I have ordered Vera-Fi Audio's new Snubway, which apparently targets just SMPS noise and nothing else. They have the first batch shipping soon.
My OLED TV and Xbox are also plugged into the Nordost QB8 v3 along with the rest of the audio system. The noise from these devices cannot be doing the hi-fi any good, but I do not have the ability to separate AV room and stereo room.
I had the Qv2, which is just the old version of Qwave (just as the Qk1 is the old version of Qsine) and I found the exact same thing, slight soundstage expansion, but detail lessened. It giveth and taketh away. Ultimately I preferred it OUT of my system, and eventually sold it.
Old versions? I thought the QSINE is and was a different beast than the Qk1, and that the name change of the Qk1 and Qv2 to QKOIL and QVIBE was marketing. I have all three and Nordost describes them as working differently.
The Qv2, the Eu2/4 from ADD-Powr Electraclear (same inventor as Nordost QRT series) and the new Qwave, all are 50/60 hz harmonic injectors. This whole thing about the Qwave being something unique and different to the Qv2 is IMO nonsense marketing. Its a product refresh, and they are leaving the older model there as a slightly cheaper option. I believe it's the same thing with the Qk1/Qsine
Look at Nordost's new 20k power distributor. It has two functions built in, the Qsine and Qwave. It does not have Qvibe or Qkoil. If the later were really unique they would also include them, but instead they overlap in function.
The Qv2, the Eu2/4 from ADD-Powr Electraclear (same inventor as Nordost QRT series) and the new Qwave, all are 50/60 hz harmonic injectors. This whole thing about the Qwave being something unique and different to the Qv2 is IMO nonsense marketing. Its a product refresh, and they are leaving the older model there as a slightly cheaper option. Same thing with the Qk1/Qsine
Look at Nordost's new 20k power distributor. It has two functions built in, the Qsine and Qwave. It does not have Qvibe or Qkoil. If the later were really unique they would include all of them, but they overlap.
I have 4 of Marks Puron filters in my system and they are very effective more so than the FT filters I had prior. These along with the SDFB and LesLoss Firewire 640x and I am very pleased with the results.
I have ordered Vera-Fi Audio's new Snubway, which apparently targets just SMPS noise and nothing else. They have the first batch shipping soon.
My OLED TV and Xbox are also plugged into the Nordost QB8 v3 along with the rest of the audio system. The noise from these devices cannot be doing the hi-fi any good, but I do not have the ability to separate AV room and stereo room.
I’m still wondering when the pre-order Snubways are going to arrive. I still have a Puron that helped, although I’ve found the Nordost similar have more effect.
My QV2's (4) are plugged directly into empty power conditioner (Bybee Stealth) outlets, with the QV1's (2), Purons (2), Akiko Triple AC Enhancer, and Furutech Clear Lines (2) on a power strip plugged into the same wall duplex as the power conditioner. There is also a Lessloss Firewall 640X CMARC between the power conditioner and PC to the wall (Audioquest Hurricane HC). I tried different mixes of locations - this arrangement sounded best. To my ears the Purons worked better on the power strip.
Currently have my two Purons on a dongle below the wall socket that the power conditioner is plugged into (now Allnic ZL-5000 PC). Two QK1's, two Clear Lines, and the Akiko Triple AC Enhancer are plugged into a power strip which is also plugged into the dongle. The four QV2's remain plugged into the power conditioner, as does the Lessloss Firewall CMARC 640X, and the standard 640X remains plugged into the SACD player. To my ears the 2:1 QV2 to QK1 ratio remains criticaI to getting the best from them. Also have a Puritan Groundmaster City on the power conditoner, amp, and SACD player. I have tried removing all of these tweaks and replacing them one by one and continue to be satisfied that the system sounds better with all of them in place. The Clear Lines appear to have the least impact, and I could probably part with them without noticing a big change.
Recently added a Furutech Flux 50 (G) to the SACD player (in line with the 640X), the player's Modwight PS 9.0 power supply, and the Pathos TT integrated, and was surprised at the significant improvements in tonality and musical texture. For the first time a slight brightness/glare apparent with vibes and bells has vanished. I have a shitload of add-ons, but my system sounds more natural and musically satisfying now than ever before.
Currently have my two Purons on a dongle below the wall socket that the power conditioner is plugged into (now Allnic ZL-5000 PC). Two QK1's, two Clear Lines, and the Akiko Triple AC Enhancer are plugged into a power strip which is also plugged into the dongle. The four QV2's remain plugged into the power conditioner, as does the Lessloss Firewall CMARC 640X, and the standard 640X remains plugged into the SACD player. To my ears the 2:1 QV2 to QK1 ratio remains criticaI to getting the best from them. Also have a Puritan Groundmaster City on the power conditoner, amp, and SACD player. I have tried removing all of these tweaks and replacing them one by one and continue to be satisfied that the system sounds better with all of them in place. The Clear Lines appear to have the least impact, and I could probably part with them without noticing a big change.
Recently added a Furutech Flux 50 (G) to the SACD player (in line with the 640X), the player's Modwight PS 9.0 power supply, and the Pathos TT integrated, and was surprised at the significant improvements in tonality and musical texture. For the first time a slight brightness/glare apparent with vibes and bells has vanished. I have a shitload of add-ons, but my system sounds more natural and musically satisfying now than ever before.
Wow, I have an array of Nordost and Puron too, but nowhere near your number. I didn't find the Clear Line did anything. So you use separate Puritan Groundmaster City's instead of one City + a Routemaster for the ensemble. Did you try the latter?
Wow, I have an array of Nordost and Puron too, but nowhere near your number. I didn't find the Clear Line did anything. So you use separate Puritan Groundmaster City's instead of one City + a Routemaster for the ensemble. Did you try the latter?
Three separate Groundmaster City devices is significantly less expensive than a Groundmaster City and a Routemaster, and keeps digital and analogue devices separate.
Are your City power connectors plugging into outlets on separate electrical circuits? While it's off topic so I don't want to extend this, I'm seeing $290 each for the City, which is 3 for $870, while from Jaguar Audio the City + Routemaster = $940 with a 45 day return. There's a dealer on Audiogon selling the City for $249 + shipping, but w/o return.
Try this - listen, then listen again with every single filter taken out (except the grounding devices). My experience with parallel filters is too many of them start to sit on the dynamics and suck the life out of a system. And its not apparent until you listen without them.
Try this - listen, then listen again with every single filter taken out (except the grounding devices). My experience with parallel filters is too many of them start to sit on the dynamics and suck the life out of a system. And its not apparent until you listen without them.
As I've mentioned in my posts I have more than once removed them all, listened without them, and put them back individually to verify that each is having a positive impact. I have concluded that the Clear Lines are contributing little if anything, and will likely put them in my family room A/V system. Everything else is providing an audible benefit.
Are your City power connectors plugging into outlets on separate electrical circuits? While it's off topic so I don't want to extend this, I'm seeing $290 each for the City, which is 3 for $870, while from Jaguar Audio the City + Routemaster = $940 with a 45 day return. There's a dealer on Audiogon selling the City for $249 + shipping, but w/o return.
Why would they need to be? The circuitry prevents current/noise flow back to the components. I bought the first two before the Routemaster was announced, and got the third used for half the retail price.
Why would they need to be? The circuitry prevents current/noise flow back to the components. I bought the first two before the Routemaster was announced, and got the third used for half the retail price.
In case they don't improve anything... Plus, a reason to go retail and for the Routemaster is being able to choose among the six types of connectors, including spade. Looking over at the Agon Groundmaster thread, it says you are using Russ Andrews grounding cables, which I assume means that they allow multiple, or at least two, connections from the same City Groundmaster.
I have moved my single Clear Line around in different positions and nothing also, I have 4 Purons and 2 640x in my system now. 640x are plugged into my Preamp and my DAC. The Purons 2 are on a dongle, and 2 in my power distribution box for my amplification. The NFC is now back in my Ethernet Switch/Modem closet.