When this whole Covid19 epidemic is over, I’m going to have an electrician update my 2 dedicated mains supplies, but in the meantime I’d like to confirm its design and make sure I’m ordering the correct components
Right now I have the following installed: Tails are taken from the back of the original consumer unit to a 2nd ‘dedicated for hi-fi’ consumer unit....this is the first area for improvement.
The hi-fi Consumer Unit contains a generic isolation switch and 2 AHP (Hi-fi Tuning) fuse holders with AHP gold fuses. From each fuse holder, 2 single 6m runs of Acrolink 7N P-4030 II Stressfree cable are each connected to 2 Furutech Duplex FP-13 63-D Gold wall sockets, wired in series.
My future installation is foreseen as the following:
From the meter, the original tails will go to 2 Henley blocks, with 2 sets of tails, one to the original CU and one to a new Hagar Hi-Fi CU
The Hagar will contain a Doepke DFS 2F Audio RCB, and 2 Gigawatt G-C16A MCBs, one for each run of Acrolink. No further changes are envisaged....the Acrolink and in-room sockets will remain as currently wired, in series, as separate radials
* Bold indicates items to be purchased
My questions:
Does the new Hagar Consumer Unit need a separate isolation switch before the Doepke RCB and if so, what type of switch?
Does the above specified layout sound like its missing anything in order to meet UK code? I would like to pre-order all the components so the electrician only has to do the installation as typically the hardware electricians have to hand is basic household consumer stuff
Thanks for inputs.
Right now I have the following installed: Tails are taken from the back of the original consumer unit to a 2nd ‘dedicated for hi-fi’ consumer unit....this is the first area for improvement.
The hi-fi Consumer Unit contains a generic isolation switch and 2 AHP (Hi-fi Tuning) fuse holders with AHP gold fuses. From each fuse holder, 2 single 6m runs of Acrolink 7N P-4030 II Stressfree cable are each connected to 2 Furutech Duplex FP-13 63-D Gold wall sockets, wired in series.
My future installation is foreseen as the following:
From the meter, the original tails will go to 2 Henley blocks, with 2 sets of tails, one to the original CU and one to a new Hagar Hi-Fi CU
The Hagar will contain a Doepke DFS 2F Audio RCB, and 2 Gigawatt G-C16A MCBs, one for each run of Acrolink. No further changes are envisaged....the Acrolink and in-room sockets will remain as currently wired, in series, as separate radials
* Bold indicates items to be purchased
My questions:
Does the new Hagar Consumer Unit need a separate isolation switch before the Doepke RCB and if so, what type of switch?
Does the above specified layout sound like its missing anything in order to meet UK code? I would like to pre-order all the components so the electrician only has to do the installation as typically the hardware electricians have to hand is basic household consumer stuff
Thanks for inputs.