so how does the Esoteric T1 sound with the GIX master clock hooked up?
for the last 3-4 hours i've thrown all my heavy artillery pressings at it. what can a clock do with turntable speed that is already very fine? my guess is that something like eliminating smear is taking place on a massive but molecular scale. logically if this clock is helping, it has to be causing the speed to be more steady. nano level stutters, fits and starts have to be being greatly reduced or eliminated, with only steady speed remaining....compared to without the clock when it was already world class drive, solidity and energy.
for a minute let's assume i'm right. which means on a nano level every grain of information in the groove is more accurately being read, and the resulting signal is more cohesive and coherent. more dynamic too. less wasted energy, less confused information. or at least significant degrees better than before.
i can see that this 'effect' could be along the lines of what an air bearing, massive platter could do for speed steady-ness. more than one way to get the desired result. debatable which method goes further.
is the magnetic rim idler drive design essential to attain this clock effect result? no idea. might a belt get the same benefit? no idea.
i may be completely wrong about the how and why, those are dangerous places for me to go. but i'm trying to connect dots. i'm sure mirco will scold me on some level about my faulty logic.
in any case, that is how my mind has rationalized, how every track i heard tonight was a new reference for me. each track moved away from reproduced music toward realism, every track had more inner energy mostly more micro-dynamics, big music was bigger. the ambience and space was more real and defined. spookily so on many cuts. i heard venue info i have never heard before. the sense of musical intent was much stronger, the sense of the players playing together more evident.
the only thing that changed was adding the clock.
if someone is buying the T1, don't hear the clock unless you are prepared to buy it. you can't unhear it.