Who meet in a bar. They're all individuals w strong opinions, and love to argue all things audio. Over the course of an evening, many pertinent opinions are proffered, disagreements brought up.
But then critically, friendliness normally returns, everyone kinda agrees to disagree, and no bad karma dominates
This is kind of where we were prior to social media prevail, back when give and take were the norm, and tempers weren't instantly inflamed, and egos weren't immediately bruised
And critically the moods and flow of real time proper conversation, and personal barriers, we're all respected
Fast forward to the height of social media dominance and arguments on WBF dominate
Now we have the same guys who meet in the WBF Virtual Bar
One in effect leaves a contentious comment in all innocence, goes to the bar to order the drinks (ie leaves a barbed comment and goes offline), sets off an argument, the first guy returns w the drinks and takes offence (ie comes back online and is personally offended by reply). This second guy now goes off for a smoke (ie goes offline again), and again returns to bear the brunt of even more vitriol
Etc etc etc ad infinitum
And not even the advantage of an evening's pleasant boozing, just migraine headache from shouting at the computer
I've wanted to post a similar thread for a while, and reading the heartsink MasterBuilt cables thread and the sheer vitriol unleashed has pushed me to hit the New Thread button
Who meet in a bar. They're all individuals w strong opinions, and love to argue all things audio. Over the course of an evening, many pertinent opinions are proffered, disagreements brought up.
But then critically, friendliness normally returns, everyone kinda agrees to disagree, and no bad karma dominates
This is kind of where we were prior to social media prevail, back when give and take were the norm, and tempers weren't instantly inflamed, and egos weren't immediately bruised
And critically the moods and flow of real time proper conversation, and personal barriers, we're all respected
Fast forward to the height of social media dominance and arguments on WBF dominate
Now we have the same guys who meet in the WBF Virtual Bar
One in effect leaves a contentious comment in all innocence, goes to the bar to order the drinks (ie leaves a barbed comment and goes offline), sets off an argument, the first guy returns w the drinks and takes offence (ie comes back online and is personally offended by reply). This second guy now goes off for a smoke (ie goes offline again), and again returns to bear the brunt of even more vitriol
Etc etc etc ad infinitum
And not even the advantage of an evening's pleasant boozing, just migraine headache from shouting at the computer
I've wanted to post a similar thread for a while, and reading the heartsink MasterBuilt cables thread and the sheer vitriol unleashed has pushed me to hit the New Thread button
It's like trying to watch a cricket match in a bar with an American, likely won't work.
Ked, no American would ever watch a cricket match in a bar if for no other reason than nobody would stay in the bar for 2-3 days until the match is over! We could however discuss audio in a bar for 2-3 days....
5 days Marty. It's a complex sport (cricket). American sports are more like plug and play systems, no fun of a complex set up
5 days Marty. It's a complex sport. American sports are more like plug and play systems, no fun of a complex set up
David, thanks for the good laugh.
* The picture was too small, I couldn't make it what they were saying, so I googled it.
Yep Ked, changing those 242 tubes in and out of yr GG ad infinitum on yr trials is a great adrenaline boost