Entreq Tellus grounding

Thanks for the update Mike.
Very much my own experience with Poseidon. It really is a star in the already impressive Entreq line up.
I mentioned in my earlier post (1851) that there had been a further improvement after about three weeks in my system.Initially I did wonder but my ears were certain of it. I mentioned it the other day to my Entreq supplier and asked if he had had any other such reports. He told me that he had received an identical reaction from another client with his Olympus Tellus which reassured me as my ears have continued to do. It will be interesting to hear if you have the same experience.
Hi Detlof.
Hope your Poseidons arrive before Xmas.

Hi Barry,
Yes they have and last night I gave them a first try, listening to both sides of an lp of classical solo piano which I am familiar with.
I generally use classical piano for testing purposes simply because I am familiar with The sound of the real thing. In fact, I relinquished my beloved Sound Labs for the GP Emperors, because they were simply better in reproducing the huge dynamic swings a concert piano can have. The same, by the way, can be said for OTLs in my opinion. Everything I had tried to replace my Atmas with, went back to where it came from. The Atmas cover the range of about 115 hz to about 24 khz on my speakers, so I used ATlantis to connect them to the Poseidons. For low and mid bass I used the Apollos, attached to my AVM 8.2 monos and the bridged Lamm M2.2 monos respectively. Later on I might try and switch cabling, but I will leave as is for now.
What I did, was to listen to both sides of the Lp without and then with the Poseidons attached. The effect was almost imediate and so far I still find it difficult to describe, because to my ears it was a bit of a mixed bag: What certainly seemed positive was, simply put, that there was less of a veil, tiny as it might be, between me and the music. However the puzzling thing was, that also the voicing of my system seemed to have changed within the upper midband with a touch of dynamics lacking. This calls for further looking into.
It may well be that the Poseidons showed up , due to the touch of more " clarity" they had brought to the music, that I had voiced my system wrongly in that critical range. After all, thanks to my active x- over, a dbx driverack PA2, Ihave a myriad of possibilities to shape ( and also ruin ) the sound in my room. To my ears the sound with the Poseidons attached seemed to " thin out" the presentation and I am not sure yet, if this effect has something to do with microdynamics or a change somewhere in the LOWER registers of the midband. So I'll be busy. Frankly, I am still hoping it was only in my mind or ye olde atmospheric pressure and not my Atmas complaining. So further listening is urgently needed. First conclusion: They sure as hell make a difference ( pace Spaz!), but so far they leave me confused. More to come...?

Detlof, really don't try too hard w/this stuff.
You'll see that I started this thread, I didn't think it would go to 25 pages, let alone 180+!
The stuff is expensive enough w/out the need to have to "look" for impvts.
I have found my Entreq experience totally amazing when positive (S. Tellus w/Apollos to 8 components, and S. Cleanus w/ O. Mini), a bit of a let down otherwise (upping Apollos to Atlantis', Atlantis add-on box, and amp -ve terminal grounding to Tellus boxes).
W/the amp -ve terminal grounding, I heard some things that were good ie increased bloom and texture, but other stuff that was negative ie slurred dynamics, unnatural weight, and started to go a little crazy when I went onto my 6th a-b demo - decided there and then not for me (but to revisit at a later date).
It sounds like Poseidon is not a total hit for you.
Thanks for the prompt report back Detlof.
As you say the posiedons may have identified the need for some tweaking of your system which could be attributable to the different brands of amplifiers you are using as well as the need to tweak the settings.
The other possibility is that all Apollos may be a better match. Atlantis is known to exhibit some system dependency issues.
It would not be surprising to me that a system as extensive as yours needs some experimentation to get the best out of the Poseidons so do persevere and I am sure you there is every chance that your efforts will be rewarded.
If you really want to better your sound system without considering the pros ans cons about Entreq, you should follow Barry's advice and go all the way through and make Entreq works for the best as you can.
After that if your system sounds better but you ara afraid to be self convinced : just put Entreq off your system and listen again. You'll know the truth, by yourself. Most if not all people that bash Entreq didn't experimented by themselves. You should take that in consideration.
Wether you like what Entreq make for you or not is not a concern for me, not Barry, Mike Lloyd, Marc or whoever. It's just that Entreq did much for our systems and maybe it canwork for you too.
We don't want to promote or detroy any brand out there, we just share our experience for other audphile can benefit (or not) of that too
It's just that Entreq did much for our systems and maybe it canwork for you too.
We don't want to promote or detroy any brand out there, we just share our experience for other audphile can benefit (or not) of that too

Thank you gentlemen for your comments. It was only late until this morning that was decided on which side I was finally on. I am a sceptic by nature, generally after having been swept away by something ( would be sad, if I had not preserved this trait into my age ) once my head is above water again, I can put it though its paces. Should I think that I am still alluvial, - delusional, I get help. That was the case I my profession and it is more often than not the case in this our hobby. So after this longwinded preamble, let me get on with my story:

The first thing I did was to take the same LP an switch from TT1 to TT2 and had more or less the same effect. I then tried the same piece through my LAN digitally, where I have it on file from red book ripped. Idem. Then tired of putting in, taking out, I listened to something entirely different without the Poseidons and did not like it, because the music had the same strange washed out effect. It took me about an hour to find out its cause: My dedicated lines are fed through an UPS/Stabiliser because in that part of the world where I live, electricity is haphazard and mostly widely fluctuating. In fact I have two, one for the entire house and the other for the music. The latter was malfunctioning because, not for the first time either, some mouse had slipped through all the defenses and chewed on a wire. Country life is not without its surprises! Well once that was fixed, the music sounded right again without the Poseidons and different with them put in.
The Lp I was using, seemed to have been taken with some reverb, as if in a smallish hall, but with the Posies put in, the piano came over much more directly, more pinpointed, more concentrated. Everything sounded right, all the dynamic swings were there, but most of the reverb seemed gone. What now is "better"? Neither I decided, I liked both versions, simply, because the music per se, Goulds interpretation of it, seemed right. In both cases, the illusion of him and his piano as well as him humming along right within my listening space, remained undisturbed. All what the Posies had done to me was , that I had sort of changed seats and moved closer to the performance.

The same effect was repeated in the evening, as family and friends were crammed into my listening space and we listened to the first half of Bach's Christmas Oratorio, as we always do on X-mas eve, preferably live of course. This particular recording was on 6 lp sides and we listened to four of them. I always played one side with and one side without the Posies. The general impression was, also voiced by most of the others, that with the things on, voices were better understood. Of course that was not all, the Posies put the entire presentation of this tremendous work into another prespective, again moved you closer to it. So yes, on my rig they do work. Do I always want to "sit closer"? No! However, again, I liked both versions. I can easily live without those Posies, because already before them, the music was good. With them so far, it seemed not to be "better", but simply different. Important for me is, that they do not srew with "the music" and that so far they have not.

Perhaps they do indeed bring you closer to what is on the mastertape. Perhaps the contrary is true and they "shape" the sound away from the original. My only trouble here is, that I do not care two hoots about that, because I may not like what is on that tape. So probably I will sometimes have the luxury to listen with, and sometimes without the Posies and be free to let my ears command.

What still puzzles me however, was what I heard on my first listening. The washed out sound was real. Why did I not hear it the first time around and only when I had the Posies put in? Most probably I switched on concentrated listening only when the Posies were put in. Don't know, maybe also "mousie " had finishes its job just at the moment when part two of the trial started. Maybe it is all just another case of audiophilia nervosa. Who cares. Main thing the music is right again and "Merry X-mas", Hanukkah or whatever to you all !!:D

P.S.: An afterthought be permitted: Though not Swiss born, I hold a Swiss passport. "Neutrality" must have crept into my DNA";)
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Do what you want if you prefer your music without Entreq that is good for ypu and a simpler system without boxes, earth cables and all that... But conecting and disconnecting an Entreq box for judging it is absolutely the way to go for it doesn't work. You should read the first pages of this post, they are very instructive on how to proceed for a significative result.
Happy Xmas
Do what you want if you prefer your music without Entreq that is good for ypu and a simpler system without boxes, earth cables and all that... But conecting and disconnecting an Entreq box for judging it is absolutely the way to go for it doesn't work. You should read the first pages of this post, they are very instructive on how to proceed for a significative result.
Happy Xmas

With all due respect to your opinion, I have read through all this thread before buying and I heard what I heard. Also, if you read through to what I had said in the above, there was no implication at all to be drawn from there, that my impressions were final. I did say, that I felt free to listen with as well as without the Poseidons. I am well aware of the fact, that the general impression seems to be, that these boxes will improve with time and taken them in as well as out will not give results, because the effect clicks in and wears off only slowly. Unfortunately this is the same speak with certain products that are obviously snake oil -voodoo. The reason for that is simple, because over a certain length of time, the ear will adapt to anything and is easily fooled. What is generally lacking in these cases is a valid scientific explanation for this kind of procedure, as sadly seems to be also the case here. So I prefer to do my thing and form my own opinion and -please note- it is not negative at all. I am simply not gushing and singing hosiannah. Thank you for your good wishes. Bonne noel a vous aussi. :)
Ok ,
I didn't want to be disrespectfull of your opinion and you know better than anybody out there the effect of one product on your system. Entreq like any other product is not universal. It's good for you because the system should allways be as simple as possible with less possible boxes and cables to mess around.
I am sorry if I gave you that impression. I saw no disrespect in your post and I do see your point. I merely felt, that you did not see mine in the way that I had tried to express it. Fact is, that my system is not simple, due to the speakers that I use, but I think that should not imply, that the Entreqs could or could not be put to good use. By the way, I believe that in our thread there is mention that contrary to the other boxes, some effect of the Poseidons on a given system can be noticed at once. With me that was certainly the case. Not so with the Olympos Tellus, which I also own and certainly like what it does after I had found the right way to connect it to my analog front end.
Thanks for your comprehensive update Detlof.
Your friend's comment about voices being better understood accords with my own experience of listening recently to a live broadcast of Messiah on my MD 109 tuner, The words were much more intelligible than ever before when listened to without the Posedon. I noted earlier also a jump in performance after about three weeks use.
It's good to read that your perseverance has been rewarded and and I am sure the Poseidons will continue to give you many more hours of happy listening.
Best wishes.
Thanks for your comprehensive update Detlof.
Your friend's comment about voices being better understood accords with my own experience of listening recently to a live broadcast of Messiah on my MD 109 tuner, The words were much more intelligible than ever before when listened to without the Posedon. I noted earlier also a jump in performance after about three weeks use.
It's good to read that your perseverance has been rewarded and and I am sure the Poseidons will continue to give you many more hours of happy listening.
Best wishes.
Thank you Barry, i am very curious as to how things will develop. Please let me -for what it's worth - repeat again, that my stance is anything but negative. The Entreqs will remain in my system. Happy listening!
Hey Spaz, thanks and blessya! You've left me speechless.
Thank you Barry, i am very curious as to how things will develop. Please let me -for what it's worth - repeat again, that my stance is anything but negative. The Entreqs will remain in my system. Happy listening!

Thank you Detlof.
Yes it will be interesting to see how things develop.
I think it is very likely that they will benefit from being left alone alone for a while so they can really settle in in your system.
Keep us posted
Best wishes.
Well, over two years along my Entreq journey, and had a VERY interesting experience today (well, interesting to me, and the purely subjective brigade), which re established my commitment to the grounding cause, bringing a big smile to my face.
Of all the tweak-related purchases I've made, Entreq remains the one I'm possibly been prone most to expectation bias, and maybe have been fooled by.
The recent internals photos weren't really that pretty, and recent posts have shown many to be immune/agnostic to Entreq's charms.
I'm not TOTALLY egotistical LOL, as to realise that i COULD have spent a lot of cash on nothing other than wishful thinking.

So, over the last few days, I've been redialling in my analog, having had a 3 month wait w/out lp playback, while Peter Lederman has been updating my Straingauge cart/energiser.
I reinstalled the cart, reset the tt/arm, and 48 hrs later, my love affair w/lp rekindled.
But a nagging sensation of cloying heaviness/recessed top end present, just not as fleet as I remember, despite all the tone being present and more. Obv, bedding in needed, but cart bedding in normally starts off thin, and get more tone dense over time, not over-dense to begin.

Then a couple of hours ago, I see that the Apollo grounding lead hadn't been reinstalled back to the phono by me. Ten seconds later, the phono is grounded, and I go away to make a cup of tea, tentatively waiting to see if I'm going to be caught w/my pants down (in the privacy of my apartment LOL).
You know what - this extra level of unwelcome cloying warmth much removed (will check more over 24/48 hrs, and 2 wks), top end opened up, sound at once lighter yet more pertinent, just more well balanced - by a large margin.

If anything was going to prove the worth of Entreq to me, this is it, even more maybe than the initial eye and ear opening demo.
I'm back in the saddle, a rabid fanboi as ever, maybe more so than ever after what has just transpired.

:D x1000!
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Spaz, I'm more a 60's Coltrane Classic Quartet/Miles Classic Quintet man (and late 60's Free Coltrane/Saunders, and 70's Electric Miles not far behind), and grounding contributes a lot in separating out the various strands of complex musical interrelationships in this music, w/out ruining the holistic totality. Complemented nicely by my 8kVA Westwick balanced power, that adds enormous heft to the sound, and a bulletproof foundation.
Listening to "In A Silent Way" on Japanese vinyl was truly spooky w/this recent phono grounding re established.

Last thing, WTF is bogpete and bolser wood???????? You must have the most under-utilised SpellCheck in the Western World LOL!
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Haha, Spaz, you genuinely make me laugh! Unlike the nervous laughing I emit when getting my credit card out for yet ANOTHER audio purchase. I laugh, but there's no joy :eek:. But when it works, I laugh again (although my GF says there's nothing to laugh about that I didn't spend the cash on her :confused:).
We need to get together, how's this going to happen? How about a detour here to tell me how much you don't like my sound (no laughing matter, that).
Spaz, you may like my sound. You may dislike it. But you won't feel disengaged in any way. No way. Zu Full Range Drivers/no x'over/101dB eff/spooky synergy w.Nat all-Class A 60W 211's SETs means a presentation big on tone, involvement and boogie factor. Just no plucking instruments out of the air in front of you. What a pointless exercise that is, IMHO.
No downside to balanced pwr.
Ronnie Scotts good, Detoxit - maybe, in small doses (like little children).
PM me yr thoughts/availability.
I'm nr Bristol a month on Sunday, and nr Taunton hopefully in Feb, flying visit from me possible.

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