Shunyata Triton/ Typhon


Also it should be bought with the same cable as that used in the Triton.

IOW I bought an Anaconda PC to be used from the Triton to the wall and an Anaconda umbilical for best results as stated in the brief instructions that came with
FWIW the umbilical is made differently if the units are to be stacked on one another vs side by side

In the case of the 2 new units I put in play last week, there's no stacking or side by side as I don't have a Triton connected. It's just the Typhon straight to the wall.
I never heard anything about different umbilicals if you're stacking or placing side by side?? My original set up with the Triton/ Typhon for the front end are side by side on an HRS rack.

I think I mentioned this before, JFrech said he tried his Triton/ Typhon both stacked and side by side and his preference for sound was side by side. I can't confirm either way and I doubt I could tell the difference.

Also it should be bought with the same cable as that used in the Triton.

IOW I bought an Anaconda PC to be used from the Triton to the wall and an Anaconda umbilical for best results as stated in the brief instructions that came with

Nice. Are you changing all power cables to Shunyata?
For those of us with mere mortal systems, I would like to offer that the Shunyata improvements may even produce a greater benefit in less extravagant components, due to less inherent power supply filtration in the individual components. My experience building a total Shunyata Zitron system is documented in my post on this site, "My experiences with a full Shunyata system", with far less impressive components than Steve or Frank or Marty's might serve as an aide for those of you with normal components. All I can say is that it would be really painful to go back to what I thought was good prior to inserting the Shunyata components.
I have remained tight lipped so far on what I have been hearing but so far I have to keep pinching myself to be certain that I am still listening to my system rather than a different one as the sound has changed so dramatically. I now have just over 100 hours on the units and I have them left on as Grant recommended for break in. He suggested merely leaving on the front end components going into the Triton but not running signal through it, IOW he said that the components just need to be turned on
I have remained tight lipped so far on what I have been hearing but so far I have to keep pinching myself to be certain that I am still listening to my system rather than a different one as the sound has changed so dramatically. I now have just over 100 hours on the units and I have them left on as Grant recommended for break in. He suggested merely leaving on the front end components going into the Triton but not running signal through it, IOW he said that the components just need to be turned on

This is of course all very intriguing, and I will have to try this myself at some point. Can you explain precisely what Shunyata components (Triton / Thypon) you are using in what configuration on which pieces of your gear (poweramps, front end components).
This is of course all very intriguing, and I will have to try this myself at some point. Can you explain precisely what Shunyata components (Triton / Thypon) you are using in what configuration on which pieces of your gear (poweramps, front end components).

Hi, I'll chime in here also. My front end is plugged into my Triton/Typhon (dCS Scarlatti trans, dac and clock along with my preamp and turntable motor controller). My phono stage is on a battery currently. I have tried my amps...but prefer them direct to the wall (with shunyata cords and ac outlets)
Hi, I'll chime in here also. My front end is plugged into my Triton/Typhon (dCS Scarlatti trans, dac and clock along with my preamp and turntable motor controller). My phono stage is on a battery currently. I have tried my amps...but prefer them direct to the wall (with shunyata cords and ac outlets)

again Shunyata does NOT recommend plugging amps into the Triton and then into the wall

As Caelin says, for those of us on the lunatic fringe plugging a Typhon with its umbilical into the open AC duplex on each amp outlet would be the way to go..

I am seriously considering going that route where I have Triton/Typhon for my front end and a pair of Typhons for the AC duplex for each amp
This is of course all very intriguing, and I will have to try this myself at some point. Can you explain precisely what Shunyata components (Triton / Thypon) you are using in what configuration on which pieces of your gear (poweramps, front end components).

So far all I have done is buy a Triton/Typhon/Anaconda PC and an Anaconda umbilical which plugs into the Triton

Presently plugged into the Triton other than the Typhon is my Studer A810, my Doshi tape preamp, my Playback Designs MPS-5 and left and right channels of my Lamm LL1 Signature preamp
So far all I have done is buy a Triton/Typhon/Anaconda PC and an Anaconda umbilical which plugs into the Triton

Presently plugged into the Triton other than the Typhon is my Studer A810, my Doshi tape preamp, my Playback Designs MPS-5 and left and right channels of my Lamm LL1 Signature preamp

Cool. I am planning to get Triton and plug in my DAC / Preamp. Poweramps can wait. Can you at some point comment on the incremental improvement of the Thypon over the Triton only? I'm very hard pressed to even consider spending the additional $5K. Money may be better spend getting Triton's for poweramps.
The Triton is not recommended for power amps. I don't know how else to say this and make it understood as you also are commenting on the Triton for power amps.

But Frank is reporting great results doing just that ........

.....Just plugged the XA100.5s into the Triton.

To say there was a change would be a gross understatement! Bass solidified, a kind of grunge I had taken note of was gone. Everything was smoother, cleaner, more liquid. The soundstage improvement is amazing, both in depth and width as well as definition of players on the stage. These were not slight improvements. It sounded like I had inserted a different preamp and amplifiers into the system. For my own sanity I plugged the amps back directly to the wall to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I wasn't.
But Frank is reporting great results doing just that ........

.....Just plugged the XA100.5s into the Triton.

To say there was a change would be a gross understatement! Bass solidified, a kind of grunge I had taken note of was gone. Everything was smoother, cleaner, more liquid. The soundstage improvement is amazing, both in depth and width as well as definition of players on the stage. These were not slight improvements. It sounded like I had inserted a different preamp and amplifiers into the system. For my own sanity I plugged the amps back directly to the wall to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I wasn't.

well why don't you ask Frank how it sounds with only a pair of Typhons in the AC outlets for the amps
To Triton or not to Triton (on poweramps), that is the question! Frank - say the word.

He may be using them on the Pass XA 100.5 temp amps. When he get's the XS300's back, I doubt he would plug them into anything other than the wall outlet. They are consuming close to 1100 watts each whenever they are turned on. I run a dedicated P5 for each monoblobk (XS150'). They consume 550 watts each. My current power cords are not long enough to try the outlet direct. Next week I get my 4 Nordost Odin power cords which are 2.5 meters each and the first thing I will do is plug them directly into the wall to see if they perform better than through the P5's.

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