One thing I found amusing is the line of questioning about the brands of amps and cables used. I think we all agree these do indeed make a difference in systems of this caliber, but let's get real. Whereas amps and cable are basically ruler flat, by far and away the single most important variable that effects the listening experience is frequency response. With relatively significant deviations observed in both systems which show from far from ideal frequency responses, what is the point of bringing into the discussion, the relative merits of amplification or speaker wire? I will say however, that the McIntosh gear is not only fine gear (even the great HP thinks the 2301 is one of the great tube amps of out time), but can anybody argue that it isn't some of the most beautiful gear around and has been for several decades! Let me tell you, when you flip the input selector of the Mc preamp to phono, and the thick acrylic platter of the turntable suddenly lights up in sea foam green, if that doesn't make your heart do a little dance, then you are not an audiophile!
It does seem however that audiophiles are often distracted by small things that are not nearly as important as basic fundamentals such as frequency response. For me, I am comfortable talking about the relative impact and sonic merits of that stuff only after the fundamentals are in place and done correctly. Once we get the big stuff out of the way, I think its then fair to delve deeply in to the analytics that others have asked for. Until then, as in the systems here, there are far bigger fish to fry.
Reading such appears to be coming across as dismissing other individules thoughts including myself and that only yours count, sorry but that's not how it works.
I really wonder why you even wrote as you did your original post and did not feel it was important to provide further information as Steve and Mike has after the fact?
Even reading your own posting above you even now seem compelled to say something;
"The systems just weren't set up to their best advantage to enable meaningful discrimination at that level. At least for me."
Actually it was you who opened with the thread, not really providing proper info. from the get go, personally I would have never have posted such.
Mike even went to point of posting saying;
"Had I known that they were part of the audiophile community and interested in doing a quick review on the speakers I would have requested that they come after we finish expansion and have done a final set on the speakers..."
Marty above you wrote in relation to amps etc. that you find it amusing? these are all very common basic inquiries just like why you own what you own and why Steve uses what he does paired up with his Wilson's so why do you find this amusing. I'm sure the both of you had plenty of comments between the two prior and after leaving Mike's place.
We can all agree that we are talking about some pretty costly speakers here and if I was looking to purchase any of these I would want to capture the most out of them hence my question why have them specifically paired up with these Mac amps. Sorry but your analogy just is adding up "I giggled

" when you made mention to (even the great HP thinks the 2301 is one of the great tube amps of out time) how many times have I we heard that
You also add saying;
"when you flip the input selector of the Mc preamp to phono, and the thick acrylic platter of the turntable suddenly lights up in sea foam green, if that doesn't make your heart do a little dance, then you are not an audiophile!"
WOW! a person isn't a audiophile just because he doesn't like that, what a silly remark!
Again I will state I have nothing against Mac gear, being a previous owner of several pces and present.