poiseden boxes and adding Atlantis ertha, prices certainly have taken a hugh leap quickly into Tripoint's territory.

For many forumer who might own a Tellus or S.Tellus, how would the best approach be in taking a next big step into grounding? Adding a Olympus / Poiseden or seriously consider a Troy / Troy S.E would be the best move. Troy comes with silver cables included and might be a good compromise over adding the Apollo's or Atlantis.

Or for serious newbie looking to get into grounding with say a budgt of 6k, which hoice or combination of boxes to add 1st?

There is so much more clarity from just a Silver tellus, really cannot imagine the clarity with your grounding arsenal together with LL, Spirit, Tbg, Barry and Spirit. Thanks again for all your extensive contributions to this thread.
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