Hi Howiebrou,
Thanks, Jazzhead...hope i can live up to that intro!
Colosseum sound is probably best done in the context of what i've heard/compared:
- Comparison: CJ MV60, Goldmund Mimesis, Gryphon Antileon, Boulder 2060, Krell Evo Ones
- Heard in same room almost identical set up: MBL Ref Monos, D'Agostinos, ARC Ref 210s, Ref150
1. Happy to focus on a particular comparison if you're familiar with one or two of the above
2. Bass: the Colosseum's bass combines the more organic quality of the tube amps above...with the far more propulsive power and also control of the Boulder 2060 above. It is, for me, the best of both worlds. On some other SS amps, somehow i feel the power of the bass, but the kodo drums dont feel natural/live to me...almost too controlled, more about the tight thwack than about the little vibrations/decay that come after the thwack. On Kodo drums, with Colosseum, i alway smile, as well as with deep house synthesizer bass...its always there, always controlled, with multiple lines of bass each being handled separately and effortlessly.
3. Mids: I loved my little CJ MV60 for magical mids...the Colosseum has never left me wanting for that liquid beautiful midrange, but it is more detailed, far, far quieter in the background/noise floor, and so as much as i love tubes, i have never felt the desire to seriously consider a change up. I came across an opportunity to look at Zanden monos and passed primarily due to power and long-term potential to drive harder, lower impedance speakers. I cannot say that i have heard SOTA tubes, but i do not feel any lack from those tube amp above i have heard
4. Highs: The Colosseum is far more extended than the Antileon which otherwise has a similar character to the Colosseum elsewhere in the spectrum. It is also more illuminated (not bright), so that highs have equal standing in a piece of music (with very, very pure natural tonality so that triangles and other instruments have natural ring to them, not just 'ting' here or there). The older Antileon recessed these...pleasantly...but recessed. And there was more grain in the Antileon compared with the Colosseum. Slight but there in comparison. Single to low double digit percents in this case...recording materials will matter far more than this difference.
5. Overall: The Colosseum in comparison to the Boulder 2060 (which is stunning as an amp) is that it feels to be more just this side of organic. I cannot say warmer, because i am not sure it is...and i cannot say Boulder is cooler because i am not sure it is either. Jeff Fritz of UltraAudio called it more intimate an amp in its presentation of performers when comparing the 2 amps...perhaps that is it. Not a difference in the size of soundstage which varies as much as i've ever heard an amp...from big to small, distance to near-mike. just more intimate with performances. Some have felt Boulder can be too pristine. I don't. But I certainly can understand how some might say that...I think it would far less likely someone says that about Gryphon Colosseum.
Finally, i have learned about how important an effortless presentation can be for me...it brings all music back to performers who made a recording because the amp is better able to handle dynamic ranges, multiple lines of instruments all at once, maintain contrapuntal themes, and make it look easy...which is often what i heard when i listen to great musicians live. You hear far more of the nuances and themes in music which take me to a live situation as opposed to a reproduction where the system may do certain things well and not others, or where it omits them to avoid making errors.
If you have more questions, let me know. hope that is somewhat helpful.