The above statement rings true for me.
I consider myself a music lover first and foremost and an audiophile (my idea of someone who has a fascination about acquiring audio gear) secondary, although admitting they both can kind of go hand in hand to an extent.
I have always tried to build my audio system/s to be able to reproduce the sound of my recordings to the best that I could achieve within the outlay of money that I felt comfortable with at any given time.
I would do as much research that I could about any and all options that would catch my interest. Back in the day (decades ago) that meant reading all the various rags.... Absolute Sound, Stereophile, Positive Feedback, along with a handful of others. Then when the internet came along, reading the various forums, etc. When I found items of interest and after I did my research, I would plan weekend trips to the big cities and audition in the brick and mortar stores. If I liked what I heard, I would arrange in home auditions and if the piece of gear proved to be a great match and upgrade for my system, I would buy it from that dealer.
I was never on a merry-go-round. Because of the lengthy time of my research, it would take me quite some time to decide on what I wanted to purchase, but I always had the cash saved up for the next purchase so that when I felt the item was right for me, I could pull the trigger. This lengthy process has always worked out for me as I have kept my gear for decades.
So, even though I might go 10/15/20 years or more before buying any new piece of gear.... I have never once pumped the brakes on getting more vinyl or cd's. I guess that's why I say I feel I am a music lover first.
In the beginning I focused on optimizing my vinyl side of the system. Now recently I just finished optimizing the digital side of my system. Am I done? I would say that I am done with buying more gear, for at least another 10 years.( Which might be forever for me as with my current health issues I'd be lucky to live another 10 years ). But, I can honestly say that I will never be done buying music!
I love participating on the forums because I love being involved with people that have similar interests as I do. I love the social aspect of it all. It's fun living vicariously through the other forum members whose disposable income seems to be endless and can afford to purchase gear that I only can experience from attending the high end audio shows. That doesn't make me want to cash in my investments and go out and buy any of it though.
My system is very modest in the WBF regards, but I am so amazingly content with it. It makes me smile every time I listen to it and that's all I could ever ask of it.
Best wishes,