You want special effects north star , speaker ...fireplace ??
No special effects, I watch movies for that. :b
But many music listening rooms do have a fireplace in them; and you can close the 'trap' door...except when you have a fire going on.
Ron started a thread about a sealed room, without openings to outside parts of the home...the pros and cons.
It's a great subject in our hobby, and it has impacts on our music listening. It's worth exploring in depth...fireplace included. :b
Lol, I am (we are) no experts; but this is the place to become ones.
We all know that the room is the most important component in a hi-fi stereo sound system; so it is very normal/natural/important that we spend more time on this.
Look, how many here are listening sometimes with a door (or a window) open, and other times close?
We don't need a degree in space aerodynamics to notice the level of difference in sound.
Tuning our room should be priority number us serious music audiophiles.
Instead we tune our setups with different cables and power conditioning (sounds like a shampoo conditioner for our hair).
What about Doctor Floyd E. Toole on the subject of sealed rooms versus vented ones (with an opening to adjacent rooms of the house)?
Anything on this; the pros and cons of each version?
I am searching right now, on this very subject; and I thought I was good in using key words when googling.
It took five pages before they even start scratching the surface; and it's not much, surely not I'll try different key words...
The two links above won't simply do it; but that's all what I found so far. I don't give up...still searching ....
* The first link is interesting.