In terms of my room and my system….
What affects the volume settings I use?
1. The recording …..some are louder and some are quieter
2. The program material……for instruments to sound ‘real’ the brain is very sensitive to volume. For a flute say, the brain is able to subconsciously compute perceived distance to the player and the ‘effort’ (amount of breath) the player is using to know instinctively what the correct volume should be. The same is true for a violin for example. Listen to a solo violin and your subconscious knows how loud it should be based on the ‘vigour’ with which its being played And the distance between violin and listener.
3. The amplitude of room reflections…..too loud and the room will start to have greater influence than it otherwise should have. The room essentially ’overloads’ as sound waves become too energetic and bounce around in the audible range. The RT of the room doesn’t change, just that the reflections are more energetic and therefore more audible And intrusive.
4. When I listen to Swiss Radio Classics for example, I use around -14.5dB to listen to an orchestra, but as soon as the announcer comes on, that is abnormally loud, as my brain knows that an announcer at that distance, using a certain amount of breath (speaking effort) shouldn’t be so loud… if I want both orchestra and announcer to sound as accurate and natural as possible, I need to change the volume. The reason for that is because the recording techniques for orchestra and announcer were different.