I have listened to the TheSonusfaber several times. They were easily the best speaker I have ever listened to in their capability of recreating a facsimile as close as I have ever seen (heard, sorry) of a symphonic orchestra either or of a small vocal ensemble. However I listened to them with a really good system, including the best ancillaries that could satisfy my preferences (high power tubes) as we like to say in WBF. The placement of the speakers in the room was not optimum - it seemed to me they need a large room, but there was something dangerously tempting in this system. But, in all fairness, I could not separate what was the part due to the source, amplification and speakers.
The first time I listened to the Aida's they were just taken from the box. I have long experience with Sonus faber speakers and it is my non scientific conviction that Sf speakers need a long time of break-in before we can emit a solid and meaningful opinion. Yesterday I was listening a second time to the same pair, now with one month of hard use in demos, but using solid state amplifiers. For sure I share the opinions that Steve and Marty told about the treble of this speaker. Next weekend the Aida's will land in my listening room and then I will be able to post my very subjective and very biased opinions to this thread.
BTW, while preparing my system to receive the Aida's I am I am listening to the little sister, the Sonus faber Amati Futura. (yes, Jack I have seen Jeremy Irons in Lolita) Used in an all Audio Research system, it is good enough to make two of my good friends re-think their convictions about hifi.
ahhhh...i knew it! Thanks for all the insight, as usual! Look forward to reading more after they have arrived at your home!!!