Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

If the card could move within the packaging, enough to bend that way, it could always have broken with the blows of transport.
While the packaging should be further improved to prevent bending of the bracket, it's highly doubtful that the card would sustain damage. And indeed, the card turned out to work just fine. There is an issue elsewhere in the network.
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My bracket was bent as well. 1 second to fix it. The Extreme came right up, no issues. Had to change the IP address in XDMS. All systems go.

Edit: It worked out great for me. I used the old card, which gave me really great sound for the last two weeks and now IMMEDIATELY after turning everything on, with the system cold and the card cold, VERY NOTICEABLE INSTANT upgrade. AWESOME!!!
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It blows me away to think that Taiko researched an issue, diagnosed the problem, confirmed the fix, manufactured parts, tested new cards with new part, packed and shipped to a 100+ customers in two weeks. Come on, that doesn't even sound physically possible, yet that's what they did.
It's even more impressive than that. I live in the world of pharmaceuticals where the most dreaded word in the industry is the "R" word...which stands for recall. When something bad happens due to product contamination, packaging errors or regulatory glitches, companies need to respond quickly with 3 responses: acknowledgement of the problem, identification of the root cause, and remediation. This can often take months (and a lot of that delay is often due to internal finger pointing and failure of the responsible group to step up). What Taiko did was remarkable in that it only took a few weeks from soup to nuts to rectify this. You can't possibly ask for better than that. (Yes, we're talking about 100 boards and not 100 million pills w far more risk if not handled correctly). Still, that's beyond impressive. It's flat out truly amazing.
My bracket was bent as well. 1 second to fix it. The Extreme came right up, no issues. Had to change the IP address in XDMS. All systems go.

Edit: It worked out great for me. I used the old card, which gave me really great sound for the last two weeks and now IMMEDIATELY after turning everything on, with the system cold and the card cold, instant VERY NOTICEABLE INSTANT upgrade. AWESOME!!!

Exactly the same here, a big bend in the copper which was easily straightened. Installed, found new IP address, and I'm connected.

How does it sound? I've no idea, but my totaldac upgrade is scheduled for delivery today so my system will be back together soon.

Edit: since my DAC is changing, I cannot easily do a before and after comparison of the old and new network cards. I'm sure we'd all be interested in assessments of how the new heatsink/faraday shield improves the sound.
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@taiko--a suggestion if I may.

The survey on this thread is a bit stale now but it would be very interesting to know, for the upcoming new digital output card, which format folks would like to use (as the daughter card).
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My card just arrived. It's not bent. But my mind is, just thinking about what lies ahead
I am VERY SURPISED at the difference the card makes. I knew there was a difference as I had originally heard the card prior to going back to the old card. BUT, maybe the new heat-sink added to it?, regardless it's not a subtle difference over the switch with the old card. It's a major uptick with the new card.

Now let's get that Router and BPS......just keeps getting better and better.
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Exactly the same here, a big bend in the copper which was easily straightened. Installed, found new IP address, and I'm connected.

How does it sound? I've no idea, but my totaldac upgrade is scheduled for delivery today so my system will be back together soon.

Edit: since my DAC is changing, I cannot easily do a before and after comparison of the old and new network cards. I'm sure we'd all be interested in assessments of how the new heatsink/faraday shield improves the sound.
I have been one of the lucky ones whose initial Taiko NIC card has performed flawlessly since its arrival on 3/16. I have been astonished by the system SQ uptick, increasingly over the first 2 weeks. I will be very curious to hear if the copper heatsink version improves SQ further....
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I am VERY SURPISED at the difference the card makes. I knew there was a difference as I had originally heard the card prior to going back to the old card. BUT, maybe the new heat-sink added to it?, regardless it's not a subtle difference over the switch with the old card. It's a major uptick with the new card.

Now let's get that Router and BPS......just keeps getting better and better.
A few weeks ago you reported the fiber card was close to the network card..for me it wasn't even close.
Now, the copper network card is much better than the original network card and its only been in my system for 3 hours...imagine what's to come in a week or two of break- in....

Thank you Emile!
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Though I had a FedEx hold for me to pick up, gratefully, they ignored my request and delivered the new NIC this morning. No damage to outer or inner box but apparently the shipping gremlins have Uri Geller--like powers. Install and network connect went smoothly in spite of my tech-Luddite tendencies. I did a SQ check installing and connecting with the bracket bent versus straight and as I could not hear a difference decided to go with straight bracket :) It’s one of those fortuitous ironies that out of an unforeseen problem, namely, issues with heat regulation, the corrective measure for that also brings an uptick in SQ. So far I hear more refinement, decay, and transparency. Way to go Team Taiko!!!


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A little bit of bubble wrap, filling the free space of the card in the case, should solve the problem and prevent (although Christian sees it as unlikely) damage to the PCB.
Though I had a FedEx hold for me to pick up, gratefully, they ignored my request and delivered the new NIC this morning. No damage to outer or inner box but apparently the shipping gremlins have Uri Gellar-like powers. Install and network connect went smoothly in spite of my tech-Luddite tendencies. I did a SQ check installing and connecting with the bracket bent versus straight and as I could not hear a difference decided to go with straight bracket :) It’s one of those fortuitous ironies that out of an unforeseen problem, namely, issues with heat regulation, the corrective measure for that also brings an uptick in SQ. So far I hear more refinement, decay, and transparency. Way to go Team Taiko!!!
" I did a SQ check installing and connecting with the bracket bent versus straight and as I could not hear a difference decided to go with straight bracket "

Up and running as well. Straightened bracket - very easy (except there is a slight bend in the lower portion which was hard to straighten) — but no worries: the card seated well and all looks good!
I swear the difference is noticeable, even compared to the new network card (without heat sink)!
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It seems just about everyone's card was bent. Mine included.I received mine about 1100 this morning. I had opened the Extreme and removed the faulty card early this morning in eager anticipation. Reading everyone's comments as well as that of Emile and Christiaan I took the bull by the horns and easily straightened the top and bottom of the bracket. The card installed easily in under 10 minutes altogether. I expected there would be a change in the ip address of the Extreme and was prepared to use Fing etc to find my new IP address and VNC as I have in the past however much to my pleasure when I turned on the Extreme and hit Fetch it instantly retrieved the new IP address and when I pushed connect I was instantly playing music. There is no doubt in my mind that shutting down the Extreme as well as turning off the rear switch it was a cold start but it sounded friggin awesome. I have been glued to my seat for the past 5 hours and it continues to get better. I expect after things settle and burn in in a few days the sound will steadily improve but what I hear today is spectacular. The best news however is that after 5 hours I have not lost server connection.

It was worth the wait albeit a short turnaround along with some minor bends. Fortunately copper is quite malleable and the card inserted without a hitch and after 5 hours the music is starting to sound phenomenal. As always a big tip of the hat to Taiko for solving this problem even though we seem to all have a slight bend. It's all good

A few weeks ago you reported the fiber card was close to the network card..for me it wasn't even close.
Now, the copper network card is much better than the original network card and its only been in my system for 3 hours...imagine what's to come in a week or two of break- in....

Thank you Emile!
I was talking to Ed today and I said, it's interesting as everyone's room, ears, systems are totally different. It's going to result in different reports. In my system it wasn't night and day from the original card to the old card, but I only was able to listen to the new card for 15 minutes before it destructed. Then when I used the switch with the old card it sounded really good and I was fine with that sound for the last 2 weeks. I was enjoying the music and not thinking about the cards or system.

But as reported the new card now is REAL UPTICK in SQ....in my system/room/ears.
Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 8.09.00 PM.png

Not my mounting bracket.
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After fully extending my bracket from its shipping position

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 8.13.39 PM.png

it took a little wiggling to get it seated, but after that the installation of the new card was uneventful. LanScan made it easy to see the new IP address, and its been playing music -- with the Extreme top cover in place -- for the last six hours or so.

It sounds great; even better than the old new card that only stayed connected with the top cover off.

Thanks very much Emile and the rest of the Taiko team!

Steve Z
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It really is a puzzlement as to how all those cards were bent yet the packaging seemed unimpaired. My hypothesis is that Emile ordered those FedEx planes to fly close to the sun to pressure test the card's performance to increased heat until the copper deformed from partial melting. Excellent quality control, Taiko!

Apparently, mine arrived on a different flight as it arrived perfectly straight. Just lucky I guess.

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