Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

KUDOS to Taiko team and specially Ed and XDMS developers. It’s amazing what I’m hearing. I can’t put it in words, at least not in English. Hardware is mandatory but, oh boy, how much the software people can do is fantastic. And Emile says it wI’ll sound even better in a matter of new code. I believe him.
We are very fortunate to be part of this wonderful experience.
All the best.
KUDOS to Taiko team and specially Ed and XDMS developers. It’s amazing what I’m hearing. I can’t put it in words, at least not in English. Hardware is mandatory but, oh boy, how much the software people can do is fantastic. And Emile says it wI’ll sound even better in a matter of new code. I believe him.
We are very fortunate to be part of this wonderful experience.
All the best.
Whatever pixie dust Emile added with this new update had me glued to my seat yesterday.Happy to hear that others have found the same
Part II:

My Taiko Extreme arrived a little over a year ago. I compared it to my DIY server, which was already sold, and it was better of course (although my DIY server held up surprisingly well). The Extreme got a lot better in the next 3-4 months. At that time, I already had the analog rig listed in the first paragraph in Part I of this post. So how did my digital rig compare to the analog? They were on par, but I still preferred my top 10 reference vinyl records over my top 10 reference digital files. So, I would say that my vinyl was still better.

I bought a Studer A810 reel to reel tape deck, fully refurbished by Soren Wittrup (our local Chicago expert). And I got some of the best recorded tapes, such as those released by Analogue Productions and others. Those were so much better than my top 10 reference vinyl recordings... it wasn't not even close. Of course, I got to hear some not so good recorded tapes too, and I did not care about these. But the best tapes (usually transferred from a master tape backup) were phenomenal. How did those recordings sound on my Extreme? Awful!

This experience made me realize something very important. How much money do we spend to extract the best out of a digital recording? $30K on the Extreme, $30K-$100K on a DAC, $10K+ on USB cables and power cords, etc. And how were those masterpiece recordings transferred from tape to digital? On some crappy old school Analog to digital convertor that does not even have a proper linear power supply.
Disconnect the Extreme from the DAC, connect your laptop, and play your reference tracks from YouTube. You will get much better sound compared to what these old analog to digital converters did back in the day. So, they really screwed up the conversion from analog to digital. We really need a state-of-the-art analog to digital convertor and to re-digitalize all these excellent recordings.

But that’s not the end of my story. With my top vinyl records sounding better than my digital and my top tapes sounding better than my best vinyl, some very interesting things happened in the past 6 months. It’s hard to track down the exact time or formula but things turned 180 degrees for me. Here is list of some things I've done in no particular order:
1. I got new speakers that are very revealing (large Cessaro horns).
2. A lot more work was done on my room acoustics and power.
3. Taiko’s advancements took place - mainly all the XDMS improvements plus the switch/NIC.
4. Added some QSA / QSA Lanedri cable and components (mainly prototypes I have been sent to try) - I’ll post more about that one day.
5. Made some major modification to my line stage and DAC.
I can’t tell the exact tipping point but now my digital sounds so much better than analog. It’s not even comparable. As good as these Analogue Production tapes sounded, I can hear the not so good electronics in the Studer. Yes, I considered buying the Doshi headamp, but not sure I want to spend so much money for the 10 albums on tape I really like. Vinyl does not have the transparency and the engagement levels that I get from playing Qobuz tracks (especially with the last XDMS backend update). Seriously, I haven’t touched my analog rig (since it was sitting on the throne) but now it sounds broken compared to my digital. Every time I listen to my top 10 vinyl records, I am thinking: “Really? That’s what I liked so much for all these years? It’s not bad but they sound nothing like good digital recordings”. Even tracks from Qobuz sound better than my analog. But I think I already said that :).

You may wonder how about those analog recordings from the 60’s that had crappy digital transfers? Those still sound better on analog (because the digital transfer is so badly screwed up) but they lack the transparency and the bass I get from good digital tracks.
In the past four months, I’ve only played analog when friends came over and asked me to. Remember the friend with the big horns and the Bada CD player I mentioned? He is the last audiophile on the planet you will see going to digital. He is genuinely against digital. During his last visit, he said my digital sounded better and he asked me to play digital for the rest of the listening session. You can’t even imagine how big of a deal that is. I also had my friend JR from Wally Tools here a couple of weeks ago, and he said that he understands why I prefer digital and if he was listening to my system, he would be listening to digital too. He thought something was wrong with my analog. And yes, that's true - it sounds broken next to my digital :).

Here is the thing, though. I’ve tweaked my system for digital playback. And I know what I need to do to raise the bar on my analog again. I can’t explain how, because it will take me the entire day to put my thoughts together. But I am confident I know how I can make my analog much more enjoyable again and will do that in the coming months. But I doubt it will surpass my digital ever again.

Let me finish my long post by quoting myself: “When I started building my own servers I had one goal only - to make my digital sound as good as my analog” - this goal was overachieved by a big margin!

Enjoy your weekend!

thanks. what recordings are your 10 vinyl that you mention?

Great post and something I can relate to. For my ears yesterdays update was the best digital I have ever heard in my system. is it Vinyl….no. However the emotional engagement to the music I felt yesterday while listening was so powerful that I truly didn’t care what format was playing. The fact that it was digital creating this aura was for me something I only really experienced yesterday for the first time. . Looking forward to the router and the the uptick it brings to the equation
Wow. Amazing, yet surprising. My Extreme/Horizon combination has led to the best sound from digital recordings that I have heard in my system, but my reel and LP rigs still sound better (to me).

I need you to visit to assess!
Having had an all too brief visit by @nenon once, I can attest that it’s a wonderful experience on every discernible level!
The amazingly gracious Ed @EuroDriver did a late night (for me, early morning for him) install of the latest backend upgrade. Y’all just wait until you hear it, I am giddy! I have a busy day ahead and am unable to get up from my listening seat. Even though it’s a bit of an understatement, I refer you to @Steve Williams post :) Methinks that Emile and the Taiko Team have made a pact with the SQ devil!
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thanks. what recordings are your 10 vinyl that you mention?

"Top 10" is just figuratively speaking. It's more like 40-50 well recorded vinyl records I use as reference (some are test pressings). I went to my vinyl rack and picked the first 9 records that I saw. I have different releases of some of these, so the photo may not have my best version. Some of these were badly screwed up when transferred to digital.

Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 12.14.25 PM.png
The only thing it did for me was to increase the length of time for the scan to complete. I have noticed no decrease in SQ
Thanks @Steve Williams ! When you refer to the scan above, which scan do you mean? XDMS scanning?

How did you embed cover art in your files? Do you use 3rd party software like Songkong, Jaikoz, MusicBrainz Picard etc?
Can you name a few? I will check them out.
I just had to chime in here with a recommendation for what follows. They did a wonderful job obtaining a tape to master this from. The transfer to DSD256 is spectacular as well. Analog source material doesn’t get much better than this IMHO.

Thanks @Steve Williams ! When you refer to the scan above, which scan do you mean? XDMS scanning?

How did you embed cover art in your files? Do you use 3rd party software like Songkong, Jaikoz, MusicBrainz Picard etc?
"Library Scan" that is in XDMS settings. There was a new scanner released recently by Taiko
I just had to chime in here with a recommendation for what follows. They did a wonderful job obtaining a tape to master this from. The transfer to DSD256 is spectacular as well. Analog source material doesn’t get much better than this IMHO.

Thx. I just ordered and already downloaded on to the Extreme. Looking forward to listening to it!

Edit- Excellent recording. You can tell from the first 30 seconds.
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After 16,976 posts, I think there's space to talk masterings then and now via the Extreme.
I've found that with the ongoing improvements in the Extreme ecosystem -- USB card, new network interface card/script, Taiko switch, TAS and now XDMS, back-end software changes -- that less favored digital masters can sound better than they ever have before. I don't find any of them to sound worse than before, but the delta between poor and outstanding digital masterings has gotten bigger.

But the Extreme is not a time machine -- it can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, nor can it somehow magically improve the quality of an indifferent mastering or digital transfer. But for me at least, the on-going progress, both hardware and software, of the Extreme project is floating all boats. Just some more than others.
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I just had to chime in here with a recommendation for what follows. They did a wonderful job obtaining a tape to master this from. The transfer to DSD256 is spectacular as well. Analog source material doesn’t get much better than this IMHO.

So this is one of the best DSD recordings that I have heard! Thx. Have you tried/bought any of the other Direct from Tape albums from this site?
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So this is one of the best DSD recordings that I have heard! Thx. Have you tried/bought any of the other Direct from Tape albums from this site?
I have others but none as good as that Canonball album. I’ve been meaning to purchase more from them.

It was @oldmustang who first recommended HDTT to me. I bet he has some excellent recommendations.
I have others but none as good as that Canonball album. I’ve been meaning to purchase more from them.

It was @oldmustang who first recommended HDTT to me. I bet he has some excellent recommendations.
Thx again. I think I have played the album six or seven times on repeat. Probably will listen to it over and over again for a few more hours.
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(...) But that’s not the end of my story. With my top vinyl records sounding better than my digital and my top tapes sounding better than my best vinyl, some very interesting things happened in the past 6 months. It’s hard to track down the exact time or formula but things turned 180 degrees for me. Here is list of some things I've done in no particular order:
1. I got new speakers that are very revealing (large Cessaro horns).
2. A lot more work was done on my room acoustics and power.
3. Taiko’s advancements took place - mainly all the XDMS improvements plus the switch/NIC.
4. Added some QSA / QSA Lanedri cable and components (mainly prototypes I have been sent to try) - I’ll post more about that one day.
5. Made some major modification to my line stage and DAC. :)..)

I have written it before - we can't expect our digital to sound top if we tune our systems for LP reproduction.
Vinyl and digital are technically very different - IMO we should address each system with the best of its recordings, meaning analog for vinyl and digital recordings for digital. And one point must be understood - some current top quality recordings would not have been possible without modern digital recording systems.
I have written it before - we can't expect our digital to sound top if we tune our systems for LP reproduction.
Vinyl and digital are technically very different - IMO we should address each system with the best of its recordings, meaning analog for vinyl and digital recordings for digital. And one point must be understood - some current top quality recordings would not have been possible without modern digital recording systems.
Download this analog recording made in the 60s' direct tape to DSD and see if you think that analog doesn't belong on Digital, especially with the new switch/card/xdms.

OR this album

I have others but none as good as that Canonball album. I’ve been meaning to purchase more from them.

It was @oldmustang who first recommended HDTT to me. I bet he has some excellent recommendations.
Taking a break from death by yard work. Here are a couple off the top of my head that sound excellent (and more importantly to me) I like the music very much:

Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 2.59.24 PM.png

VERY immediate recording of the small Ars Nova ensemble.

Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 3.00.06 PM.png

Intimate. Introspective, moody.

Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 3.02.04 PM.png

Justifiably an audiophile favorite, B2B sounds superb on the tape to DSD transfer.

Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 3.02.55 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 3.03.30 PM.png

A pair of great Miles Davis albums, because who doesn't like Miles Davis?

Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 3.04.31 PM.png

And this last was recorded in 24/96, just to prove it doesn't all have to be high-rate DSD or DXD to sound tremendous via the Extreme.

Later this evening I'll post a few more HDTT remastered recordings when I have time to sit down. I've bought quite a few HDTT releases over the years and have never been disappointed in the sound quality. Not all are top-shelf absolute demo class, but none of them embarrass themselves. I haven't yet tried their new series of vinyl to digital transfers, but there is a 15% off sale going on right now, so I'll probably dip my toes in to check the waters.

Hope this helps.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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