Hi Mark,
You are probably right,but I have never heard a 15 ips master, so I have to go with what I have experienced. If I compare this tape to anything I currently have it is the best I have heard. I want to make sure my Studer is biased correctly for this Ampex 406 tape and then I can really get a feel for the sound quality. Right now I think my Ampex 440 electronics are quieter than the Studer but I have no way of testing one against the other.
I can see why master tapes are sought after. I have one master dub 1/4" tape done on a Crown,and while it sounds better than a pre recorded 1/4 inch,as they say don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
Once I have my Studer and Ampex setup correctly I'm going to turn the volume up and see how big this Hammond B3 can sound.
Listening to 1/2 inch makes me want to buy a big Ampex like a MM1200....god help me. Only kidding!
You can/could turn your Ampex 440C/B hybrid R2R deck into a 1/2" machine.