this is an interesting reccomendation...have you heard the ml2.2 power other speakers with a similar sensitivity to the yg? the ocassional ml2.1 pops up here and there on the usual used sites at great prices and i'm always tempted to have a go. i've seen them in person and they are gorgeous but 18watts always gives me pause (i have previously run/my brother currently runs dynaudio bookshelves with a nice line magnetic 22watt pushpull - it's a great sound for sure)
Sorry guys, I meant the M2.2s not the ML2.2s, which I haven't heard, although I've never been a fan of low power amps driving low efficiency speakers.It could be - just I haven't seen a pair for sale in the six months I've had an eye out. I don't think the M2.2 is a popular Lamm amp, so not as many pairs in the field to begin with.
But if I love the PS Audios, then that's probably my end game. If not, I'll probably stick with class a/b SS. The decision won't be hard and PS Audios regularly trade on the used market.
I've corrected my original post.