Steve williams
Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
Putting aside the bracket issue for a moment, I have now been listening to the sound now with the new Ethernet card and switch. When you first hear it, it is an ear opening event. As the card and switch settled into my system over these past 7 days, the one word that keeps coming to mind in describing what we hear was IMO properly coined by @Rhapsody when Bob said it sounds organic and that there is such a perception that the performers are in the room with me and one can close his eyes and feel as if he can reach out and touch the performer. I couldn't have described it any better. There is such a palpable presence to the music since these upgrades that each new listening session seems to produce another revelation. The sound is as neutral and natural as I have ever heard and totally uncolored. This effect to me and my ears is something that makes it impossible for me to get out of my chair and close down the system.....I find myself saying, "just one more song" as my listening sessions seem to get longer and longer. Suffice it to say that we all await the bracket fix which is on its way as the the network time outs will go away and take away the sensation that we are all being teased here with the 20 minute snippets of the best music I have ever heard in my system.