What is the real cause of anomaly with positioning of left guide roller in fast wind modes? Any input?
The modification was on tape lifter control right.
Not sure who you're asking. But I'll jump in.
First, I should make an important qualification for my remarks. I'm not an A820 expert. Far from it. I was very late to the A820 party. The A820 was long out of production before I ever started to study it.
And I do not know the answer to your question.
Regrettably, I've also never even met an A820 expert. Undoubtedly, there were at least several at Studer, back in the mid to late 1980s. But many, or even most of them (and here I mean the true A820 experts) were long gone from the firm by the early 1990s. As many will recall, that's another story.
But back in 2008, I was still very much in the freshman class on learning this machine.
Yeah, today I may teach a class, but I'm still really only an A820 sophomore.
Now to your question. As I suspect you know, we usually hear about the right guide roller parking in the wrong position, as though polling is sensing that a time code block is installed when one isn't. So I was perplexed by what I observed back in 2008 with this left roller positioning issue.
So I asked the one person at Studer in Regensdorf who at that time was charged with fielding the unceasing torrent of world-wide service support requests for the obsolete, unprofitable, analog tape machines. He was a very kind and caring person and he always tried to help me. He made inquiries, but on this one, he came back empty handed.
Because I had observed that the problem would not exhibit with the same TD MPU card (loaded with the same firmware) in any machine of any later serial number, I wrote it off as some kind of unknown, undocumented, hardware-firmware incompatibility bug.
If I knew back then what I know today, I could maybe find it with only a few, simple card or firmware substitutions. Maybe.
It could also be as simple as a left guide motor control board optical interrupter disk position error, as your post subtly hints at. But I think we checked for that.
Perhaps someone else has long ago done this investigation on Mike Lavigne's machine? (I don't know.)
But I'm curious to learn if you are asking about this because you too have seen this left roller parking position issue? I believe I posted about it on the Studer list ten years ago. But I don't recall ever receiving any helpful answers. That suggested to me that the problem was indeed rare.