With the large number of Schnerzinger GIGA CANCELING products, the question arose as to which products were best to invest in first. Schnerzingers answer at the time was that it would be more effective to cover each of the three areas POWER, COMPONENT and ROOM with at least one device than to use several devices for only one area.
Even beyond that, every further step is worthwhile. After I had comprehensively addressed the areas of ROOM, POWER and also the new LAN area, I decided last year to use a speaker amp guard (SAG) for my monos and my speakers in addition to my existing component guard.
Of course, I had expected a clear improvement, otherwise I wouldn't have invested the money. Nevertheless, the result had shocked me. I simply had to send a euphoric customer review to Schnerzinger, which has since been published on their website.
In order to clarify the expansion stage of the SAG suitable for my system, I had spoken to the Schnerzinger consulting service. In this conversation, I learned about a new product for the first time: the Schnerzinger fuses for the fuse box. I had no doubt about the new recommendation and had ordered the fuse including fuse holder. Since I have had a fuse holder and a fuse for my dedicated Hi-Fi circuit for 20 years instead of the usual circuit breaker and the new fuse holder has the same dimensions, I might have been able to do the assembly myself. But I preferred to have the work in the fuse box carried out by a specialist.
Until you experience it yourself, you may find it hard to believe. The result was stunningly fierce: the music inspired with much more energy in the room. In addition to the already expected sound improvements in terms of naturalness and spatiality, the music actually appears noticeably louder with the same volume setting.
The system is in my living room and the large TV also runs on the Schnerzinger power distribution system. And my wife immediately noticed that the TV picture had improved. Clearer, with stronger colors and more plastic, i.e. the foreground stands out more clearly compared to the background. How nice that my wife noticed this without being asked, voluntarily and quite enthusiastically.
What a pleasure!