Yes Rs turbos( one to mkIV) the ke jetronic is achlles verse if the car is standing for a long time, they run badly. adjustment is miserable either they run too lean at 6500rpm or too rich at idle. 2.0lt cossworth far better engine a beast.Ford Capri 2.0S was my first car. Drove it into the ground, literally. For the last 10k miles I drove it without reverse gear and with a garbage bag duct-taped over the hole in the roof where the glass sunroof once lived. Became an expert in handbrake turns due to the lack of a reverse gear.
Ford XR3 was next up. Crashed that into a garden wall and totaled it.
Ford RS Turbo - my first brand new car. It was stolen/recovered twice and went through 3 sets of new alloy wheels due to theft. Garbage car with horrible torque steer.
By age 25 I was finally done with Fords.
Unfortunately, everyone knows that today, you can no longer get it without spending a fortune. not for money and good words. one of best 2.0lt engine out there.