The best plug in filter ever!

I wont name drop because i don't want to tick off a manufacturer by saying their product wasn't great. I bought a component style power conditioner, and was very pleased with it. So i bought a second one for my basement system. As time went on i was curious about what was inside, so off one of the lids came. This was also around the time i installed dedicated 20 amp circuits and Cardas 4181 receptacles. So i thought ok why not upgrade the plugs on the PC unit which are Hubble hospital grade to Cardas 4181plug. As well i looked and all the wire was #14AWG. I also bought a Chunk of Gotham 85055 power cord, and stripped it down for the #10 AWG oxygen free copper conductors inside. I replaced all the Conductors, and the plugs to Cardas 4181.

There was a very pleasant result. Everything sounded fuller, tighter, more articulate. Listening to quiet whisper type songs by female singers are so engaging, you hang on every word and note. It is completely dead quiet in between all of it. I am sure i am missing most of the details that most of you speak fluently in. All i know is, it was better than it was before. So today i finished the second unit with the same upgrades.
It might be worthwhile to reach out directly to Mark at verifiaudio and discuss your specific PS Audio unit and other expereinces vis a vis the Puron. Hopefully he can give you the insights you need
Good Morning

I believe I have been in contact with this very nice fellow

I think there in many cases DC riding on the AC Mains is the cause for variable effects. One such fellow reached out to his N ew England Based Power Company after I asked him to invite them out to check.

He had a between 2 and 7 VOLTS of DC riding on the Mains. Ugh...

There are some good snubbers out there and more on the way. This is super important for best results from our Puron or ANY of the good products out there

Thanks - Mark
Yes, Mark and I talked and he gave a suggestion, a Wyred conditioner that has DC peak snubbing, and that has gone part of the way. I’m trying to figure out the rest. A Hum-X definitely cut down on the remaining hum, but at the cost of compressed sound.

Mark was nice enough to extend the audition period another 30 days, and I got around to a new listen yesterday. Previously, the burned in Puron clouded the sound, detracting from the substantial effects of the Nordost QK1/QV2 combination. This time the Puron seemed to provide a small benefit to those in clarity, something I’ll check again to be sure. OTOH, it also seemed to add some over saturation of pink/red/orange to my TV — or at least something I hadn’t seen before, hopefully coincidental. In the process, btw, Mark was helpful in pointing me to a three outlet hub at HD that doesn’t mess with the sound.
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More is not always better.
I have now installed 4 in my listening room and this is better than the original two. I am adding 1 more LessLoss Firewall 640X (4) and I think I will be done. Awesome products the 640X and the Puron.
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I received my Puron and am experiencing outstanding improvements in SQ across the board. I started by playing orchestral music thru my Node2i, after about 15 minutes the massed strings had more detail yet kept their smooth presentation. The soundstage was more spacious than with my High Fidelity plug-ins alone, instruments had more air and space, bass was deep and tympani was tighter and more detailed.

I have 2 dedicated lines
Really? I thought your system was in the living room and you could not get circuits from the panel to the rack?
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Yes, Mark and I talked and he gave a suggestion, a Wyred conditioner that has DC peak snubbing, and that has gone part of the way. I’m trying to figure out the rest. A Hum-X definitely cut down on the remaining hum, but at the cost of compressed sound.

Mark was nice enough to extend the audition period another 30 days, and I got around to a new listen yesterday. Previously, the burned in Puron clouded the sound, detracting from the substantial effects of the Nordost QK1/QV2 combination. This time the Puron seemed to provide a small benefit to those in clarity, something I’ll check again to be sure. OTOH, it also seemed to add some over saturation of pink/red/orange to my TV — or at least something I hadn’t seen before, hopefully coincidental. In the process, btw, Mark was helpful in pointing me to a three outlet hub at HD that doesn’t mess with the sound.
What is Your final conclusion regarding compatibility between Puron and Nordost QRT’s plugged in altogether?
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It's been a couple of weeks, but I slightly preferred the Nordost pair, although it was more a difference of tonal balance. However, I found that adding the Puron to the other two gave a small improvement. Adding a second QK1 in another outlet on the same electrical line added a little more. I'll soon have a second QV2, to see if what's been said about always pairing them is best. If I had to make a choice between the Puron and a Nordost pair, I'd go with the latter if cost wasn't an issue.
Interested in Puron plug-in filter owners feedback for best configuration for 4 Purons. I currently have 2 in the quad receptacle feeding power conditioner & 2 in the first receptacle of SR Powercell 8SE.
Well, I have an unfiltered 6-way junction box which plugs into the wall outlet where the Audio System is plugged into in which I have 3 Puron's. I suppose you could add 4.

It looks like I'm not needed here - but if I am... you guys know where to find me

Best Holiday Wishes -

Well, I have an unfiltered 6-way junction box which plugs into the wall outlet where the Audio System is plugged into in which I have 3 Puron's. I suppose you could add 4.

Thanks Ozzy, I read your comments all the time. System sounds excellent with Purons where they are now, but I haven't experimented too much with placement. I have a couple of Ansuz TC2 plug-ins in line as well.
I'd love to recommend our AC iPurifier here. I've heard it turn already great systems one notch higher in terms of quality. Any users here willing to share their experiences? :)
Yes, I have an iFi DC filter( Silencer), an iFi power strip with built in iPurifier, and a plug in iPurifier. They all work well and are similar in effectiveness as the Nordost QK1 and High Fidelity MC0.5 Helix. Each one of these devices produces a different effect on sound, and picture quality.
The High Fidelity MC0.5 intensifies the sound, the Nordost seems to fatten or bloom the sound slightly, and make the sound more "real". The iFi purifiers tend to clean the sound and reduce grain in video screens. I find the effect of all three are slight but noticeable, and adding more does not double the effectiveness, but can be about 50% more than the first one.
The sound quality with using more than two High Fidelity units, decreases IMO. This is based on trying several of the original MC0.5s. More than one iFi purifier did not reduce sound quality, but I only have two here. I suspect 3 or 4 distributed around the house would be fine to catch noise on the line without damping or impinging on the sound quality/power source.
Compared to the Puron module, those three are slightly more powerful, but not by much. I like the Puron (I have one only), close to source components and LAN devices. It seems to reduce glare from digital sources.
The iFi DC Silencer works great for SMPSs. I use a DC Silencer with a 6 amp SMPS for my Motorola Modem. This seems to be better than a linear PS I tried earlier. On a DAC or Audiophile switch, I would be inclined to use an high end linear power supply. It's fun to experiment.
The Nordost QV2 and QK1 work better together than either by itself, and work optimally in a two QV2 to one QK1 ratio. Contrary to the test above most reviewers have found the QV2 to make the bigger relative impact, and that is what I have experienced. I have three High Fidelity MC-0.5's which do very little as far as I can tell - not sure I'll keep them. I also use an Akiko Triple AC Enhancer, two QK1's, and most recently the Puron - all on a short cord power strip plugged into the same wall duplex as my power conditioner (1st photo). This power strip is attached to the wall via a three socket dongle that also holds two Furutech Clear Lines (2nd photo). I have four QV2's plugged directly into spare sockets in the Bybee Stealth power conditioner (3rd photo). For me the Puron works better in the power strip than directly in the power conditioner, and the QV2's work better plugged directly into the power conditioner. My last addition, the Puron, made a subtle improvement in instrumental textures, delineation of individual notes within the musical whole, and overall clarity. Added most recently before the Puron, the Furutech Clear Lines subtly improved soundstage depth and image delineation. The Akiko Triple AC Enhancer subtly lowered residual treble brightness/etch/glare. The QV2/QK1 combo reduced residual sibilance and electronic signature and provided more lithe and tuneful bass. None of these devices produced more than subtle improvements in my system but taken together the result is more relaxed, and natural sound with improved texture and image "pop" without pulling the musical fabric apart to spotlight particular frequency bands. Except for the Puron, which I just added, I have pulled them out and put them back one at a time to verify their contribution and lack of downside. Too soon to tell how the Puron ranks in effectiveness against the other plug-ins.
Now Nordost has the Q Sine and Q Wave. I have not yet tried those. Based on my experience so far, and valuable posts such as yours, I would guess either the whole system would benefit slightly, or that one component would benefit more than the rest.
Open to all question:
Can Puron be expected to improve TV?
My thought is to try one there and if so, after breakin, move to audio system to try.
I am already using Muon Pro before server in audio system.
I have a Muon Pro and some other devices including the Puron, Corelli, Nordost, etc. The Muon will work on the signal going through the LAN cables, but will not affect the operation of components. In contrast, the devices for the AC power, including power conditiones, will improve the operation of components (depending on design). So both together will be ideal.
I am not a fan of PS audio gear but I found the Noise Harvesters do help but the effect is subtle. I have a dozen scattered around. I have 3 Akiko Corelli's and found these are very good - more were better.
I have an ifi Plug in and am not convinced it does anything.
I have a CAD GC1 and GC3 and those are very very good.
I have 3 dedicated lines, one has a PS10 Powerplant for the digital gear. The second has a Shunyata Denali for the analog except the power amps are on the third line with no conditioning.
My experience so far is no diminishing returns.
I didn't want to hear that. I have one Corelli. I do like it very much. I had to turn the volume up a bit, because of the noise it took out. But the result is beautiful.
How does this happen, exactly?

Take a linestage preamplifier, for example. The component is plugged into an AC wall outlet for power.

How is that preamplifier dumping noise onto the AC line into which it is plugged?

Are you suggesting the preamplifier is generating EMI/RFI which is absorbed into the AC line and not neutralized by the shield around in-wall wiring which is grounded to earth at the electrical subpanel?

Are you suggesting there is inductive coupling between the preamplifier and the AC line which is feeding noise back into the AC line?

What are you talking about, exactly, please?
I believe the noise is from the rectifiers drawing from the line, producing voltage ripples. EMR may come from CD players and such, which are supposed to meet FCC restrictions.
I wont name drop because i don't want to tick off a manufacturer by saying their product wasn't great. I bought a component style power conditioner, and was very pleased with it. So i bought a second one for my basement system. As time went on i was curious about what was inside, so off one of the lids came. This was also around the time i installed dedicated 20 amp circuits and Cardas 4181 receptacles. So i thought ok why not upgrade the plugs on the PC unit which are Hubble hospital grade to Cardas 4181plug. As well i looked and all the wire was #14AWG. I also bought a Chunk of Gotham 85055 power cord, and stripped it down for the #10 AWG oxygen free copper conductors inside. I replaced all the Conductors, and the plugs to Cardas 4181.

There was a very pleasant result. Everything sounded fuller, tighter, more articulate. Listening to quiet whisper type songs by female singers are so engaging, you hang on every word and note. It is completely dead quiet in between all of it. I am sure i am missing most of the details that most of you speak fluently in. All i know is, it was better than it was before. So today i finished the second unit with the same upgrades.
I have opened up several. Sometimes I am disgusted in what I find.
You guys should also try the new Telos Mini Quantum Resonator with your Puron's... Match made in Heaven.
Audiogon Discussion Forum

I tried the Telos Mini Quantum Resonator. I did not like it, so I sent it back. I honestly cannot say why it didn't work for me. Their larger unit looks super high quality, but is expensive, so I decided no.
I have a Nordost QX4, QK1, QV2, an AddPower Wizard, a Puron, an iFi Purifier, and a Ikeko Correlli. These are ok to good, and I need to curtail this tweeking for now. These devices and special power cords are great for tuning and bringing out the best in a system.

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