Hopkins' System

8, 32, 41 and 42 are pretty good.

I'll agree with those two, which are:
8=Rockport Technologies Lyra speakers (recorded with DPA-4011 microphones)
32=Gobel Divin Marquis speakers (does not mention the mics, but same channel as 8)

Less impressed by those, but still pretty good:
41=Kenrick Sound JBL 4320 (no mention of the mics, could be a phone recording) - could use a sub as someone mentioned in the comments
42=B&W Nautilus 805 - bookshelf speaker (iphone recording) - suprising amount of bass, good sound for what seems to be a pretty naked room

I like 29 as well - vinyl playback (not sure that makes a difference). The song stats around 3:27. Martin Logan Renaissance ESL 15A speakers. Zoom H6 recorder.

Others I liked/found amusing:
31 seems to have been recorded in a car.Its not that bad!
37 is pretty good for small desktop speakers (Elac BS312.2)

The dominant factor in all these videos are: the speakers, the room, the microphone/recorder. With the same speakers/room/mics, I doubt you could really hear differences in the other equipment used.
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Note: the manufacturer of 42 sells their speakers in kits. They are affordable. For example, the wooden horns demoed in the video sell for around 300€ in Japan:

Here is an interesting page from their website detailing how they developed some of their speakers:

The speaker they describe is a 2-way bookshelf with a very simple first order crossover.

Here is the youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@otokoubouz
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