Entreq Tellus grounding

Yesterday I remembered having read somewhere that Entreq connection to the router can be a good thing and I disconnected the CAT for connecting the router with my Apollo eartha to USB. I did it after the listenning and today as I wanted to hear if it did something I began listenning with Digital (I listen about 80% on vinyl).
I've been hooked for 3 hours and didn't change digital for vinyl tonight !
Everything more clear. As fresh crystalline water with über precision. Music flowed in the room. Music ! Great.
Just my 2 cents

I get fantastic results grounding both my QNAP NAS and Draytek router. I use 2 Challenger RJ45 Eartha cables connected to a Silver Minimus (both the NAS and router are in close proximity).

I remember being very surprised when I first tried this. Grounding the NAS was particularly effective and the effect wasn't subtle. I think I described it at the time as adding a certain fluidity/syrupness to the sound.

Hi Jazzhead,

With your extensive grounding experience, discussion previously as to the Entreq especially with the new Olympus / Poiseden boxes and adding Atlantis ertha, prices certainly have taken a hugh leap quickly into Tripoint's territory.

For many forumer who might own a Tellus or S.Tellus, how would the best approach be in taking a next big step into grounding? Adding a Olympus / Poiseden or seriously consider a Troy / Troy S.E would be the best move. Troy comes with silver cables included and might be a good compromise over adding the Apollo's or Atlantis.

Or for serious newbie looking to get into grounding with say a budgt of 6k, which hoice or combination of boxes to add 1st?

There is so much more clarity from just a Silver tellus, really cannot imagine the clarity with your grounding arsenal together with LL, Spirit, Tbg, Barry.

Hi justubes, from the basic Silver Tellus the logical upgrade path is firstly, to the best cables that Entreq make . Which to me is the Eartha Atlantis . I know that there is a thought pool which says the most expensive cable, may not necessarily be the most suitable . For me the Eartha Atlantis have always performed at a much much higher level to the other cables found in the Entreq line up. You be much better of upgrading your cables than adding more boxes .
Having maxed out your Earth cables , next up is the Atlantis Tellus supercharger . It will add tone density to the picture along with a propulsive deep beat . The Cleanus is next , to filter out the digital hash and provide a dynamic jump/jolt to your sound . This is the basic Entreq Trinity , the whole of which is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. If you can get to this point , you will discover a more organic natural flow to proceedings coupled with a much lowered noise floor . There will be a sense of effortlessness , everything sounding more relaxed . Their AC/ Signal wraps are not to be forgotten . Experimenting with them will lead you further down this path to more calmness in your presentation .
The Olympus range is next if you want to push the above attributes to a higher plane . The Posiedon is a very very effective solution to grounding your amp , however I only tried it after having the basic three in place (Olympus Tellus in my case instead of Silver Tellus) . So I cannot recommend it over the troika as a stand alone solution .
The Tripoint Troy SE, majors on clarity , ambience retrieval and speed of note . Yes, it does come with their basic Earth leads . However to really max out the Troy experience , one would have to be using at least one if not more of their Thor SE Master Ref Ground cables . I hope to at some point , give these a go .
I hope this helps in your quest , all the best .
Hi Jazzhead,

With your extensive grounding experience, discussion previously as to the Entreq especially with the new Olympus / Poiseden boxes and adding Atlantis ertha, prices certainly have taken a hugh leap quickly into Tripoint's territory.

For many forumer who might own a Tellus or S.Tellus, how would the best approach be in taking a next big step into grounding? Adding a Olympus / Poiseden or seriously consider a Troy / Troy S.E would be the best move. Troy comes with silver cables included and might be a good compromise over adding the Apollo's or Atlantis.

Or for serious newbie looking to get into grounding with say a budgt of 6k, which hoice or combination of boxes to add 1st?

There is so much more clarity from just a Silver tellus, really cannot imagine the clarity with your grounding arsenal together with LL, Spirit, Tbg, Barry.

Thanks for the post JT which makes a valuable contribution to this thread and particularly for newbies and those wanting to progress.
In my experience adding grounding is a no brainer be it Entreq or Tripoint.
Which you choose is to me a matter of which gives you the biggest bang for your bucks and is possible within your available resources.
One important caveat,however. If you have significant problems with the quality of your mains supply it may be more sensible to address that first. Happily I have a good mains supply and was using an Audience Aspect passive power conditioner before going down the Entreq road. Spirit can advise better than I on that issue.
As you highlight new Entreq products have emerged in the last year or so and could affect choices and decisions. It also depends on how many amps and sources you have in your system and in my case the use of Entreq speaker cables and i/cs which need to be connected to grounding boxes.
The priorities for me would be grounding amps, sources and negative speaker speaker terminals. Number 1 for me would be pre amp and power amps with a Silver Tellus or Olympos Tellus if resources permit. That gives pretty extensive grounding in itself. Next, and possibly before all the sources would, be the negative speaker terminal grounding either with two Silver Minimus or preferably, again if resources permit, using the Poseidon,
The choice of earth cables can be system dependent, The more expensive cables are not always the best match as an earlier post from Fiddlefaddle attested. That said I have been very pleased with the Apollo earth cables. The Atlantis can give better results but not invariably and Apollo is usually a safe and effective choice and can always be upgraded later.
Receivus works but that would be towards the end of the process in my experience and starting with the amps.
Atlantis Tellus would come before Receivus but more cost effective if you need to earth four or more components to a Silver Tellus.
Grounding in my experience is a cumulative process. The more comprehensive the better.
I find Entreq more user friendly than Tripoint and it has the advantage that you can add and upgrade over time and as resources permit as compared with Tripoint. Tripoint might in the past have had an absolute advantage, albeit at a higher cost, and may still have. My hunch is that is less so so with the advent of the Poseidon and Olympos Tellus but I have not heard an A/B comparison so I can't say definitively. Again depends on available resources and which is the most cost effective.
Hope that is helpful based on my experience, but others may have different takes based on their different experiences
A LOT of good info in this post which I agree with and have equally experienced in our own system.

Hi justubes, from the basic Silver Tellus the logical upgrade path is firstly, to the best cables that Entreq make . Which to me is the Eartha Atlantis . I know that there is a thought pool which says the most expensive cable, may not necessarily be the most suitable . For me the Eartha Atlantis have always performed at a much much higher level to the other cables found in the Entreq line up. You be much better of upgrading your cables than adding more boxes .
Having maxed out your Earth cables , next up is the Atlantis Tellus supercharger . It will add tone density to the picture along with a propulsive deep beat . The Cleanus is next , to filter out the digital hash and provide a dynamic jump/jolt to your sound . This is the basic Entreq Trinity , the whole of which is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. If you can get to this point , you will discover a more organic natural flow to proceedings coupled with a much lowered noise floor . There will be a sense of effortlessness , everything sounding more relaxed . Their AC/ Signal wraps are not to be forgotten . Experimenting with them will lead you further down this path to more calmness in your presentation .
The Olympus range is next if you want to push the above attributes to a higher plane . The Posiedon is a very very effective solution to grounding your amp , however I only tried it after having the basic three in place (Olympus Tellus in my case instead of Silver Tellus) . So I cannot recommend it over the troika as a stand alone solution .
The Tripoint Troy SE, majors on clarity , ambience retrieval and speed of note . Yes, it does come with their basic Earth leads . However to really max out the Troy experience , one would have to be using at least one if not more of their Thor SE Master Ref Ground cables . I hope to at some point , give these a go .
I hope this helps in your quest , all the best .
Thanks Jazzhead, many will max ou their grounding budgets with the basic tellus boxes and spendy cables .For some with bigger starting budgets be better off looking at at Olympus mini or maybe even a poiseden.

Is there any sonic preference or strengths and improvements moving to the Olympus over say the S.T?

Does the new mineral mix meant make obsolete sonically even the S.T as it is meant to be an improvement but also quite a different sonic outcome over the early boxes.

It's just that entreq doesnt even offer guidelines really in how to choose the various boxes and combinations of ertha cables. I dont fault them as there are too many permutations which can make things confusing very very fast. A higher model box with the wrong choice of cables might possibly not better the more basic models used with the right grounding cable.

Barry, we thank you for sharing the extensive knowledge of yours and see your point on good clean power is paramount over grounding. I cant see how it is wise for anyone using decent $1000 powercords and also adding a $1000 grounding cables. The budget has to go towards better powercords or conditioners first. I must admit, the cost$/ benefit margins of a grounding cable is probably much lower over better ppwer and signal cables, but guess cost of silver does carry a premium.

My logical guess is that once going to multi thousand dollar cabling is set in place in the system, then adding a $1k or greater grounding cable makes economic sense in the quest for improvement as it would cost much more to upgrade to higher level audio cabling and suffer also a big hit in resale prices.
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Hi Cp.
I hope you are well and everything is OK.
Just wondering how you are getting on with the Poseidon

Hi Barry, sorry for delay, I was traveling for my job not so far away from your location I suppose (I was at Stevenage).
Just one word for Poseidon: fantastic!!!
Grounding negative terminal of my Spectral DMA 260 was the most effective improvement of my grounding journey.
I preliminary tested this new configuration using 2 Silver minimus, connected through 2 Eartha Apollo SS, but switching to Poseidon the improvement has not been so subtle.
At least with my system which is very fast. Poseidon adds to Spectral more body and refinement to the midrange frequencies without altering the speed of transients.
Music is even more organic and the sense of live is remarkable, astonishing.
Bass solo in Autumn Leaves from Patricia Barber's Nightclub was incredibly deep, consistent, extended and simply great!!!
The Stradivari's violin played by Anne Akiko Meyer was so rich and sweetly silky.
I do not know the effect Poseidon can make on other kind of amplifiers but in my experience for very fast SS amplifiers, like Spectral are, it adds some value which is truly remarkable.
I will post more feedbacks later on.
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Thank you very much Paolo.
No not that far away and I hope you had a good trip.
Yes that is very interesting and encouraging.
It is entirely consistent with my experience of Entreq and most recently the amplifier grounding with two Silver Minimus and Atlantis earths. Interestingly I have tended to use the Mofi Hybrid SACD of Patricia Barbers Modern Cool track 11 Post Modern Blues to evaluate the Entreq products. There's a piano piece that comes in after about 90 secs which I find is a good test and the double bass later. The Vitus SIA 025 is probably not as fast as your Spectrals but certainly no slouch and very good with SACD in Class A mode.
In the meantime the substitution of a Scarlatti clock for the Puccini U clock on the Puccini player has been a great success. Much more organic and resolving sound.
Will look out for your further feedback with great interest.
Best wishes,
Hi Barry, sorry for delay, I was traveling for my job not so far away from your location I suppose (I was at Stevenage).
Just one word for Poseidon: fantastic!!!
Grounding negative terminal of my Spectral DMA 260 was the most effective improvement of my grounding journey.
I preliminary tested this new configuration using 2 Silver minimus, connected through 2 Eartha Apollo SS, but switching to Poseidon the improvement has not been so subtle.
At least with my system which is very fast. Poseidon adds to Spectral more body and refinement to the midrange frequencies without altering the speed of transients.
Music is even more organic and the sense of life is remarkable, astonishing.
Bass solo in Autumn Leaves from Patricia Barber's Nightclub was incredibly deep, consistent, extended and simply great!!!
The Stradivari's violin played by Anne Akiko Meyer was so rich and sweetly silky.
I do not know the effect Poseidon can make on other kind of amplifiers but in my experience for very fast SS amplifiers, like Spectral are, it adds some value which is truly remarkable.
I will post more feedbacks later on.

great news! Thanks for taking the time to post...very interesting.
I disconnected the CAT

Can you please share your experience with grounding the CAT? Because Scott did such a good job shielding this server, did grounding make much of a difference relative to your other components?
Can anyone please comment on whether an Entreq box can be used to treat subwoofer hum if it is due to a ground loop? My active sub has an unused analog RCA input.
Can someone please share what cable I would use to connect a Tellus to the protective ground in my wall socket? I am told there is a new Eartha cable just for this. Unfortunately, I do not have a dedicated line or clean ground. I live in the U.S. and this new eartha cable is not listed on Entreq's website so I'm not sure what to order.
Thank you for sharing your fantastic results with the Poseidon, callaripaolo. I have a Poseidon evaluation unit being sent to me and I am eager to experience it for myself. I have a TotalDAC d1-monobloc and Vincent has suggested the Entreq unit he tried didn't benefit his DACs to any great extent. Has that been your experience with your TotalDAC?
Thank you for sharing your fantastic results with the Poseidon, callaripaolo. I have a Poseidon evaluation unit being sent to me and I am eager to experience it for myself. I have a TotalDAC d1-monobloc and Vincent has suggested the Entreq unit he tried didn't benefit his DACs to any great extent. Has that been your experience with your TotalDAC?

Hi Romaz,
contrary to Vincent's opinion, I have connected both D1 Dual and Reclocker, using Atlantis eartha cables (keep in mind which cables make great differences on Entreq's design), and the improvement is real and consistent. Soundstage is more "material" as a friend of mine said. As you know you have to wait at least two days in order to have the total capacity of Entreq's ground boxes.
Not forgot to connect eartha cables on output of your mono (the unused inputs on Totaldac are disconnected as you know).
As far as I'm concerned, a second Poseidon is on the way of decision.
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Hi Romaz,
contrary to Vincent's opinion, I have connected both D1 Dual and Reclocker, using Atlantis eartha cables (keep in mind which cables make great differences on Entreq's design), and the improvement is real and consistent. Soundstage is more "material" as a friend of mine said. As you know you have to wait at least two days in order to have the total capacity of Entreq's ground boxes.
Not forgot to connect eartha cables on output of your mono (the unused input on Totaldac are disconnected as you know).
As far as I'm concerned, a second Poseidon is on the way of decision.

Thank you so much for your reply, Paolo. This is what I wanted to hear. I understand I have to use the analog output on my monobloc but how did you ground the reclocker? Aren't all the unused digital connections automatically disconnected from ground? Also, I have Apollo cables coming with my evaluation unit. Do you believe with the TotalDac that the Atlantis cable made that much of a difference?
Thank you so much for your reply, Paolo. This is what I wanted to hear. I understand I have to use the analog output on my monobloc but how did you ground the reclocker? Aren't all the unused digital connections automatically disconnected from ground? Also, I have Apollo cables coming with my evaluation unit. Do you believe with the TotalDac that the Atlantis cable made that much of a difference?

Concerning Reclocker, I use an unused digital output (the XLR connector in my case), about cables, the response is yes for the analog output of D1 dual (more body and deeper bass) and for the Reclocker was a little contrasting at very beginning. It seemed that everything was too dark with Atlantis, but at the end of journey, the choise was for Atlantis on reclocker too.
Can anyone please comment on whether an Entreq box can be used to treat subwoofer hum if it is due to a ground loop? My active sub has an unused analog RCA input.

Romaz, I wouldn't rely on getting rid of hum w/Entreq.
My two on-board Class D Zu sub amps hum w/ or w/out grounding via S. Tellus.
Can someone please share what cable I would use to connect a Tellus to the protective ground in my wall socket? I am told there is a new Eartha cable just for this. Unfortunately, I do not have a dedicated line or clean ground. I live in the U.S. and this new eartha cable is not listed on Entreq's website so I'm not sure what to order.

Romaz, I believe grounding back to the wall is best done via an Olympus Tellus, which has a terminal designated just for this purpose.
My journey has been to use a Silver Cleanus passive filter plugged into the mains, and grounded back to it's own Olympus Mini.
I may be wrong, but i don't think it's advised to ground the mains otherwise.
I'll ask the UK rep. What is your exact proposed idea to do this.
Romaz, I believe grounding back to the wall is best done via an Olympus Tellus, which has a terminal designated just for this purpose.
My journey has been to use a Silver Cleanus passive filter plugged into the mains, and grounded back to it's own Olympus Mini.
I may be wrong, but i don't think it's advised to ground the mains otherwise.
I'll ask the UK rep. What is your exact proposed idea to do this.

Thanks again. Roy Gregory grounded the mains with a regular Tellus and copper Eartha in his Audio Beat review from 2014 and he remarked how great the results were. Since I don't have a dedicated line or clean ground, I figured grounding the mains might help in addition to grounding the signal. As I already own a very expensive Audience aR6-TSSOX that I just recently purchased, I am not eager to replace it so soon as it has made a very favorable impact.

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