Face it, for most of us, the majority of our digital music collection is redbook cd. The non USB Extender Box (USB-X) MPS 5 player sounds good with redbook, but is not the last word in great cd sound. Actually it sounds a bit flat. And it's not just me. Fremer, who uses the PD player as his reference, always says the same thing when comparing his beloved vinyl to digital. A much cheaper Ayre player has more space around the instruments than the original MPS 5. (Of course Fremer missed this in his Ayre review.) And more expensive Meridian and dCS easily outdo the Ayre players.
Anyways, is there an improvement in PD sound on regular cd's with the USB Extender Box (USB-X)?
Anyways, is there an improvement in PD sound on regular cd's with the USB Extender Box (USB-X)?