But Keith added a tube preamp as well?
That was what several suggested from the beginning but Keith insisted in keeping his passive attenuator as a fix point iIrc
But Keith added a tube preamp as well?
That was what several suggested from the beginning but Keith insisted in keeping his passive attenuator as a fix point iIrc
After extensive North American travel to hear multiple home based, manufacturer and dealer showroom based systems as well as too many shows to mention, I would recommend two diametrically opposed amplifier brands to auditon:
Aries Cerat
I also think Pilium may also be very good, but I heard it in a system with unfamiliar components.
I have both AC and Audionet in my personal/reference system.
Well, ultimately that's up to him. Right now Ampzilla has to be beaten, which it could be. He's moving to higher-efficiency / lower drivers-crossover-complexity speakers. This opens up viability for lower-power, more reliable tube amplifiers. So much remains to be settled in the reset. Keith is inclined to SS for good practical reaons, but I'll be bringing around some custom tube amps -- single-ended-pentode, push-pull triode and pentode/UL to gauge interest and satisfaction with against mainstream options. Greater speaker efficiency / reduced xover-drivers complexity yields more practical, musically-attantable options.
We're 14 minutes apart in normal traffic, even in Los Angeles, so comparisons like this happen sometimes.
That's my experience too. For about 50 years, but really more. I've never been shut down for music access because of a tube failure. However it is decidedly not Keith's experience. So the outcome may very well not be tubes-fueled.
I get it. PL 519. TV sweep tubes unchallenged by hifi. Julius Futterman thought the same way for his OTLs.
Vacuum tubes chosen well for a circuit are incredibly durable despite the visual vulnerability of being glass enclosed. Example: In place of 5687 tubes I sometimes use 6900s. This tube was developed for ICBMs, with a Nonex glass envelope (non-expansion glass) and 500Gs survivability. It looks as vulnerable as any other glass envelope small signal triode, but it's nearly indestructible in use.
as far as tube trials and tribulations, i've probably had a half dozen issues over the past decade. if I was to try one it would be the matching LTA amp. but honestly, i prefer SS at this point.
I would agree, but you are likely not disabled and require help to get things fixed such as myself. The LTA is only 15lbs so its possible I could do it.