SOtM sNH-10G Network Switches x2 : The NEW KING of USB/Network Gadget Setup

I am also using the Sotm switch... have the 12 volt version but using an external Linear supply on it. Have been tempted to go dual switch but so happy already. Really good.

I’d like to register a complaint... sir my Sotm switch is broken, it has ceased to be, this switch wouldn't switch on even if you put four million volts through it! It’s bleedin' demised!

Sotm supplier: No no! 'E's pining!

Tao: 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This switch is no more! It has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! E is demised... THIS IS AN EX-SWITCH!!

YES...SIGH!! Have had more than a few struggles with keeping the Sotm SMS200 ultra going along the way and while absolutely loving the Sotm sound am not really loving the Sotm system. Am fired up to now go for a more reliable solution with the renderer as well so have just bit the bullet and ordered an Antipodes server to be delivered down here to the Antipodes in the interim. The switch is a marvel. It will stay if I can get it back and resurrected from the other side.

Sotm stuff sounds great... but the moments of downtime are a definite downer.

Will wait for response for urgent IT help from May at Sotm... hopefully the 4 month old sota switch will be returned to the land of the living... will report further when I know some more :(
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+1 :eek:
Update: May from Sotm in Korea responded quickly and identified that they’d need to get it back in for service. The response has been really good from Sotm. Much heartened by this.
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Does your unit light up at all?

No issue with the power supply feeding the unit?
Hi Justubes,
The power led is on when switched down... when switched to the up position the power led and operational lights flash on once then all turn off.
Hi Justubes,
The power led is on when switched down... when switched to the up position the power led and operational lights flash on once then all turn off.

Looks operationally normal.

Are you use a fibre slot? i had a same problem with mine, some component, suspecting the fibre module related power chip or component shorted out everything to ground so my unit could not power at all, no leds lighting after.
Thanks Justubes,
Am not using the fibre slot. May from Sotm confirmed that the switch is not operating normally and has contacted Kamal from Crux in the US to arrange to get it returned for a service.

Have been waiting a few days since then for a contact from Kamal... hopefully he will contact me soon to organise that service. It is just 4 months old and is under warranty so am expecting all will be well.

I will update further when Kamal gets in touch with me to organise the repair.
Thanks again Justubes... will be happy to just get it working again. It’s a valuable device and it’s already a few weeks into not working (initially I thought it was the sms 200 ultra that was at issue as they more typically can have problems wrt the corrupting of the Micro Sd card software).

I keep saying how much I like the Sotm sound... hopefully I’ll have it back again soon :(
Good news... the Sotm switch lives. It is back in play and sounding fab. Isolated the issue to the external power supply which while showing operation lights has developed a fault (so apparently supplying insufficient power), enough to turn the lights on but not enough for lan operation. All happy as that’s an easy fix and doesn’t require sending the switch for service to Korea.

Things of note:
1. Sotm and the technical support by May from Sotm Korea offered great customer support. Much impressed.

2. My dealer was fantastic (as always)

3. The distributor from the Oz and the US (Crux) went completely missing in action. Gave Zero support and showed zero concern. Never heard a word from him though he was actually supposed to contact me early last week :(

Sotm ultra and switch are back working and making beautiful music together and I also have an Antipodes server just about to land to do all the heavy lifting. Great to have the Sotm switch back for sure. Shame about the US and Australian distributor Crux being so slack (where he is actually based seems a bit of a mystery)... Oh well.
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Having just sold my beloved Absolare Integrated I am now back to using a Devialet 220 Pro, for the time being at least.

I was really nervous about selling my Absolare. I needn’t have been! By having the 220 with its back very close to the edge of the rack I am able to fit the Shunyata Sigma speaker cables (with pure unplated Cu spades) that I was previously using with the Absolare. It’s a perfect fit actually!

Then I am using one of our new Sigma Ethernet cables to connect to my SOtM switches, both connected to one another using a 1m optical cable so essentially bridged. Then the two switches are connected to the Cybershaft OP14 master clock, using Shunyata Alpha 50ohm clock cables (with T connectors at both ends).

I have honestly never heard a Devialet sound so good. The impact of the bridged SOtM switches (with master clock) is momentous, it really sounds like a different system. I used to own the Original d'Atelier for a few years so have a fair bit of experience with Devialet. It is still on the cool side of neutral and the highs are a little more etched (as one would expect), but there is so much other good stuff going on that it’s a real pleasure to listen to! In particular the holographic image between the speakers is beguiling.

It's crazy - in a sense the value of the 2 switches, master clock and associated cables must easily approach if not surpass that of the Devialet... but the results!!!

Thanks to @CKKeung for making me aware of this tweak!

Hi Guys, I have been having this discussion with a fellow audiophile and Im a skeptic by nature just to preface this.. So I believe this double SOTM thing works. What I'm wondering is this. What if any audible distinction is there between me using a ethernet to fiber converter, a 1 foot length of fiber then another convertor to convert back to ethernet right behind my rig with a 1 foot length of copper ? Lets deal with the stock SOTM to remove "better clock" from the answer here. Next question that will follow is I just got fiber to my house from AT&T. If I have a fiber input on my server whereby it reclocks at my receiver, is this SOTM rendered useless ? I apologize if this has been answered already in this thread I am still in my workday and I cant comb through the full thread..I appreciate any feedback..
Hi Guys, I have been having this discussion with a fellow audiophile and Im a skeptic by nature just to preface this.. So I believe this double SOTM thing works. What I'm wondering is this. What if any audible distinction is there between me using a ethernet to fiber converter, a 1 foot length of fiber then another convertor to convert back to ethernet right behind my rig with a 1 foot length of copper ? Lets deal with the stock SOTM to remove "better clock" from the answer here. Next question that will follow is I just got fiber to my house from AT&T. If I have a fiber input on my server whereby it reclocks at my receiver, is this SOTM rendered useless ? I apologize if this has been answered already in this thread I am still in my workday and I cant comb through the full thread..I appreciate any feedback..

Though I just connected my fully upgraded SOtM switch today, and have an FMC to play around with, I can't yet comment in detail on your questions. I can say that I tried a couple of FMCs between my server and LAN (driven by a cheap AT&T router/gateway/WiFi), and didn't hear a difference with them alone, but I can hear improvement with the SOtM.

Could you elaborate on what AT&T did?
Then the two switches are connected to the Cybershaft OP14 master clock, using Shunyata Alpha 50ohm clock cables (with T connectors at both ends).

Congrats, on the great improvements it brings using 2 switches.

I am also on 2 switches but cannot use a really good bnc cable to the 1st switch due to the distance.

Could you share hiw big a difference to thr 1st switch using the master click over then2nd switch in series.

I have a nice, but not mind blowing nice improvement master clocking the 1st switch as it made for the 2nd switch

Looks operationally normal.

Are you use a fibre slot? i had a same problem with mine, some component, suspecting the fibre module related power chip or component shorted out everything to ground so my unit could not power at all, no leds lighting after.

Looks operationally normal.

Are you use a fibre slot? i had a same problem with mine, some component, suspecting the fibre module related power chip or component shorted out everything to ground so my unit could not power at all, no leds lighting after.

hello also mine is not turned on if I keep the optical module inserted, I have to extract it so the sotm turns on, then I insert it and everything works. but it's very annoying. how did you solve it?
if left inside it works. but to start I have to first extract it then as soon as it turns on I insert it. it's just annoying

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