New Wadax Atlantis Reference Dac

ok, enough pussy footing around.

it's my way to investigate any potential acquisitions far and wide. one item i found helpful was Ack's Wadax Ref report on Audionirvana, which led me to the Goodwin's site where i did find lots of good info.

but enough of that.

first week of December i found myself in West Palm Beach, with an afternoon to kill. so i drove down to Elliot's place and heard the Wadax Ref dac and Ref server, the M10's and Gobel speakers. i heard nothing in that 90 minutes that is in conflict with any of the Wadax Ref reviews or feedback we keep reading. i had been in that room 2 years prior, but different CH P amps now and different Gobel speakers; and the Wadax instead of the 7 box CH P mono dac. but whatever was happening this was another level. the total performance exceeded my considerable expectations. but it's not my room and my references.

Elliot and i had been talking about the Wadax for a few months. i do have a Wadax Ref dac and Ref server in-bound to me, arriving next week sometime. my MSB Select II dac is no longer mine; it's sold and paid for, but i will keep it until i can fully compare the Wadax directly. this was very important to me, and i really appreciate Elliot accommodating my need for a direct compare.

if you see a truck headed from Miami to Seattle it might have some nice Spanish digital gear on it. think positive thoughts for safe travel. i know i am doing that.
Wow ! Congratulations ! Looking forward to your impression ! :)
Mike, you never fail to cheer us all up. Congrats, and look fwds to your words as per Milan's thoughts.
Is the reference combo that is on its way to you new, Mike, or maybe the demo units of Elliot? I am asking because my feedback is that the Wadax reference dac and server need an awful lot of breaking in time. The USA member I was referring to earlier in this thread (Tidal Akira loudspeakers and complete Wadax reference set up) for example experienced serious progress after many months of continuous playing in. So what I am saying is that if you would receive new/not broken in reference units, it may be be hard to judge their real capabilities.
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Is the reference combo that is on its way to you new, Mike, or maybe the demo units of Elliot? I am asking because my feedback is that the Wadax reference dac and server need an awful lot of breaking in time. The USA member I was referring to earlier in this thread (Tidal Akira loudspeakers and complete Wadax reference set up) for example experienced serious progress after many months of continuous playing in. So what I am saying is that if you would receive new/not broken in reference units, it may be be hard to judge their real capabilities.
Rudolf, this Wadax Ref dac and server incoming to me have been demo's, but i don't really know how many hours have been put on them. obviously once set up in my room, it will be 24-48 hours (or longer) before the settling and warm up, from the move across country will be worked out. we will just have to see where it goes. in some ways i'd rather not know exactly how many hours are on the pair and just let the sound come to me as it does with zero rationalizations. but thank you for the heads up, and i will keep that feedback in mind.
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Is the reference combo that is on its way to you new, Mike, or maybe the demo units of Elliot? I am asking because my feedback is that the Wadax reference dac and server need an awful lot of breaking in time. The USA member I was referring to earlier in this thread (Tidal Akira loudspeakers and complete Wadax reference set up) for example experienced serious progress after many months of continuous playing in. So what I am saying is that if you would receive new/not broken in reference units, it may be be hard to judge their real capabilities.
Audiocrack, although most components require break in, Wadax is not an exception, however when I got mine it was great sounding very quickly. I hooked mine up and let it play continuously and I poked my head in from time to time to check it out. I truly believe this is more habit than reality so let it do that over the weekend and first real listen was after about 60-70 hours. I have said this before and I am think anyone that experiences this system will get what it does very very quickly. I really have no idea how long it took to forget about the break in but at no time did it ever sound bad.
1) It sounds like no digital I have ever heard
2) IMO it changes the source paradigm- digital is no longer a convenience with compromise
3) it allows mew to enjoy my system and music in ways I never could before
4) it as expanded my musical library to infinity
5). I have listened more since I have it than at any other time in my life and have done this with more passion and joy

I hardly listen to physical media anymore , its just so easy and incredible sound to use my server with my files and to integrate Qobuz and Tidal.
If you like to compare things its a piece of cake. You can choose the Tidal, Tidal MQA, Qobuz and its different versions from Redbook to whatever other choice they have or the files I have imported. It all takes zero effort to do this. All you need is a tablet or cell phone, a volume control and a really comfortable chair.
I was seriously concerned about making this investment, my business partner and I discussed this fully, but I have no regrets and think this is just so damn good that if you love music it is an amazing purchase. I have never had better sound in any of my rooms. PERIOD
ok, enough pussy footing around.

it's my way to investigate any potential acquisitions far and wide. one item i found helpful was Ack's Wadax Ref report on Audionirvana, which led me to the Goodwin's site where i did find lots of good info.

but enough of that.

first week of December i found myself in West Palm Beach, with an afternoon to kill. so i drove down to Elliot's place and heard the Wadax Ref dac and Ref server, the M10's and Gobel speakers. i heard nothing in that 90 minutes that is in conflict with any of the Wadax Ref reviews or feedback we keep reading. i had been in that room 2 years prior, but different CH P amps now and different Gobel speakers; and the Wadax instead of the 7 box CH P mono dac. but whatever was happening this was another level. the total performance exceeded my considerable expectations. but it's not my room and my references.

Elliot and i had been talking about the Wadax for a few months. i do have a Wadax Ref dac and Ref server in-bound to me, arriving next week sometime. my MSB Select II dac is no longer mine; it's sold and paid for, but i will keep it until i can fully compare the Wadax directly. this was very important to me, and i really appreciate Elliot accommodating my need for a direct compare.

if you see a truck headed from Miami to Seattle it might have some nice Spanish digital gear on it. think positive thoughts for safe travel. i know i am doing that.
I'm looking forward to hearing your review.
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my MSB Select II dac is no longer mine; it's sold and paid for, but i will keep it until i can fully compare the Wadax directly. this was very important to me, and i really appreciate Elliot accommodating my need for a direct compare.

Congrats on mastering the perfect way to play the hobby
Congrats on mastering the perfect way to play the hobby
from the "King of Compares" that is a high compliment......even though it might be sarcastic. thanks Ked.

the buyer for my MSB is fully informed as to the circumstances. and is supportive. MSB will continue to be a top rec from me as it should be. no losers here. but i'm getting ahead of myself.....the head to head has not yet happened.

for two weeks after my Wadax demo in Florida, it was hard to listen to my digital. but these last 10+ days the MSB has been breathtakingly captivating. i can't listen enough. hard to explain it. it's not just the dac, the system is singing. do i need to change anything?

if a product like the Wadax had not come along, i had no reason to change my digital. i was/am solid. almost 5 years ago i made a good decision on the MSB i've not regretted.
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from the "King of Compares" that is a high compliment......even though it might be sarcastic. thanks Ked.

the buyer for my MSB is fully informed as to the circumstances. and is supportive. MSB will continue to be a top rec from me as it should be. no losers here. but i'm getting ahead of myself.....the head to head has not yet happened.

for two weeks after my Wadax demo in Florida, it was hard to listen to my digital. but these last 10+ days the MSB has been breathtakingly captivating. i can't listen enough. hard to explain it. it's not just the dac, the system is singing. do i need to change anything?

if a product like the Wadax had not come along, i had no reason to change my digital. i was/am solid. 4 years ago i made a good decision on the MSB i've not regretted.

Sorry Mike, no sarcasm. Only admiration. You don't miss a step in any aspect of the hobby.
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from the "King of Compares" that is a high compliment......even though it might be sarcastic. thanks Ked.

the buyer for my MSB is fully informed as to the circumstances. and is supportive. MSB will continue to be a top rec from me as it should be. no losers here. but i'm getting ahead of myself.....the head to head has not yet happened.

for two weeks after my Wadax demo in Florida, it was hard to listen to my digital. but these last 10+ days the MSB has been breathtakingly captivating. i can't listen enough. hard to explain it. it's not just the dac, the system is singing. do i need to change anything?

if a product like the Wadax had not come along, i had no reason to change my digital. i was/am solid. almost 5 years ago i made a good decision on the MSB i've not regretted.
My potential issue with Wadax is the company not the product. Really has no standing in the high end for the past decade. Same issue with Pilium. Have seen too many of these companies come and go (Balabo anyone?) and resale would be a big concern for me. That said, will be great to hear how sonically it compares.
We will be interested to know what you hear?
This is going to be my first opinion about the Wadax combo really relevant from all the ones I have read. Until now it has always happened that a person (and I include myself) came to a room other than their own, with speakers, electronics, cables and the Wadax combo and after a while they think that the digital paradigm had changed. Now we are going to read the opinion of an experienced person, in his own room, that he is going to remove a Taiko Extreme- MSB Select killer combo and put a Wadax combo. That opinion will seem relevant to me. Only something is strange to me, Mike has sold the Select before making the comparison, he must be very sure of the result.
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My potential issue with Wadax is the company not the product. Really has no standing in the high end for the past decade. Same issue with Pilium. Have seen too many of these companies come and go (Balabo anyone?) and resale would be a big concern for me. That said, will be great to hear how sonically it compares.
Hi Keith.
It is very easy. Could you please find any Wadax unit in second hand market?
You won’t find no one….
Even first Wadax Pre1 launched 10 years ago…
I hope that helps about your concern.
Is the reference combo that is on its way to you new, Mike, or maybe the demo units of Elliot? I am asking because my feedback is that the Wadax reference dac and server need an awful lot of breaking in time. The USA member I was referring to earlier in this thread (Tidal Akira loudspeakers and complete Wadax reference set up) for example experienced serious progress after many months of continuous playing in. So what I am saying is that if you would receive new/not broken in reference units, it may be be hard to judge their real capabilities.
Hi Audiocrack.
My Atlantis Dac and Server, both, did need two weeks to complete primary break in, most noticeable, and one month to complete secondary one, less noticeable, more refined.
I would add maybe a week more because Ref has more components…
Anyway, i’m sure Mike’s unit will have finished primary break in done by Elliot…
One or two days to let them get stabilized is only thing i think Mike will need…
Cheers !!!
from the "King of Compares" that is a high compliment......even though it might be sarcastic. thanks Ked.

the buyer for my MSB is fully informed as to the circumstances. and is supportive. MSB will continue to be a top rec from me as it should be. no losers here. but i'm getting ahead of myself.....the head to head has not yet happened.

for two weeks after my Wadax demo in Florida, it was hard to listen to my digital. but these last 10+ days the MSB has been breathtakingly captivating. i can't listen enough. hard to explain it. it's not just the dac, the system is singing. do i need to change anything?

if a product like the Wadax had not come along, i had no reason to change my digital. i was/am solid. almost 5 years ago i made a good decision on the MSB i've not regretted.
Even though this is waaaaaay out of reach for me, I am really looking forward to your listening experiences. ENJOY :)!!!
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This is going to be my first opinion about the Wadax combo really relevant from all the ones I have read. Until now it has always happened that a person (and I include myself) came to a room other than their own, with speakers, electronics, cables and the Wadax combo and after a while they think that the digital paradigm had changed. Now we are going to read the opinion of an experienced person, in his own room, that he is going to remove a Taiko Extreme- MSB Select killer combo and put a Wadax combo. That opinion will seem relevant to me.
thank you. the relevance you speak of was exactly what i wanted. it still will only be the opinion of one person and in one particular room. but the reference is a known quality. maybe a strong data point we don't yet have.

Only something is strange to me, Mike has sold the Select before making the comparison, he must be very sure of the result.
i had to wait until the certainty of the Wadax delivery to me was 'real', and i'd heard the Wadax, to approach my friend about buying my MSB. but i did not want to muddy the water too early by jumping the gun. i knew i had my business trip to Florida in early December where i could sample the goods. and for once a plan worked out (which is likely the strange :p part). i did not even tell Elliot i was coming to Florida until i called him, the morning of the day i visited him, as i did not know the sequence of the delivery to me and did not want to mess it up. you never can assume anything. obviously these things happen when it's works for all parties.

at the moment i don't own a dac, other than the Trinnov Altitude processor in my Home Theater room. technically i've not purchased the Wadax. but no question it's my intention. yes; after hearing the Wadax in Elliot's room i was confident enough to complete the sale of my MSB. this whole serious process with Elliot is now maybe 6 months long. and it's only the last 30 days that i was committed enough to sell the MSB. so this was not a spur of the moment thing.

but next week i'll listen to both dacs optimally in my room and have choices, which was my goal.
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Mike, you never fail to cheer us all up. Congrats, and look fwds to your words as per Milan's thoughts.

Mike's words as per Mike's thoughts, not Milan's. There are internet sites to check Milan's thoughts
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Hi Audiocrack.
My Atlantis Dac and Server, both, did need two weeks to complete primary break in, most noticeable, and one month to complete secondary one, less noticeable, more refined.
I would add maybe a week more because Ref has more components…
Anyway, i’m sure Mike’s unit will have finished primary break in done by Elliot…
One or two days to let them get stabilized is only thing i think Mike will need…
Cheers !!!
Undoubtedly Mike will have some very interesting (musical) days ahead of him once these two ‘beasts’ have arrived at his place and have settled in. Although he needs to be convinced by the performance of reference server and reference dac in his own set up, he - as was mentioned earlier in this thread - sold his MSB-stack of course for a reason (while still being happy with his stack). So let’s see how things will turn out.

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