The best plug in filter ever!

Now Nordost has the Q Sine and Q Wave. I have not yet tried those. Based on my experience so far, and valuable posts such as yours, I would guess either the whole system would benefit slightly, or that one component would benefit more than the rest.

Don't know if I posted this here, but the QSINE had the greatest effect of the bunch in my system: clarity, clean, more open top end, lower noise, bigger sound stage (sounds similar to what ozzy describes about the effects of the Telos Mini Quantum Resonator, although I don't think their designed purposes are the same). The bunch I added it to includes 2 x QK1 and QV2, and a Puron. Using two of the Rigid 3-Outlet Power Hub Adapters from Home Depot on two outlets on the same electrical circuit (I can't tell any sound difference with that AC adapter, unlike others).
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Yes, I have an iFi DC filter( Silencer), an iFi power strip with built in iPurifier, and a plug in iPurifier. They all work well and are similar in effectiveness as the Nordost QK1 and High Fidelity MC0.5 Helix. Each one of these devices produces a different effect on sound, and picture quality.
The High Fidelity MC0.5 intensifies the sound, the Nordost seems to fatten or bloom the sound slightly, and make the sound more "real". The iFi purifiers tend to clean the sound and reduce grain in video screens. I find the effect of all three are slight but noticeable, and adding more does not double the effectiveness, but can be about 50% more than the first one.
The sound quality with using more than two High Fidelity units, decreases IMO. This is based on trying several of the original MC0.5s. More than one iFi purifier did not reduce sound quality, but I only have two here. I suspect 3 or 4 distributed around the house would be fine to catch noise on the line without damping or impinging on the sound quality/power source.
Compared to the Puron module, those three are slightly more powerful, but not by much. I like the Puron (I have one only), close to source components and LAN devices. It seems to reduce glare from digital sources.
The iFi DC Silencer works great for SMPSs. I use a DC Silencer with a 6 amp SMPS for my Motorola Modem. This seems to be better than a linear PS I tried earlier. On a DAC or Audiophile switch, I would be inclined to use an high end linear power supply. It's fun to experiment.

At the time I got an iFi Spdif iPurifier, I found it to be a commonly posted opinion, confirmed here, that their switching power supply nullifies the sonic benefits of their accessories that use one. Seems overkill financially, but if instead a good power supply is used -- mine is a Paul Hynes SR4 -- then their gizmos can be very much worth it. I use the latter to supply their Spdif iPurifier on the destination end between Oppo and Lampi dac (with a PAD Neptune cable and HiFidelity magnetic plugs).
So, I have done a 180 on using the Telos with the Puron's.
I am now of the belief that the Purons work better without the added Telos. It seems to be too much and actually closed in the soundstage. So, I moved my 2 Telos to my computer/streamer room and on to my home theater equipment. Only keeping the Puron's with my 2-channel dedicated line.
They are quite powerful and should be mixed with other products with caution, use your ears as the guide.

I have to say, just by adding the dedicated 20 amp cut for my system actually made the soundstage wider. I have noticed that when I listen to a large classical orchestra, or a Jazz selection. The sound stage changes with the recording. Some songs I can now hear guitars off to the wings that I never heard before. I can pinpoint each musician on the stage now by location. It is the coolest thing ever. The speakers have disappeared, all I hear is music.

It is a combination of Gear, components, cables room treatment and 4 hours of speaker positioning.
So, for just 1 plug on the available socket besides the power conditioner, which should I go for? There are so many models... and there is no return policy for me...

- Nordost QSine
- Puron
- Furutech NCF Clear Line
- Synergistic UEF Performance Enhancer
- Telos Mini Q

Perhaps Nordost is the safest choice?
So, for just 1 plug on the available socket besides the power conditioner, which should I go for? There are so many models... and there is no return policy for me...

- Nordost QSine
- Puron
- Furutech NCF Clear Line
- Synergistic UEF Performance Enhancer
- Telos Mini Q

Perhaps Nordost is the safest choice?

I haven't used the Nordost, Synergistic or Telos so I can't offer an opinion on those. I found the Furutech to have no beneficial impact. The Puron is clearly beneficial in my system, as has the Shunyata Venom Defernder which isn't on your list
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I haven't used the Nordost, Synergistic or Telos so I can't offer an opinion on those. I found the Furutech to have no beneficial impact. The Puron is clearly beneficial in my system, as has the Shunyata Venom Defernder which isn't on your list
Thank you. I'll remove Furutech from my list :)
Thank you. I'll remove Furutech from my list :)
I am a big fan of Furutech, the V1s and Pure Power 6 NCF, but the clear line plug did nothing at all. I might even call it snake oil
Of the top 3 in your list, the QSINE had the biggest effect for me. I also use one Puron, and two pairs of QK1 and QV2, and got rid of the Clear Line.
Of the top 3 in your list, the QSINE had the biggest effect for me. I also use one Puron, and two pairs of QK1 and QV2, and got rid of the Clear Line.
I have 4 of the puron filters, and 2 LessLoss C-MARC Firewall 604X in my system. The 640X are feeding my DAC (LessLoss) and Innuos Zenith. I have an NFC clear line plugged into my Modem Room (On Q Panel)
The Puron is hard to beat in terms of bang for the buck.
Had a chance to try Qsine and Puron in my system. The position is in a wall outlet beside a socket for Niagara 1200, where all devices connect to. Puron brings more clarity to instruments, but the vocal gets a bit compressed. Qsine brings clarity to both without any noticeable drawbacks. To be fair, Qsine is more expensive. As I couldn’t try everything on my list, I decided to go with Qsine. Thank you everyone.
Had a chance to try Qsine and Puron in my system. The position is in a wall outlet beside a socket for Niagara 1200, where all devices connect to. Puron brings more clarity to instruments, but the vocal gets a bit compressed. Qsine brings clarity to both without any noticeable drawbacks. To be fair, Qsine is more expensive. As I couldn’t try everything on my list, I decided to go with Qsine. Thank you everyone.
Thats my fear too that some of these filters are negative for the dynamics. I guess thats what you mean my "compressed"? Anyway what is the difference between Qsine and Qwave apart from that the Qwave is a bit more expensive? Was the Qsine require any burn in?
Thank you :)
Thats my fear too that some of these filters are negative for the dynamics. I guess thats what you mean my "compressed"? Anyway what is the difference between Qsine and Qwave apart from that the Qwave is a bit more expensive? Was the Qsine require any burn in?
Thank you :)
Oh, I forgot to mention I tried Qwave As well. For my system, Qwave achieves different things compared to Qsine. The imaging is better with Qwave, but I feel a bit of details is gone. That’s why I only keep Qsine. The bottleneck may be my Niagara 1200. Just my guess. I will try Qwave again in the future when I replace my Niagara with something else. That better imaging is something I want to experience again :)
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Puron brings more clarity to instruments, but the vocal gets a bit compressed

Must be system dependent because the Puron hasn't compressed vocals at all in mine
Thats my fear too that some of these filters are negative for the dynamics. I guess thats what you mean my "compressed"? Anyway what is the difference between Qsine and Qwave apart from that the Qwave is a bit more expensive? Was the Qsine require any burn in?
Thank you :)
I truly think it is system dependent. I have 4 deployed in my listening environment as well as 2 LessLoss Firewall 640x (DAC and Zenith) zero negative effects, 2 Purons are placed in to the outlet next to my IsoTek v5 Corvus And 2 in my Wisdom Audio SR10 power distribution system.
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noting as quietly as possible that Purons (like all of our products) have A 30 DAY MONMEY BACK GUARANTEE

Not many returned in over 1700 units since 11/2023 - but the choice is always YOURS

Thanks - Mark
Oh, I forgot to mention I tried Qwave As well. For my system, Qwave achieves different things compared to Qsine. The imaging is better with Qwave, but I feel a bit of details is gone. That’s why I only keep Qsine. The bottleneck may be my Niagara 1200. Just my guess. I will try Qwave again in the future when I replace my Niagara with something else. That better imaging is something I want to experience again :)

I had the Qv2, which is just the old version of Qwave (just as the Qk1 is the old version of Qsine) and I found the exact same thing, slight soundstage expansion, but detail lessened. It giveth and taketh away. Ultimately I preferred it OUT of my system, and eventually sold it.

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